by Lawrence Fox

It is under debate whether the Romans actually had structures for the purpose of vomiting after meals as the word "Vomitorium" also applies to getting a fast exit from a theater.
But it is a fact that my wife and I have observed that American men and women do overeat at restaurants, then expel the products of their pleasure in the toilet afterwards.
But people, who cannot resist the second and third helping, also worry about their waistline. So they plan ahead by swallowing over-the-counter pills that turn fatty foods into non-digestible rubber that is then forced out of the bowels the morning after.

there are people -- knowing they cannot resist the third helping -- who
purchase over-the-counter pills which are meant to mitigate the craving to eat.
These men and women are identified as more cautious, sensible, and liberated
but without the pill, they are no different from those struggling with binge eating.
citizens of the modern world would identify such behavior as tragic, irresponsible, and certainly not something to be subsidized by the taxpayer. Yet remove the food from the context and replace it with sexual self-indulgence and observe how the tenor of the discussion changes.
America, sexually active woman are observed to frequent Planned
Parenthood to expel their self-indulgence. Whether willingly or no, sometimes they are accompanied by sexually active men anxious to see the self-indulgence expelled. But often they arrive alone as the sexually active man can't be
troubled to show that much concern for his actions. These women drive out of the parking lot of Planned Parenthood with tears in their eyes because they have not only killed their own child, but also the relationship with the man who would not take responsibility.
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Planned Parenthood is the Nation's largest Abortion Provider |
It is observed time and again
that women while heaving their innards lament, “I hate it when I do this do
myself.” Their thoughts are unknown as they exit Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider.
Planned Parenthood is America’s Giant Vomitorium.
There men and
women, who cannot resist sexual encounters, purchase over-the-counter pills which
brings upon the woman the safe medical condition known as “hemorrhaging.”
woman is told that self-induced hemorrhaging is an excellent way of forcibly expelling
any potential “conceptus” the “morning after” a lunch or dinner liaison.
women in large numbers are cruelly categorized as “nympho” by medical
professionals, school board counselors, and by state and federal government bureaucrats.
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Planned Parenthood boasts of its influence on popular culture and television |
Nymphomania describes the habit of having intercourse even in small
quantities as a result of no personal control and no concept of consequences. Younger
women are counseled to embrace their nymphomania as something normal and prescribed
over-the-counter pills to mitigate one of the consequences of such a habit.
the pills do not work, then the same agencies and counselors encourage the young
women to come to Planned Parenthood which is more than happy to accept their money or that of their "loving" and "good-hearted" parents and boyfriends to expel the product of their self-indulgence; thereby allowing the younger women to stay slim and trim.
Most citizens
of the "modern" world would identify such behavior as liberating, responsible, and certainly something to be subsidized by the taxpayer.
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U.S. Government Spending as a percentage of Planned Parenthood Revenues appears in ORANGE from its 2012-2013 annual report |
In fact, the U.S. Government donated $540.6 million in Fiscal Year 2013 to Planned Parenthood to promote and perpetuate the American habit
of baby vomiting.
Monies have
poured into the coffers of PlannedParenthood regardless of whether Republicans or Democrats
owned Congress and the White House.
Most Americans tragically participate in one
form or another in the baby vomiting activities of Planned
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American Taxpayers pay for abortion through Obama "Care." Planned Parenthood boasts of getting state laws overturned that blocked Medicaid patients from getting "care" at Planned Parenthood. |
And yet,
this attitude may have slightly changed because of increased knowledge deriving from a series of undercover videos of Planned Parenthood's activities undertaken by The Center for Medical Progress.
It has been documented that Planned Parenthood has been altering abortion procedures
in order to deliver intact children for the purpose of gutting them while they are still living and selling their fresh body parts. This practice has increased Planned Parenthood's prestige in the pseudo medical profession. Of course without missing a beat, progressives -- including Democrats, Hollywood, the LGBT lobby (hoping for a cure for AIDS) and Medical Research -- have come to the
defense of America’s Giant Vomitorium.
These citizens of "modern" times view the vomiting of unborn children as liberating,
responsible, and certainly something to be subsidized by taxpayers.
Now Planned Parenthood has claimed it no longer accepts money for baby parts, but really nothing has changed. They continue to promote and enforce the vomiting of children from the womb in order to allow America's sexual disorder to flourish.