by Susan Fox
We just had a fascinating five post argument about the consequences homosexual acts, same sex attraction and gay marriage. As a result, I noticed that we picked up a look see from someone in Norway researching Lesbian activists. Norwegians are always welcome here regardless of gender or orientation, and we have a translation gadget on the right if you care to use it.
But one of the comments on the last post on Gay Marriage mentioned that the United States faced sacking by a foreign military power sent to us in judgement. And Bill S., who was my dialogue partner on the last five posts, took exception to that terminology because he feels the U.S. is going into debt trying to help the poor. And God should reward us for that. Except Bill says he doesn't believe in God.
It is very common for Christians to throw about the term of "God's punishment," and I have done so myself as well, but the question of God's "punishment" isn't so cut and dried, because God usually "punishes" us by giving us what we want. And God doesn't see it as a punishment, but as a gift. God has given us the gift of free will. He will never take it away. Yet despite some of our destructive choices, God has come -- by his own words -- that we might have LIFE and have it abundantly. The Holy Spirit is the Lord and Giver of Life!
In the last post, I told the story of how I received a gift when I was a child -- a blond doll. I became quite incensed, and insisted I wanted a red-headed doll instead. The woman who had made the doll was hurt, but she kindly said she would go and change the hair color of the doll. When the doll was returned with the red hair, what had been a beautiful blond doll was now extremely ugly. I realized I had been ungrateful, and I was horrified by what I had done, and as a consequence I never could play with that doll. It sat on the shelf in my closet for many years untouched, a reminder of my own ingratitude.
Now, did God punish me by giving me a red-headed doll? Certainly not. I was punished by my own selfish will. God gave me exactly what I asked for.
We recently saw a flyer for a order of nuns, having to do with the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. Now, some of you may be shocked to know there are women masquerading as nuns, who say their own "mass" without a male Catholic priest. The advertisement for this order showed crystal glasses of red wine and a number of female hands laying on the altar. Clear message: "Male priests not allowed." The clothing of the women (not in habits) also showed dress associated with the gay lifestyle.
Now some women have been excommunicated for saying "mass" after phony female ordinations. It is strictly forbidden, and women will never be allowed to be priests because Jesus
made that decision 2,000 years ago, and He wasn't some idiot subject to his culture. He treated women like he treated men -- equally as children of God. Mary Madeleine is called the apostle to the apostles because she was the first to see Him after the resurrection and brought the good news back to the apostles. Because priests are to be another Christ and Christ was male, Jesus ordained men, who ordained men, who continue to ordain men. That is the Deposit of Faith.
But God allows some women, who have no respect for Church teaching, to say their own "mass." They receive what they want. They say "mass." But do they receive the fruit of that Mass? Do they receive the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ?!? Absolutely not. I can wave my fingers over unleavened bread until I'm blue in the face, but I am not an ordained Catholic priest, and so it will remain, well, just bread.
remove a 5,200 pound granite Ten Commandments monument from the lobby of the Alabama Judicial Building. Judge Moore refused to obey that order, saying it was unconstitutional, but he was removed from office, and so were the 10 Commandments! This was 2003.
God gave the United States what it wanted. We wanted the 10 Commandments removed from the public square and we got it! This, however, is a very bad sign. When Moses first was given the 10 Commandments, God Himself wrote them on stone. However, when he came down from Mount Sinai, the Jewish people were worshipping the golden calf, and seeing their idolatry, Moses threw the stone tablets down and broke them.
Now what happened here? The punishment for idolatry was to continue in idolatry without the knowledge of God's law. So if you don't want the truth, then your punishment will be to never know the truth. You get what you want.
Some of the people repented and Moses again went up to Mount Sinai to talk with God, but the second time God's own finger did not inscribe the commandments in stone. Moses had to take dictation from God. Moses himself wrote the 10 Commandments in Stone the second time. (Second Best)
Now Judge Roy Moore was reelected in 2012, but he promised not to bring back the 10 Commandments, so they seem to be forever lost from our country now.
The Obama economy has created nothing but part time work. And it's getting worse. In a recent story, the woman's clothing store Forever 21 has sent a memo to employees saying their hours will be reduced to 29.5 a week -- just under the 30-hour full time designation assigned by the so-called "Affordable Care" Act, which requires companies who employ 50 or more workers to provide health insurance for their full-time employees.
It's not clear how many of Forever 21's 30,000 employees will be affected by this change, but the affected positions include the sales and stocking staff, janitors and cashiers. Who else is there? New part-time workers who were enrolled in medical, dental and vision will see their coverage cut off on Aug. 31.
This is just the beginning as Obama "Care" is being rolled out. UPS just announced it is cutting health insurance for working spouses of employees.
What has changed for the better since Barack Obama was elected? Nothing. He gave us health care that is going to cause most of us -- with health care -- to lose health care. If the government offers it, everyone will be given the opportunity to end their life instead of receiving treatment. What kind of health care kills the people it is supposed to care for?
The Middle East has become a powder keg. Thousands of innocent refugees are fleeing Syria. Egypt is caught up in a civil war because Barack Obama supported the oh-so-innocent Muslim Brotherhood. Once the Egyptians threw off the yoke of this evil group, our president is threatening to cut off aid to Egypt!
While New York Mayoral Candidate Anthony Weiner is busy
getting into trouble for sexting online, the real story is that his wife is a former top aide to Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, but she also has connections to the Muslim Brotherhood
(brother, mother, father). I know the liberal media regards this as a conspiracy theory, but the sources on this story are Muslim, and easily found online Weiner's in-laws and their connection to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Abraham Lincoln predicted that the United States will never be taken over by a foreign power from without, but if we falter and lose our freedoms it will be because we destroyed ourselves. It's interesting that the last couple of years has been marked by attacks on religious freedoms and gun rights. The current administration is trying to limit who will be free to practice religion and who won't. My local Catholic grade school received an exemption just in time from the mandate requiring they provide abortion and birth control to their employees -- part of Obama "care." But a Christian business, Hobby Lobby, is still fighting for their religious freedom in court.
But more frightening is the idea taking hold that religious people don't have the right to express themselves in public. When I was commenting online recently, I quoted a Roman Catholic bishop speaking against gay marriage. Certain people reading this opinion said the bishop in question should keep his mouth shut, except on the pulpit. Now isn't that interesting? Since President Lyndon Johnson, Catholic priests and Protestant pastors have been afraid to speak openly about politics from the pulpit for fear they will lose their tax exempt status with the IRS.
I myself was recently unfriended on Facebook by a cousin I grew up with because I mentioned the articles I wrote on the Gay Agenda. Admittedly, he was just responding to criticism from his ex-wife, "What sort of bigoted crap is posted on your wall in this hateful blog?" This is what Pulitzer Prize winning poet John Berryman called, "The roar of the ex-wife."
But my cousin, while claiming he believed in free expression, suggested I find a more productive way to express my faith, such as championing starving children.
Again, he is saying, "Stay on the Reservation. Don't make waves."
His attitude is no different than that of the American media. I have never read, nor seen so many people with their heads buried in the sand. I was walking through the gym the other day and heard a female commentator on television making excuses for Barack Obama's actions. I stopped and shouted at the television, "And do you think I believe you?!" The janitor tried to console me.
The punishment for idolatry is to continue in idolatry without the knowledge of God's law. So if you don't want the truth, then your punishment is to never know the truth.
Is God punishing America? Or are we punishing ourselves?
You decide.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter
and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." Abraham Lincoln
and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." Abraham Lincoln
We just had a fascinating five post argument about the consequences homosexual acts, same sex attraction and gay marriage. As a result, I noticed that we picked up a look see from someone in Norway researching Lesbian activists. Norwegians are always welcome here regardless of gender or orientation, and we have a translation gadget on the right if you care to use it.
But one of the comments on the last post on Gay Marriage mentioned that the United States faced sacking by a foreign military power sent to us in judgement. And Bill S., who was my dialogue partner on the last five posts, took exception to that terminology because he feels the U.S. is going into debt trying to help the poor. And God should reward us for that. Except Bill says he doesn't believe in God.
It is very common for Christians to throw about the term of "God's punishment," and I have done so myself as well, but the question of God's "punishment" isn't so cut and dried, because God usually "punishes" us by giving us what we want. And God doesn't see it as a punishment, but as a gift. God has given us the gift of free will. He will never take it away. Yet despite some of our destructive choices, God has come -- by his own words -- that we might have LIFE and have it abundantly. The Holy Spirit is the Lord and Giver of Life!
God doesn't send people to hell
Surprisingly, I know a lot of people think Christians believe that God sends certain people to hell for their sins, but He actually doesn't! Nope, He accepts their will. Hell is the absence of God and if someone doesn't want to be with God, and they die with that firm decision, then they are allowed to live for all eternity without God, and that is what hell is. Pope John Paul II said heaven, hell and Purgatory are not a place, but a state of being. We live in those states even now, so we suffer the consequences of the state we chose.In the last post, I told the story of how I received a gift when I was a child -- a blond doll. I became quite incensed, and insisted I wanted a red-headed doll instead. The woman who had made the doll was hurt, but she kindly said she would go and change the hair color of the doll. When the doll was returned with the red hair, what had been a beautiful blond doll was now extremely ugly. I realized I had been ungrateful, and I was horrified by what I had done, and as a consequence I never could play with that doll. It sat on the shelf in my closet for many years untouched, a reminder of my own ingratitude.
Now, did God punish me by giving me a red-headed doll? Certainly not. I was punished by my own selfish will. God gave me exactly what I asked for.
We recently saw a flyer for a order of nuns, having to do with the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. Now, some of you may be shocked to know there are women masquerading as nuns, who say their own "mass" without a male Catholic priest. The advertisement for this order showed crystal glasses of red wine and a number of female hands laying on the altar. Clear message: "Male priests not allowed." The clothing of the women (not in habits) also showed dress associated with the gay lifestyle.
Now some women have been excommunicated for saying "mass" after phony female ordinations. It is strictly forbidden, and women will never be allowed to be priests because Jesus
made that decision 2,000 years ago, and He wasn't some idiot subject to his culture. He treated women like he treated men -- equally as children of God. Mary Madeleine is called the apostle to the apostles because she was the first to see Him after the resurrection and brought the good news back to the apostles. Because priests are to be another Christ and Christ was male, Jesus ordained men, who ordained men, who continue to ordain men. That is the Deposit of Faith.
But God allows some women, who have no respect for Church teaching, to say their own "mass." They receive what they want. They say "mass." But do they receive the fruit of that Mass? Do they receive the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ?!? Absolutely not. I can wave my fingers over unleavened bread until I'm blue in the face, but I am not an ordained Catholic priest, and so it will remain, well, just bread.
So what is the punishment for the nuns who "say" mass? They get to say "mass" but it's meaningless because they are denied the fruit of the Mass --- Jesus Christ. How ironic that a group of women, ostensibly devoted to the Precious Blood, are completely unable to obtain it because they will not allow a priest to say Mass for them. Is God punishing them? No. He is giving them what they want.
10 Commandments Removed from the Public Square
One of the most telling experiences we had in the United States that showed we are close to disaster was when a federal judge ordered Alabama Judge Roy Moore toremove a 5,200 pound granite Ten Commandments monument from the lobby of the Alabama Judicial Building. Judge Moore refused to obey that order, saying it was unconstitutional, but he was removed from office, and so were the 10 Commandments! This was 2003.
God gave the United States what it wanted. We wanted the 10 Commandments removed from the public square and we got it! This, however, is a very bad sign. When Moses first was given the 10 Commandments, God Himself wrote them on stone. However, when he came down from Mount Sinai, the Jewish people were worshipping the golden calf, and seeing their idolatry, Moses threw the stone tablets down and broke them.
Now what happened here? The punishment for idolatry was to continue in idolatry without the knowledge of God's law. So if you don't want the truth, then your punishment will be to never know the truth. You get what you want.
Some of the people repented and Moses again went up to Mount Sinai to talk with God, but the second time God's own finger did not inscribe the commandments in stone. Moses had to take dictation from God. Moses himself wrote the 10 Commandments in Stone the second time. (Second Best)
Now Judge Roy Moore was reelected in 2012, but he promised not to bring back the 10 Commandments, so they seem to be forever lost from our country now.
Barack Obama brought a severe economic decline
Since Barack Obama ostensibly was voted in as president in 2009 (only six years after the 10 Commandments were removed from the public square), the country has suffered a severe economic decline. Poor people have suffered the most. The unemployment rate among black adults is over 18 percent, for black youth it's over 41 percent. Most of the young college graduates during these years are unemployed and living at home. One out of three young people graduating during the Obama "Administration" are living at home -- many not working.The Obama economy has created nothing but part time work. And it's getting worse. In a recent story, the woman's clothing store Forever 21 has sent a memo to employees saying their hours will be reduced to 29.5 a week -- just under the 30-hour full time designation assigned by the so-called "Affordable Care" Act, which requires companies who employ 50 or more workers to provide health insurance for their full-time employees.
It's not clear how many of Forever 21's 30,000 employees will be affected by this change, but the affected positions include the sales and stocking staff, janitors and cashiers. Who else is there? New part-time workers who were enrolled in medical, dental and vision will see their coverage cut off on Aug. 31.
This is just the beginning as Obama "Care" is being rolled out. UPS just announced it is cutting health insurance for working spouses of employees.
What has changed for the better since Barack Obama was elected? Nothing. He gave us health care that is going to cause most of us -- with health care -- to lose health care. If the government offers it, everyone will be given the opportunity to end their life instead of receiving treatment. What kind of health care kills the people it is supposed to care for?
The Middle East has become a powder keg. Thousands of innocent refugees are fleeing Syria. Egypt is caught up in a civil war because Barack Obama supported the oh-so-innocent Muslim Brotherhood. Once the Egyptians threw off the yoke of this evil group, our president is threatening to cut off aid to Egypt!
Benghazi: A Punishment or Result of Our Own Choices.
The head of the CIA is openly Muslim. Either members of the Muslim Brotherhood have infiltrated the CIA and the State Department, and have caused the death of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens in Benghazi, or our government is being run by incredibly stupid people, who can't save the life of one ambassador and three other Americans, when they are attacked by Al-Qaeda forces within easy reach of American planes and firepower. Either way, is that a punishment from God? No, it is the fruit of our own choices. Americans picked Barack Obama and his death dealing policies.While New York Mayoral Candidate Anthony Weiner is busy
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Anthony Weiner's wife, Huma Abedin, talking to Hilary Clinton |
Abraham Lincoln predicted that the United States will never be taken over by a foreign power from without, but if we falter and lose our freedoms it will be because we destroyed ourselves. It's interesting that the last couple of years has been marked by attacks on religious freedoms and gun rights. The current administration is trying to limit who will be free to practice religion and who won't. My local Catholic grade school received an exemption just in time from the mandate requiring they provide abortion and birth control to their employees -- part of Obama "care." But a Christian business, Hobby Lobby, is still fighting for their religious freedom in court.
But more frightening is the idea taking hold that religious people don't have the right to express themselves in public. When I was commenting online recently, I quoted a Roman Catholic bishop speaking against gay marriage. Certain people reading this opinion said the bishop in question should keep his mouth shut, except on the pulpit. Now isn't that interesting? Since President Lyndon Johnson, Catholic priests and Protestant pastors have been afraid to speak openly about politics from the pulpit for fear they will lose their tax exempt status with the IRS.
I myself was recently unfriended on Facebook by a cousin I grew up with because I mentioned the articles I wrote on the Gay Agenda. Admittedly, he was just responding to criticism from his ex-wife, "What sort of bigoted crap is posted on your wall in this hateful blog?" This is what Pulitzer Prize winning poet John Berryman called, "The roar of the ex-wife."
But my cousin, while claiming he believed in free expression, suggested I find a more productive way to express my faith, such as championing starving children.
Again, he is saying, "Stay on the Reservation. Don't make waves."
His attitude is no different than that of the American media. I have never read, nor seen so many people with their heads buried in the sand. I was walking through the gym the other day and heard a female commentator on television making excuses for Barack Obama's actions. I stopped and shouted at the television, "And do you think I believe you?!" The janitor tried to console me.
The punishment for idolatry is to continue in idolatry without the knowledge of God's law. So if you don't want the truth, then your punishment is to never know the truth.
Is God punishing America? Or are we punishing ourselves?
You decide.