by Susan
“What you don't understand is I'd catch a grenade for ya;
throw my hand on a blade for ya;
I'd jump in front of a train for ya.
You know
I'd do anything for ya. Oh, oh, oh, oh, I would go through all this pain, take a bullet straight
through my brain.
Yes, I would die for you, baby.
But you won't do the same
....” (Grenade by Bruno Mars)
“But will ya change a diaper for her? Will ya clean up
vomit off the wall for her? Will ya wash the dishes?” (Susan Fox)
Mysterious Marriage: Lawrence Fox photographs his wife Susan. In the background, a homeless man is captured in the picture eating the rest of Larry's dinner. |
The homeless man scarfed down
my husband’s dinner leaning over the garbage can right in front of us. He was
expressing his gratitude.
He didn’t speak.
He didn’t have to.
He didn’t have to.
Larry had carefully eaten
only half his dinner of Chile Colorado, rice and beans at the Old Town Mexican Café
in San Diego. There was nothing finer than food from this restaurant in Larry’s
mind, and Chile Colorado was his favorite dish. He had hoped to eat the rest
for breakfast.
Then as we were taking turns
taking pictures in front of the restaurant, Larry noticed a homeless man
digging in the garbage can for food.
I didn’t see the exchange,
but eventually it dawned on me that my husband’s leftovers were now in the
hands of the dark curly-haired man standing over the garbage can in front of me.
He was frantically eating them.
Without lifting a finger, I
had participated in a tremendous act of charity. I was married to the man who
gave up -- the rest of his dinner.
“And a woman who has an
unbelieving husband, and he consents to live with her, she must not send her
husband away. For the unbelieving husband is sanctified through his wife, and
the unbelieving wife is sanctified through her believing husband.” (1Cor
Though St. Paul in the quote
above referred to mixed marriages between a believer and an unbeliever, how
much more so is the believing spouse sanctified by acts of charity done by the
other believing spouse?
My husband stuffs information
into my head before every blog post and then congratulates himself because his
wife is shortening his time in Purgatory when she writes.
Holy Marriage is a mystery.
The Catholic Church regards
marriage and family life as one of the “most precious of human values.” Yet witness
the difficulty Christians encounter in trying to explain why the Church is not able to endorse same-sex "marriage." Simply put, “same-sex marriage” is a misnomer in the language of the Church, because no union can be a marriage if it is intrinsically (by created structure) closed to new life.
The U.S. Conference of
Catholic Bishops invites us to look at the issue from the point of view of the
child of such a marriage. “Our own experience informs us. We all have a desire
to know, be connected with, and loved by our own mother and father regardless
of our relationship with them. This experience of God's plan for creation has
been stamped into our very nature.”
“Rather than merely
biological artifacts, moms, dads and siblings are part of our identity. Every
person has a right to be part of a family, to be born to a mother and father
united in marriage,” (Donum Vitae )
The Pursuit of Truth website
further explains the matter: “a specific choice needs to be made
by each of the spouses to invite Christ to be the center, the pinnacle, and the
anchor of their union.”
And why should they build
their marriage on the Rock, who is Jesus Christ? On Oct. 17, 1989, at 5:04 p.m.
I cowered under my desk at the San Francisco Examiner Building in San
Francisco, while the earth shook to the tune of 6.9 on the Richter scale. 63
people died, including a woman from my parish in Alameda, who was buried in the
collapse of the Cypress Street Viaduct. Thousands of people were rendered
homeless. I was a business reporter, so shortly afterwards I was near the
epicenter of the quake walking through a multi-million dollar house with an
insurance adjuster to do a story for my paper. The house was built half on rock
and half on sand. The part on rock was perfectly solid and untouched by the
quake, but when we walked into the rooms built on sand I could touch the wall
and it would sway -- a multi-million dollar house rendered useless by the movement
of the earth.
The Catholic Church neither
favors "homosexual" nor "heterosexual" marriage. That's right, we refuse to discuss
marriage in "heterosexual" terms or to define people according to their sexuality. The
Catholic Church defines people according to their relationship to a Divine Person so they
can live life in its fullness -- anchored in an eternal and infinite God. Holy Marriage has Christ, the Rock, at its
And you guessed it! That
means when the earth moves, the marriage anchored in Christ doesn't sway like that portion of the
house built on sand at the epicenter of the Quake of '89. Marriage has an
enduring permanence about it, and that is only possible if the spouses wholeheartedly put
Christ at the center of their own self-embraced identity.
“Thus, a Holy Marriage will
exhibit the virtue of chastity, because our desire for chastity increases the
more and more we actually look to Christ first and foremost for our
fulfillment." (
And Lawrence Fox would put
that this way: “Marriage is like going into a candy store. Everything you ever
wanted is in there, but you find out you can’t have everything at once.” So you
have to practice chastity.
The problem is that modern
man doesn’t understand the purpose of sex. How many times have I heard it said
that marriage is an emotional feeling of love? That definition completely opens
the door for someone else to define their same-sex relationship as marriage
because they love each other, right?
But feelings are notoriously
unstable. What happens when your feelings change? Obviously, you get a divorce,
weeping, “I don’t love you any more!” And relationships between people of the
same sex are short-lived and often include other parties by mutual consent. The
“feeling of love” is the wrong foundation in which to enter a permanent
relationship with another person.
Everything has to be used
according to its proper purpose. The eye is for seeing. It is not for tasting.
Hold a brownie up to your eye. Can you taste it? No, but you can see it! Stop
trying to taste the brownie with your eye. Put it in your mouth. Yum.
If you think man is only a
material creature with no spirit, it’s easy to believe sex is a play toy that can
be used with multiple persons of both the same and opposite sex. But people who
try this lifestyle experience enormous personal suffering and emotional pain –
as well as sickness -- because they have
not understood the nature of man nor the purpose of sex.
Man was created by God in His
image and likeness to give back to
God and neighbor the Love we receive from God. We are body/spirit creatures who
can express love in multiple dimensions – in language, looking, prayer and touching.
The Church recognizes that the human person can express its vocation to love in only two specific ways: chaste marriage and celibacy, which is the mastery of chastity for a single person.
That concept of man has been
entirely swept away by a tidal wave of free sex, contraception, same sex
experimentation, divorce, abortion and pornography.
There probably isn’t a
television program or a romance novel written today in which sex is not celebrated
outside marriage, and having sex before marriage without making any demands on
your partner is not regarded as a virtue. The most deviant sexual relations are
glorified in “romance” novels sold in Costco Stores where the whole family
That is a vile deception and sure
route to unhappiness. But our children are being exposed to that thinking in their
schools, all the social media, on television, in the homes of their friends,
and at the doctor’s office.
Sexuality is not a purely
biological function. It concerns the innermost being of the human person. “It
is realized in a truly human way only if it is an integral part of the love by
which a man and a women commit themselves totally to one another until death,”
according to Pope John Paul II (Familiaris Consortio), who asserted that total
physical self-giving is a lie if it is not a sign and fruit of total personal
self-giving. We are persons. Even the neurochemistry of our brains bonds us to previous and current relationships regardless of our specific choices. You can’t just give your body and assume that "no one is getting hurt."
Therefore, “the only “place”
in which this self-giving in its whole truth is made possible is marriage,”
Pope John Paul said, adding that marriage is the “covenant of conjugal love
freely and consciously chosen, whereby man and woman accept the intimate
community of life and love willed by God Himself.”
So the true purpose of sex is
self-giving, including a life-long commitment and openness to new human life,
only physically possible between two people of the opposite sex. And its proper
place is marriage. Get the difference? The world thinks sex is a play toy. But
it’s real purpose is self-giving. Take the brownie out of your eye. Put it in
your mouth. The stable family is the cradle of civilization.
Everything else –
pornography, free love, adultery, strip dancing, and every other form of unchaste activity – is an
attempt to enjoy the goods of marriage outside marriage. There is undoubtedly
pleasure in these activities, but like my mother used to say, “Susan,
there’s a time and a place for everything.” Life-long committed marriage open
to life is the place for sex. A sacrifice today will be a sure investment for the stability of your family in the future.
my door-to-door work in the Legion of Mary, I met a young man who was living
with his girlfriend. They had just had a baby and she was suffering from an
extremely severe case of Post-Partum Depression. I spent an hour and a half
trying to convince him to marry her because he told me he loved her, he loved
the baby, and he didn't want to ever lose her or the baby. But it was very hard
for him to come to that decision because he was probably going through one of
the worst ordeals of what should have been his married life.
his future wife was in the process of becoming embittered and angry against him
because he couldn't say, “I love you, I give myself to you completely -- even when
you are suffering from a condition resulting from the birth of our child.“ And
his child’s life was in terrible jeopardy. He was born in that part of the
house built on sand, not on the Rock. Even if the parents married now, the fact
that they cohabitated before marriage made their eventual divorce 50 percent
more likely.
that baby’s tragic circumstance is becoming increasingly more common. Today
more than 50 percent of births to women under 30 occur outside marriage. That
means more children growing up in poverty, without a father and a greater chance of abuse and emotional distress from an unstable home.
we had no prior sexual relationships before our marriage, when Lawrence and I
married, there was a real single-hearted devotion that developed between the
two of us. Thus we were no longer two, but one flesh.
single-hearted devotion is a safe and secure place to be when you have a
miscarriage, suffer financial difficulties, get depressed or do something
stupid. There's never the issue of “I'll marry her when she isn't so upset all
the time. I'll marry her when I have enough money. I'll marry her when
everything’s perfect.” That's the key to insecurity, fights and utter misery
because the nature of the marriage covenant is "for better or for
worse" and things are absolutely guaranteed never to be perfect.
there are many different kinds of marriages. Not every married man and woman has physical children, yet every
fruitful marriage will be expressed in motherhood and fatherhood. Sterility does not cancel openness to new life and the structural design to achieve it.
Lawrence and I have close friends, who suffer the tragedy of infertility. So they got training to teach Natural Family Planning, which is both a means to delay birth and a vital means of achieving birth for infertile couples. They were about to embark on their new ministry, and I ran into them after Mass, and without thinking, I announced, “You will become mother and father to many children.” In fact, each baby born as a fruit of their ministry would be their child. What a wonderful married vocation! Countless human beings enter the world because of a sterile couple’s shared and married commitment to teach Natural Family Planning.
Every holy marriage embraces the cross. No one will find the cross in a relationship based only on “a feeling of love.” Some day, you will have to clean up your kid’s vomit on the wall, or sleep in the hospital room with your sick spouse because a male nurse scared her, and where will that “feeling of love” be then? Those experiences are unpleasant.
Lawrence and I have close friends, who suffer the tragedy of infertility. So they got training to teach Natural Family Planning, which is both a means to delay birth and a vital means of achieving birth for infertile couples. They were about to embark on their new ministry, and I ran into them after Mass, and without thinking, I announced, “You will become mother and father to many children.” In fact, each baby born as a fruit of their ministry would be their child. What a wonderful married vocation! Countless human beings enter the world because of a sterile couple’s shared and married commitment to teach Natural Family Planning.
Every holy marriage embraces the cross. No one will find the cross in a relationship based only on “a feeling of love.” Some day, you will have to clean up your kid’s vomit on the wall, or sleep in the hospital room with your sick spouse because a male nurse scared her, and where will that “feeling of love” be then? Those experiences are unpleasant.
But for 29 years my mother’s marriage bed WAS her
cross. For my stepfather was emotionally abusive. He didn’t do it on purpose,
but because he was mentally ill. In the 1970s, I came home from graduate school
and had my mother weeping in my arms because “Hutch was so mean to me.” She
always was a strong woman. This was very unusual.
“Mom,” I said, “You have to get counseling.” So
she did. The priest psychologist had her outline my stepfather’s behavior and
then gave her a diagnosis. Though there were drugs for his condition, we both
knew if we tried to get him to the doctor the roof would blow off the house.
Technically speaking, my mother could have
gotten a Catholic annulment. But with typical Mom logic, she said, “Hutch
didn’t know he was ill when he married me, and so I can’t abandon him.” And so
she freely embraced an incredible life of physical, emotional and mental
suffering until she died in 2001. Her
last confession was in my dining room. I was in the back bedroom, but I heard
the sobs, and the words, “Hutch, Hutch, Hutch.”
The physical suffering came from her health,
but having my Dad as her guardian in such trying circumstances made her health
issues worse. She was sitting in the
chair in her living room one time, one leg amputated and great pain in the
other. And I said, “Mom, you know all this suffering will probably save Hutch.”
With great passion, she said, “I dearly hope so. Oh God, I hope so.”
And so it did. Mom’s marriage to Hutch
exemplified St. Paul’s quote above about the unbelieving spouse being
sanctified by the believing spouse. Mom even had a vision of that some years
earlier. She saw Hutch following her up to Communion. He was not Catholic.
As far as we knew, Dad was never baptized. In
fact, he was somewhat anti-Catholic. When Mom was sick, the local Legion of
Mary president – her best friend – visited. And he shouted at her, and threw
her off the property. At that stage of his life, he couldn’t stand the Legion
of Mary.
But Dad drove Mom to take Communion to the
Sick, and drove her to the nursing home to visit the sick. Heck, he even drove
her to the trailer park to take communion to a woman who had been a prostitute
and was dying of AIDs.
He was deaf as a doornail, but he also went to
Church with Mom every Sunday and sat in the very back. One time, I was giving
communion to Mom in the hospital and I looked up and surprised such a look of
longing on my stepfather’s face as he looked at the Holy Eucharist. “My
goodness,” I thought, “he knows it’s Jesus. And he wants Him!”
So Mom died on the Feast of St. Peter and Paul
in 2001, and Dad continued to attend Mass on Sunday – deaf as a doornail. The
Legion of Mary president he threw out of the house previously? She got ill, and
while she was in the hospital my stepfather went to visit her. She was
terrified. But Dad was oblivious. He simply wanted to visit the sick like Mom
had done.
I said to him, “Dad, why don’t you become
Catholic so you can get the sacraments too?” He answered, “Susan, I do not
qualify.” I weakly tried to tell him a priest could change that. But inside my heart,
I thought, “Congratulations Dad. Jesus died on the cross for every member of
the human race except you.”
I sent two priests to him to ask him to be
baptized. But one taught him the Rosary and the other simply invited him to
Mass. He was in the nursing home now, so the invitation to Mass was good
because he went to Mass every Sunday in the nursing home, including the week he
died. He couldn’t hear a thing. He
wouldn’t wear hearing aids. But he knew the Real Presence and he desired Him. That
is what the Catholic Church calls Baptism by desire.
I lived in Arizona when he died in Washington
State. But the Lord permitted me to say the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for him
just before he died, which means he received all the graces necessary for
salvation. I had no knowledge his condition had taken a turn for the worse, as
my stepbrother didn’t tell me until after Dad was dead.
The Mass readings on the day he died told me
the outcome: “Just as Abraham “believed God, and it was reckoned to him as
righteousness,” so, you see, those who believe are the descendants
of Abraham. And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify
the Gentiles by faith, declared the gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, “All
the Gentiles shall be blessed in you.” For this reason, those who believe are
blessed with Abraham who believed.” (Gal 3:6-9) Because he died with the faith
of Abraham, Dad will live in the bosom of Abraham (an image for heaven), sealed by the Holy Spirit.
My stepfather was literally sanctified by his
marriage. Holy marriage is supposed to be a crucible, a training ground for
The Catholic Church is full of stories of
marriages that sanctified both spouses and children. I think of St. Theresa of
Lisieux. Both her parents have been declared blessed by the Catholic Church.
St. Theresa herself understood she came from a
family, and she owed her holiness to her parents, Blessed Louis and Zelie
Martin. She embroidered a picture of her family with roses symbolizing each
family member on a priest’s vestment. The two big full mature roses were her
parents. The smaller roses – she and her three sisters. And she sewed two
little buds because her mother had two miscarriages. Even the little buds
count. What a holy family life!
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Larry and James Fox in 1990: "Daddy be a horsie" Larry cleaned up lots of vomit too! |
Lawrence spoke to me this week from the San
Diego Airport. We had just been there together two weeks ago. “I can’t believe
how empty this airport seems without you,” he said.
Such is holy marriage.