We confess One Baptism for the Forgiveness of Sins
by Lawrence Fox
morning I watched a non-Catholic pastor attempt to convince members of his congregation
to be baptized while at the same time affirming that it was not necessary for
salvation. “We are justified by faith and not by works, but baptism was
commanded by Our Lord,” said the pastor.
pastor and his congregation understood baptism to be that thing which men do to
gain God and not something that God does to gain men. Jesus said, “When I am lifted up, I will draw all men to myself.”
(Jn. 12:32)
content of their faith, prevented the pastor and his congregation from comprehending
and professing, “That the redemption won for all on Calvary is poured forth by
Jesus Christ upon the heads of those baptized, ‘In the Name of the Father, and
the Son, and the Holy Spirit.’” (Frank Sheed, Theology and Sanity, pg. 314)
Catholic Church’s profession of faith “one baptism for the forgiveness of sins”
literally echoes Paul’s affirmation, “There is one Lord, one
Faith, one Baptism…” (Eph.4:4-6) It also repeats verbatim Peter’s
declaration to the
crowd on Pentecost, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:42) Paul’s words identified the oneness in the body of Christ was naturally born from one faith and one baptism.
crowd on Pentecost, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:42) Paul’s words identified the oneness in the body of Christ was naturally born from one faith and one baptism.
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They therefore that received his word, were baptized; and there were added in that day about three thousand souls. (Acts 2:41) |
words were in response to an urgent question from the crowd? “Brethren, what must we do to be saved?”
(Catechism of the Catholic Church CCC, 1226) The Catholic Church treasures in her
heart (Lk.2:19, 51) and professes in her creeds, liturgy, moral life, and
prayer both Paul’s words and the content of Peter’s confession and the act of
faith of those who heard Peter, “They were baptized and
three thousand souls were added to their numbers that day.” (Acts
Catholic Church recognizes in the text “Three
Thousand souls were added to their numbers,” that baptism does
not establish atomized disciples but brings the initiated into a mystical union
with Jesus Christ and His one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church established
upon Peter “the Rock.” (Ratzinger pg. 245)
baptized in the name of Jesus – no matter when and where – are added to the
apostles’ numbers and continue to be shepherded by them through men ordained to
succeed in the ministry of the apostles. Sacred Scripture provides a glimpse of
this “sacred union and universal shepherding” with the ministry of Philip the
the Evangelist was ordained by Peter to perform the duties of a deacon in the
Church. (Acts 6: 5) Philip went down to a city in Samaria and preached the Good
News. Those who believed in his message were baptized. News of Philip’s efforts
reached the Church in Jerusalem, which sent Peter and John to Samaria and to
lay hands upon those baptized that they too may receive the Holy Spirit. (Acts
8: 9-17) Non-Catholics reason that since those baptized in Samaria did not “receive
the Holy Spirit” until the apostles laid hands upon them, that baptism is simply
an outward sign; like a wedding ring.
Sacred Scripture to interpret itself, a Catholic understanding of faith and
baptism (CCC 1253) emerges demonstrating:
1st that deacons ordained by
the apostles received the right to administer the sacrament of baptism.
2nd that apostles confirm
the baptized with the Holy Spirit with the laying of hand and thereby
completing their initiation. (CCC 1304)
3rd that the baptized even
when scattered about are still pastored by the apostles into a unity of faith.
4th the expression “receive the Holy Spirit” also identifies
a visible manifestation of gifts (i.e. speaking in tongues and prophecy)
compliments the inward gifts of justification and sanctification received in baptism.
This 4th point is further demonstrated by an event in Paul’s missionary
Paul, after meeting up with 12 disciples in Ephesus, asked
them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?”
They answered, “We have not heard there
was a Holy Spirit.” He adroitly asked them, “What baptism did you receive?” They
said, “The baptism of John.”
Paul baptized them in the name of Jesus Christ. He then placed
his hands upon them and they spoke in tongues. (Acts 19: 1-7) Note: An
encounter with a congregation of unbaptized Christians would be most
problematic to Paul. Paul could have asked the disciples this question,
“Were hands placed upon you when you were baptized?” or again “Were you fully
initiated into the Mystical Body of Christ by baptism and the laying of hands?”
Paul identifies the receiving of the Holy Spirit with both faith
and baptism (they are not separated). His laying of hands joins the baptized
with the visible charisms of the Holy Spirit. (CCC 1288) To argue that baptism
- an action on the part of the Church and performed in the name of Jesus - is
simply a symbolic action while the related action of laying of hands - also performed
in the name of Jesus is not symbolic is simply fragmented “either-or” theology.
Paul conveys to the disciples in Ephesus the necessity of
being baptized in the name of Jesus prior to receiving the manifested gifts of
the Holy Spirit. Paul’s approach toward the disciples in Ephesus faithfully captures
the content of Peter’s preaching on Pentecost and the crowd’s immediate understanding
and response to Peter’s teaching. Scripture’s emphasis on the necessity to be
baptized is repeated within Philip’s ongoing ministry.
And he answers, “I believe that Jesus
Christ is the Son of God…” And so they went down into the
water and Philip baptized him. (Acts 8: 36-38)

Luke in the Acts of the Apostles does not give us the
details but through his narration of the Eunuch’s question to Philip and his
narration of the question posed by Peter to his fellow Jews after preaching the
Good News to Gentiles, Luke prepares disciples to understand Jesus’ teaching
about “water and Spirit”
as found in the Gospel of John.
The Holy Spirit led Peter to the home
of man named Cornelius, a centurion within the Italian Regiment. Peter, while preaching
to Cornelius and his household, recognized they received a manifestation of the
Holy Spirit:
they spoke in tongues. Peter responded by questioning those with
him, “Can anyone forbid these (non-Jews) from being
baptized with water?” Peter commanded them to be baptized.
(Acts 10:47-48)
Peter’s question, “Can anyone forbid… baptized with water?”
is little different from the Eunuch’s question to Philip, “See here is water, what prevents me from being baptized?” The
words “forbid” and “prevent” harken back to a command given by Jesus, “Let the little children come to me and do not ‘hinder’
them, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.”
(Matt. 19:13-15) Peter makes clear that the withholding of baptismal waters
from these Gentiles would be a form of hindrance to their initiation into the
Kingdom of Heaven. The gentiles by analogy are infants when it comes to
salvation history. Without the prompting of the Holy Spirit, Peter would not
have known that.
Following Luke’s narration of the Eunuch’s
and Peter’s line of questioning along with Jesus’ “do not hinder,” the reader of
Sacred Scripture now sits next Nicodemus and re-hears Jesus say, “Unless a man is born again of water and the Spirit, he
cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” (Jn. 3:5) The entire squabble about what is meant by “born again of water and Spirit” is
Another point to ponder along with the context
of baptizing Jews and Gentiles is the concept of the “keys” given by Jesus to Peter (Matt 16:19).
Peter’s keys open the doors of the
Kingdom of Heaven to Jews and Gentiles through
the sacrament of baptism. Paul confirms this truth in (1Cor. 3:27-28), “All who have been baptized in Christ’s name have put on the
person of Christ; no more Jew or Gentile … you are all one person in Jesus Christ.”
(Frank Sheed, Theology and Sanity, pg.316)
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BAPTISM opens the doors of the Kingdom |
Sacred Scripture coalesces the doctrinal
themes of forgiveness, regeneration, sanctification, and movements of the Holy Spirit
with the sacrament of baptism. The non-Catholic pastor and his congregation
rejected this reality. Catholics in response to such confusion can only humbly confess
and explain that baptism is one of God’s many Divine Excesses as demonstrated throughout
Sacred Scripture. (Ratzinger, Introduction
to Christianity, pg. 260, 261)
Baptism is not a thing that men do to
gain God but something that God does to gain men. God is willing to allow
nature and men to cooperate with the administration of His Divine Excesses. For
example, by the power of the Holy Spirit, and the “yes” proclaimed by Mary, “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” (Jn
1:5) Jesus turns water into wine when the servants simply “do whatever He tells them.” (Jn.2:5)
Bread and fish are multiplied and Jesus
feeds thousands after the apostles obey Him by
placing five loaves and two fish
into baskets. (Mark 6:38) Jesus takes spit and dirt and makes mudand opens the
eyes of a blind man. (Jn.9:6) Jesus takes bread and wine (fruit of the earth
and the work of human hands) and declares, “This is
my body” and “This is my blood.” (Lk. 22:19) Jesus is
pierced with a lance and blood and water (symbolizing Baptism and Eucharist), pours
forth and initiates souls into the Kingdom of Heaven. (Ratzinger, Introduction to Christianity, pg. 241)
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Miracle of the Loaves & Fishes |
Those baptized in Jesus’ name are now in
Christ; members of His body. That is why Jesus says to Saul, “Saul, why do you persecute me?” (Frank Sheed, Theology and Sanity, pg. 314) Saul (Paul)
-- on the road to Damascus -- is blinded by God’s Divine Excess. Saul’s blindness
was also washed clean (removed) through the Divine Excess of Baptism.
Paul, blinded by his encounter with
Jesus, is instructed to go to a man named Ananias on Straight Street to be
healed. Ananias says to Paul, “Why do you delay, rise
up and be baptized and wash away your sins, invoking his name.”
(Acts 22:16) Ananias, identifies baptism
as washing; literally fulfilling what was spoken typologically by the Old
Testament prophets, “Wash me more and more
from my guilt and cleanse me from my sin…” (Psalm 50
(51)) The literal connection between baptism and “washing, cleansing, and water”
(CCC 1227) is most vividly foreshadowed by God through the prophet Ezekiel, who
writes: “I shall pour clean water over you and you
will be cleansed…I shall give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you. I
shall remove the heart of stone from your bodies and give you a new heart of
flesh instead. I shall put my spirit in you.” (Ezk.
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Paul & Ananias |
Ananias understood that with the waters
of baptism, the origin of Paul’s sinful nature (inherited from the old Adam) would
be washed clean. In baptism, Paul inherits from Jesus the life-giving Spirit of
the new Adam. Paul is “born again”
in faith and baptism (water and Spirit). In other words, the likeness of God lost
by the original sin of the old Adam is restored when the soul is baptized into
the new Adam.
The author of Hebrews makes a similar connection,
“Let us draw near with a true heart in the
fullness of faith, having our hearts sprinkled … and our bodies washed with
clean water.” (Heb.10:22) These words are not simply metaphors but
expressions of God’s grace working through nature within the life of the Catholic
Church. As Ratzinger notes “Everything is Grace.” (Ratzinger, Introduction to Christianity, pg. 280)
The pastor and congregation mentioned above were taught to separate grace from
nature in order to preserve the doctrine of “justification by faith alone.” In
doing so, all the images of baptism within the Old Testament remain hidden from
The Catholic Church brings
to light in her baptismal liturgies all the ways God pre-figured baptism in Sacred
Scripture. (CCC 1217-1225) While blessing the waters used for baptism, the
Church recalls that the Holy Spirit moved over the waters of creation. (Gn. 1:1)
She listens to Peter illustrate how Noah’s Ark and those within it were saved
as through water, “which symbolizes
baptism and which now saves you.” (1 Pt. 3:21)
The Church
learns that the children of Israel were baptized into Moses, while Israel’s
foes were drowned in the same water. (1Cor. 10:2) She recognizes that baptism heals
by observing Naaman, the Syrian King, dip himself seven times in the River
Jordan. (2Kings 5:14) She recognizes her baptismal confession in the Holy
Trinity while watching Elijah pour water “three times” over the bull offering which
God then consumes. (1King 18:34) The Church enters Lent meditating upon Jesus’
baptism in the River Jordan and the Spirit of the Lord resting upon His human
nature; sanctifying and illuminating the Mystical Body of Christ (Sheed pg. 247,
The Church professes God’s precious name (Yahweh) given to Moses on Mount
Horeb each time the initiate is baptized in the Name of Jesus (Yahweh Saves) and
professing “I believe in one God Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” (Ratzinger, Introduction to Christianity, pg. 331)
In the Catholic
Church when baptism takes place, the Presider reminds the congregation that
baptism is that thing which God does to gain men. And although administered by
the Church, it is Jesus drawing souls to himself in the Sacrament. When a
baptism takes place, the content of the Catholic Faith is presented article by
article to the recipients along with their responding confession,
“We believe in
One God… in one Lord Jesus Christ… in the Holy Spirit and in one Baptism for
the Forgiveness of Sins.” In other words, the Catholic Church professes in
fidelity to Sacred Scripture that the redemption won for all on Calvary, is poured
forth by Jesus Christ upon the heads of those baptized, “In the Name of the
Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”
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