Poet Christopher Ziegler can be found @CZWriting on Twitter
My mind had fallen
In a muddy rut of sin.
I did not know
How it had happened,
Or where I had tripped the snare
That snagged me.
I was lost.
Delusions and temptations
Were closing in all around
While grace seemed to be slipping
Further, further away.
So I went to confession
And spilled my lapses without guile.
At once I felt a weight was lifted.
The clouds cleared my mind
And I beheld the start of my rut.
I remembered the precise thought
That had swapped God’s will
With my own judgement.
The very thing I chastise others for doing,
I myself had done—
I had indulged the pride of life.
As if to mock God,
My foe had tricked me into hypocrisy.
I am too easily deceived
By that foul cunning.
I must keep my heart meek
At all times and in all questions.
The instant I raise my heart on high,
Gentleness and patience vanish
And I fall prey to my weakness.
God knows best, and I—nothing.
But He gives forgiveness,
And, in confession,
The gift of knowledge.