by Lawrence
“Then I saw another beast, coming out of the earth. He had
two horns like a lamb but he spoke like a dragon…He also forced everyone small
and great, rich and poor, free and slave to receive a mark on his right hand or
on his forehead, so that NO ONE COULD BUY OR SELL unless he had the mark, which
is the name of the beast.” (Revelation 13: 11-17)
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Mark of the Beast allows you to engage in commerce |
centuries, some Protestants fantasied that the “Beast” of Revelation is the
Bishop of Rome, and the Catholic Church is the “Whore of Babylon.”
It is
poetic justice that among the leading candidates for the “Beast” and the
“Whore” today is the U.S. Federal Government presently under the lawless leadership
of the Democratic Party.
leaders mounted a tirade against the U.S. Supreme Court decision that allowed
the Christian company Hobby Lobby the religious freedom NOT to offer its
employees abortion-causing drugs and devices. Democrats’ outrage rivals that of
the hubris that created the Tower of Babel. “Let us make a name for ourselves
before we are scattered abroad into all the lands.” (Genesis 11:4)
“You’re born with a religion or you adopt a
religion. You have to obey the precepts of that religion and the government
gives you a wide penumbra – you don’t have to form a corporation,” Schumer
added, “We wouldn’t tell the owners of Hobby Lobby to convert to a different
religion or disobey their religion – but we don’t say that they have to open up
a company and go sell toys or hobby kits.”
senator’s remarks epitomize the complete re-writing of the First Amendment,
which guarantees all Americans the right to religious liberty. This is not surprising since the Democratic
Party for the past century has copulated with post-modernist progressives,
Marxists, Atheists, Anarchists, Historical Revisionists, Margaret Sanger
psychopaths, and Gender Study Professors.
When the
psychotic “Unaffordable Care Act” passed,
it created a conundrum for NARAL (The Nation Abortion and Reproductive Rights
Action League) and Planned Parenthood. They were no longer paid for services
directly by the consumer, but by an insurance company that would control their
profits. Democratic Leadership did not understand
this, and they blamed Hobby Lobby, or those “horrible bosses with religious
Make no mistake;
this has nothing to do with the needs of women, but everything to do with the
incestuous relationship between the Democratic Party, NARAL, and Planned
Parenthood. The federal government gives money to NARAL and Planned Parenthood,
which in turn donate it back to the Democratic Party at the expense of the beleaguered
American Tax Payer.
psychotic Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, and one time Majority Speaker of the House
giggled, “We have to pass the (Obama “Care”) bill before anyone can know what
is in the bill.”
The 5-4
Supreme Court decision Burwell v Hobby Lobby was absolutely correct. Individuals do not lose their
religious freedom when they open a family business. The Federal Government
cannot arbitrarily re-define the scope of the First Amendment to mean, “The
free exercise of religion shall be limited to a person’s private life.” That’s
relativism on steroids.
It is
self-evident that men are endowed by their Creator with the rights of life, liberty
and the pursuit of happiness. The self-evident right to pursue happiness engenders
the right to private property and the right to conduct commerce to support
oneself and one’s family. The man or woman of faith who choses to enter the market
place with tangible hope and prosperity has a fundamental right to do so in the
United States contrary to the defecation spewed by the socialist gang-banger in
charge of the White House.
who don’t believe that, have lost their collective minds. The Subjective Will
has replaced the Objective Good of the One and the Many. But the Democratic
Party and the Mainstream Press continue to foam and froth over “woman’s access
to contraception and abortion causing drugs.”
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Abortion and Contraception are the Sacred Cow of Progressivism |
The Hobby
Lobby “Boss” stated that he would participate in a MANDATED health care plan
that paid for contraception, but not for abortion causing drugs. This is
anathema to the Democratic Leadership, NARAL and Planned Parenthood. Abortion, including
contraception, is the sacred cow of the Democrat Party.
Democratic Party platform conveys in principle that a woman achieves equality
with men when she is able to receive un-restricted access to drugs or
procedures, which make her sterile either temporarily or permanently. Think
about that for a moment. Women only achieve equality with men when actively
making themselves sterile.
And we
wonder why the moral compass in America has precipitously declined to the point
where the Federal Government now tells the self-sterile woman and man, “Your
marriage is no different under the eyes of the law than two men or two women
sodomizing each other.”
While men have managed to convince women that they have ceased active dominion
over them, they continue to hold passive dominion via chemical sterilization.
But women don’t see this. They think men are supporting their
American women buy this lie every day thanks in part to the support
of some Protestants who fantasied for centuries that the “Beast” of Revelation
is the Bishop of Rome, while the Catholic Church is the “Whore of Babylon.”
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