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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The World is Engulfed in Trials: Please Pray for Donald Trump

Sermon by Rev. John Paul Shea
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Nov. 13, 2016
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, Tucson, AZ

In today’s Gospel, we focus on what will take place in the end times. The words of our Lord
Jesus in today’s Gospel (Luke 21:5-19) are words that every one of us need to pay close attention to because Our Lord speaks of the things that will soon affect every person on this earth. 

Our Lord Jesus begins by speaking of the Temple of Jerusalem which would be destroyed in the year 70 AD. Yet, Jesus uses this opportunity not just to speak about the coming destruction of the Temple, but He also reminds us that this world as we know it is going to drastically change. 

He speaks of deceivers who will come in His name. He speaks of wars and rumors of wars. He speaks of nations rising against nations and kingdoms against kingdoms. We have seen all of these signs in this current generation in which we live today, but Our Lord does not stop there. 

He continues to speak of natural disasters such as earthquakes, famines, and plagues. Yet, He reminds us that at some future point these sorts of occurrences will reach a peak and Mother Nature will wreak havoc on this world in ways that are unprecedented. We will be forced to realize that we are no longer in control over the situations taking place around us. 

We hear a lot in our time today about climate change and our need to take care of the earth in order to prevent future calamities. There is nothing wrong in that, but ultimately we must recognise that God is in control and, in the end, He will take care of the earth.

Fr. John Paul Shea
My brothers and sisters, the bottom line is that this world in which we live today is going to radically change. Our world is going to be renewed. Therefore, as Christians we must anchor ourselves in the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus. Our Lord has given us His Church to prepare for this day through its proclamation of repentance and conversion, and He calls us to be faithful to His teachings. 

In fact, He tells us that as the Second Coming approaches, it will be more and more difficult  to practice our faith. It will be hard to stand strong against persecution. The faithful will be handed over to kings and governors because of Jesus'
 Name. Even parents, brothers, relatives, and friends will betray us. Our Lord says that we will be hated by all. 

Child covering her eyes at Gay Pride Parade
We can see resistance against God in our time as secular laws are passed, such as legal same sex marriage and euthanasia. We hear of Christian businesses being threatened for failing to provide non-essential services to same-sex "weddings." We have heard comments through politicians who speak of faithful Catholics as backwards and deplorable.
Marriage Supporters weeping outside U.S. Courtroom where
same-sex "marriage" is legalised. 
The reality is that it will not get easier for faithful Christians to live and proclaim the Truth because societies are rapidly turning away from God’s laws. As we know, we now have a new president of our country. Whether  we like him or not, we need to pray for him.

We need to trust that the Holy Spirit enabled him to be chosen, and we need to pray for his conversion. We need to pray for him to stand strong for religious freedom. We need to pray that he stand firm in his commitment to
Please Pray for U.S. President Donald Trump
uphold the sanctity of life because the number of abortions taking place today is enough to bring judgment upon us! 

Today’s Gospel calls us to keep our hearts and minds focused on the coming of our Lord’s Kingdom. The devil  wants to destroy  God’s plan. He is building his own world order, but his power will be crushed by Jesus Christ through the intercession of our Blessed Mother Mary.

Therefore, let us hold firm to the gift of faith. May God give us His help, strength, and perseverance to the end. Amen!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Active Waiting for the End of the World Requires Faith Not Suicide

Sermon by Fr. Joseph Mungai
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Nov 13, 2016
St. John the Apostle Awasi Catholic Church, Kisumu Archdiocese, Kenya
Fr. Joe and his smiling congregation 
Many Jews were apathetic about their religious duties and keeping the commandments during the time of the Prophet Malachi, 470 B.C.In our first reading today,(Malachi 3:19-20) he warns his listeners that the day of reward and punishment is coming. Fire is the symbol that represents both the reward and the punishments.

A theme central to Jesus teaching is the kingdom of God with much focus on the "end times." For a period of over 600 years the Jews had suffered under one kingdom after another: the Babylonians, Persians, Greeks and Romans. As Jesus proclaimed the Kingdom, a question that came up frequently was "When is this going to happen?" Jesus made it clear that no one knows the day except the Father (Mk 13:32). 

Then they asked him,“Teacher, when will this happen?And what sign will there be when all these things are about to happen?”He answered,“See that you not be deceived, for many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am he,’ and ‘The time has come.’Do not follow them! When you hear of wars and insurrections, do not be terrified; for such things must happen first, but it will not immediately be the end.” (from the Sunday Gospel reading, Luke 21: 5-19)

Yet in every age Christians have come up with predictions on the exact date of the end of the world. Some prophecies ended in utter catastrophe as in the Joseph  Kibweteere 
They were told to expect to see the Blessed Virgin Mary when
they were locked into the Church and burned to death.
case in Uganda in 2000. Expecting the end of the world, followers of the obscure Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God were locked up into a church in the small town of Kanungu. Estimates put the number killed at 778, including children, as sect leaders burned the Church down with the people inside. Afterwards, "Bishop" Kibweteere -- the sect leader -- was reported hiding in Malawi. The people killed had given up all their financial assets to the cult before they were killed. 
Former prostitute Caledonia Mwerinde (left),
one of the sect's leaders, allegedly had visions of
the Blessed Virgin Mary naming the date 
of the end of the world. "Bishop" Kibweteere on the right

All these millennial predictions of the end of the world have been mistaken, yet some people have chosen to be deceived. 

As Jesus was predicting about the end times, he touches on something which the Jews valued most, The Temple. The people of Israel did not have a temple right from the begining. In the desert, they had a tent, and the Ark of the Covenant, containing the two stone tablets of the 10 commandments, some manna and the budded staff of Aaron.

It was David's son, Solomon who finally built the original Temple in Jerusalem on top of a hill called Moriah ( 1 Kings 5-7). According to tradition this was the mountain where Abraham went to sacrifice his son Isaac (Gen 22). The Temple was first destroyed in 587 B.C. It proved to be a national and religious disaster, and forced Judaism to re-organise itself. 

In today's Gospel, when Jesus predicts the destruction of the Temple of His time, the one  re-buildlt  by King Herod I, He speaks of the end of an era, of the end of time. This is a kind of end that forces people to live in a different manner, but still to live. 

Romans destroy the Temple in 70 AD
Since the Temple is so important, its destruction is taken as sign of the end of time. In fact, a world is coming to an end and a new way of facing life has got to be found. The earthquakes, wars and other natural calamities are apocalyptic images -- not to frighten us -- but to encourage us to persevere in hope in times when personal suffering and national tragedies seem to crush us. In this way we will gain our souls. 

Jesus tells his disciples that they will suffer for being his followers and be rejected just like He was. However, God's power and plan of salvation will not be frustrated by dark forces or any catastrophe. The big question now is: How well are we prepared?

Prepare! Try everyday to live your Christian life. If we do our best, a kingdom of peace and justice will take root. We must daily water the seed of love that Jesus has already planted in us, pass on to others the light of faith, act as yeast Jesus has put in the dough,  ferment the world with the Gospel values and  serve as salt to preserve the world from every 
 corruption. All this means that we can't sit down doing nothing, just waiting for the end time. It means that we need to keep ourselves always busy (though not acting as busy bodies) "working day and night even to the point of exhaustion " (2 Thess 3:8), in order to hasten the coming of God's Kingdom.

But such an active waiting for the end calls for patient endurance, because not only problems and pains are part of our every day life but we who walk with Christ must also be ready to lose our life for the Gospel. Until that day we prepare by gathering together in faith and listening to his words, while being nourished by his own body and blood.

Sometimes life is a joy; sometimes it is a great struggle. In the process, God is making something new as the Book of Revelation tells us. In the end for those who have been faithful to God, evil, sickness and death will not have its way with us; we shall rejoice in God's peace and love forever. Amen.
Have a blessed Sunday. And join me in praying for my mum Lucy Nungari Mungai who is not feeling well.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Free Speech Died at the Republican National Convention

America's Big Political Institutions are All Cracking Up

(Editor's Note: A pattern of corruption has been exposed in the entire U.S. government under the 8-year reign of Barack Obama. It's clear that the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) covered for then Secretary of State  Hillary Clinton in her email scandal, declassifying secret government documents after the fact. Information is emerging that after she shared U.S. secrets via her private email server, the FBI obligingly declassified the aforesaid secrets, allowing her to tell the American people that she did not send classified government documents by email on her illegal private server, which was hacked (conveniently?) by at least five hostile foreign governments. It's clear that the Clintons traded in U.S. secrets in exchange for donations to their Clinton Foundation, and became rich in the process. 

It was just revealed this week that the FBI has a parallel investigation into the Clinton Foundation along with Mrs. Clinton's private email server. It's kinda too little too late. Why wasn't anything done before now? Hint: Obama is up to his neck in the scandal. Though he denied it, he knew about the private server and sent Hillary emails under an assumed name, according to released Clinton emails. 

But the following piece points out that the Republican Party is also guilty of manipulating the rules to force a desired outcome that may or may not reflect the will of the people.  Perhaps it's time we dump both major U.S. parties and get something new and honest. Both the author of this piece and this blog support Donald Trump for president, although we do so very reluctantly. He is the only pro-life candidate. We pray for him, and hope he represents the best option now for the United States. At this point, to vote for anyone else other than Mr. Trump is a vote for the Clintonista mafia. That family has engaged in a pattern of corruption never before seen on this scale in the United States.) 

by Katie Hanzeli
Author Katie Hanzeli and her hero, Sen. Ted Cruz
On July 18–21, 2016, in Cleveland, Ohio, I was privileged to be an alternate delegate from the Evergreen State of Washington. I had worked my way up from being a Precinct Committee Officer, an elected position, for the 400 or so voters in my neighbourhood  to becoming a delegate for my district, then on as a state delegate. At the Washington State Republican Party Convention in May of 2016, the delegates broke into caucuses for their respective Congressional districts. I had come this far once before -- in 2012, but no one knew me then and there was nothing particular to distinguish me from others, except for my pro-life stance.

This year, I became a delegate for Sen. Ted Cruz, beginning at the district level. My name was put on the official slate representing Mr. Cruz. I was overwhelming elected at all levels, showing me that 1) delegates were whole heartedly supporting Ted Cruz and 2) that they were pro-life. At each level, I had to make a 30-second speech to the voting delegates which ended with the phrase, “I will do my best to live up to the trust you have placed in me.” I hope I kept that promise, but the Republican National Committee (RNC) betrayed us. 

The party didn’t die all at once. It began in 1976 when the delegates’ votes were bound (locked up) to make sure that Gerald Ford was nominated for President. It meant that Ronald Regan had to wait four more years for his turn. It was the first time in the history of the Republican Party that this had been done. Prior to 1976, the delegates were unbound, that is, allowed to vote their conscience and not be tied to any primary or other pre-convention nominating process. The Democrat party had been binding their delegates almost from the beginning (1828).

The first salvo against free speech came from the 2016 RNC Rules committee. There are three parts to the Rules: 1) to guide the RNC in the upcoming years, 2) to govern the current convention and 3) to guide the party until the next convention. Our concern was part 2. Rules 37 and 38 ALLOWED for unbound delegates, delegates who could vote their conscience. 

The Washington State party leadership, when the question was asked of them, told us that we were bound by Rule 16. It was originally designed to prevent delegates from changing their support to another candidate at the convention. In my case, I was bound to vote for Ted Cruz. But just before the convention, the Rules Committee changed the meaning of Rule 16, binding us to vote for the winner of our respective state’s primary, in our case Trump. Never mind that the US Supreme Court said quite the opposite in numerous cases, most notably in Cousins vs. Wigoda in 1975.  Committee members, including one of our own from Washington, tried to speak against the Rules change but the chair didn’t acknowledge them. They were cut off.

Read Unbound: The Conscience of a Republican Delegate, by Curly Haugland and Sean Parnell.  It argues passionately that delegates are free to vote their conscience. The Rules offer surprising leeway. And in the case of the 2016 Republican Convention, the interpretation of  these rules could have meant the difference between Donald Trump as Republican presidential candidate and Ted Cruz. Conservative pro-life delegates largely preferred the latter. 

Republican delegates could have overturned the new version of Rule 16, freeing the delegates from the results of the primary elections. A minimum of seven states had to sign a petition to bring the Rules to the convention floor. Ten states did! These included Washington State and Colorado. U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan brought the Rules to the table for a vote excluding the 10-state petition. The vote was quick and the Rules were supposedly “passed.” The delegates rose up in anger. Where are the petitions? The protest continued, but the convention leadership walked off the stage, ignoring the rank and file.

Behind the scenes, the whole process was caught up in shenanigans -- dishonest manoeuvring.   Floor microphones were turned off so protests could not be heard. We received this text from a delegate called Unbound“Secretary of the convention hiding behind armed guards in attempt to muzzle the delegates.” After making numerous requests of other convention personnel to take the petitions back, a lowly convention worker agreed and they were received by the Secretary, a necessary legal step for them to be heard.

After five minutes of protest, the delegates calmed somewhat and the leadership returned. More time passed as it was apparent that discussion about the petitions was going on. It was then announced that only six petitions had been received, one short of the needed seven. Where were the other four?

Unbound texted: 
“Rigged election. Walk out.” Colorado did. Washington stayed. Before the “vote” and after the petitions had been received by the Secretary, it was learned that the party whips (the men in florescent yellow/green baseball
The #NeverTrump delegates adopted the yellow hats first as a means
of identifying each other, but then the RNC whips showed up with
the same-colored hats. 
caps on the floor) were intimidating delegates in an attempt to get them to remove their signatures from their state’s petition. (One female delegate was threatened by a group of people when she emerged from the ladies' room stall.)

Washington State’s party chair went to Washington’s signers in an attempt to get them to remove their signature. Three states caved. Washington did not. To her credit, the Washington chair accepted the will of the delegation and backed off. In an attempt to be heard at the Washington floor microphone, our delegate stood with her hand in the air, holding a flag which, hopefully, would be better noticed than just a hand, for long and painful minutes, while one of the whips stood immediately behind her, in her personal space. He didn't touch her, but he breathed, “hah, hah, hah" right on her neck, hoping for a reaction from our delegate. She stayed the course, and security had to be called to force him to back off.

Three states were intimidated to remove their petitions, but where was the fourth? Only seven were needed to force a vote on the rules allowing the delegates to vote their conscience. It could have meant the difference between Trump and Ted Cruz as the Republican nominee. No one knows what happened to the seventh petition. In my opinion, since Colorado walked out, their petition was removed by the leadership. The RNC got what they wanted. The protest could not move forward. The Rules binding the delegates was a (fraudulently) done deal. (Editor's Note: Another source reports there were originally nine states who signed the petition and three states were pressured to withdraw)

The Platform (which is quite good in terms of its stance on Life & Family) passed without a peep. The delegates were still in shock. I sat in the rafters with tears streaming down my face.

Throughout the whole Rules debacle, I had been praying fervantly. I was just trying to discern God’s will. It  seemed to  be the death of free speech in the Republican Party.

I wish I could say this was over, but it wasn’t. In between these comparatively short-lived events, we had speeches and more speeches. The music from the band kept getting louder and louder -- it was a deliberate attempt to prevent thought and communication. From the beginning, all of the speeches and the audio/visual “stuff” was geared toward Trump. Every day had a different theme, taken from Trump’s, “Make America Great Again” mantra. One could watch the delegates cave and wave their Trump signs and scream their heads off for this man. At one point, I wondered where the signs came from as we were expressly forbidden to bring anything into the hall that didn’t fit into the
clear plastic bag provided to us. Signs and other items like fresh fruit, ammunition (but not guns), noise makers, baseballs (but not bats!) were all forbidden. Yet, there they were; hundreds of signs waving with the slogan of the day.

Since the new Rules, which were just “approved” required the binding of delegates, you can imagine how the nominating process went. Each state was called in alphabetical order, the number of total delegates for that state and the numbers bound to each candidate were announced. Many states announced their vote differently than what the leadership announced. It didn’t matter. Their votes were changed to reflect what was “bound” according to

the RNC. (Washington D.C. delegate Gary Teal confirms this took place. His delegation was obligated under the rules to vote for Marco Rubio and John Kasich. The Secretary of the Convention announced (before the D.C. delegation voted) that "DC casts 19 votes for Donald J. Trump." The DC Chair stood up and contradicted him: "Ten votes for Marco Rubio and nine votes for John Kasich." The secretary intoned, " 19 votes for Donald J. Trump." Then he brought down the gavel)

Only one state protested and requested an individual polling of their delegates, which they got. It didn’t do any good. They were told they had to vote “according to the Rules of this Convention” -- just viciously passed.

Washington was told they had 44 votes and all were bound to Trump. How could this be? At the Washington State Convention in May, 41 of 44 Delegates and 40 of 44 Alternates (including me) elected were Cruz delegates. Our leadership knew this but announced to the Convention Chair that all 44 of our delegates were for Trump, in perfect obedience to the will of the RNC. In contradiction to the vote of the caucuses, the Washington Primary voters chose Trump with 74% of the votes. However, it was an open primary so any voter of any party could vote for any candidate of any party, as long as they only voted for one candidate. Democrats, hoping Hillary would win,  flooded the Republican Primary and voted for Trump as they considered him to be beatable. Washington wasn’t the only state where this happened. The vote was rigged.

Even with this Primary outcome for Trump, three Washington State delegates should have been allowed to vote for any other candidate, to reflect the 26% anti-Trump voters. The Primary was called “the will of the people,” but it wasn’t even that. It was  “winner take all.” This is what the new Rules did to our free speech.

By the time Wednesday evening rolled around, many had climbed onto the Trump band wagon, some with enthusiasm, but many with resignation. When Ted Cruz took the stage, the entire Convention went wild with cheering.

He was better received than any other speaker up to that point and better than any that came after him, in my opinion.

He spoke well and eloquently. The first thing he did was to congratulate Donald Trump on his nomination the night before. He also strongly encouraged all to vote the ticket, “up and down.” He supported the party, its candidates and all he said came as close as he could to endorsing Trump without actually endorsing him. It was masterful.

Remember the boo’s that started to come as it became apparent that Mr. Cruz wasn’t going to give the desired endorsement? Some began to boo spontaneously as his speech progressed, but most of it was incited by those florescent yellow/green-hatted whips on the floor. They wandered around inciting the delegates to boo. And, like sheep, they obeyed. The reports say the delegates were mad at Mr. Cruz. Some were, but most were just going ga-ga over the moment, egged on by the whips, wanting an emotional high they couldn’t get from Trump’s nomination.

Thursday evening, we listened to a whole lot from Trump supporters and 1 hour, 16 minutes of Trump. I got my time on the floor, offering my one vote - to adjourn, thank God! - and was pelted by the balloons as they dropped. I managed to salvage the little I could from this whole mess: some reusable balloons for my grandchildren.

What can we learn from this whole thing? Trump got his nomination and he was right. It was rigged. What he didn’t tell us was that he was part of the rigging. The question has been going around, “Why would the RNC support a candidate they hated?” Answer: “They hated Ted Cruz more.”

Is free speech completely dead in the Republican party? Is our right of conscience no longer to be respected? The party is a private group, and it is not bound by rules or guidelines that govern our everyday living, so they can create whatever rules they want to govern their processes. However, this party has been the party of the Constitution, the party of free speech, the free practice of religion and the right to so many other things we have held dear since the founding of our country. At this Convention, the RNC took several steps to ensure that we would not be allowed these rights. Are they now gone, victims of the pursuit of power? I would say, “Yes.”

During my sojourn as Precinct Committee Officer,  I had one, long-time party activist tell me, “You’ll never get anywhere with that stance,” referring to my pro-life beliefs. I thought he was one among many, an oddity among good people. But I was wrong. Too many won’t discuss abortion, privileged gay rights, the redefinition of marriage. This despite the fact that as I’ve gotten to know them, I’ve learned that many do strongly hold traditional values. But they want their candidates elected more, no matter what those candidates believe.

One good thing that came from this convention was that four of the  speakers publicly proclaimed that they were pro-life, something that I hadn’t heard at any level in the past (except from me!)

I said at the beginning that I would do my best to live up to the trust that was placed in me. I hope I did, but the Republican National Committee (RNC) betrayed us.

© 30 October 2016
Image from the Republican National Convention

Washington D.C. delegate Gary Teal was also at the convention, fighting for freedom of conscience. Most of the delegates from D.C. were pledged to non-Trump candidates. He said, "The RNC did not play fair, and they embarrassed themselves before the world." He said that if the #NeverTrump crowd  had been able to plan, they would have done the same thing as the RNC. Get their delegates to sign the state petitions, then have them disappear, leave the floor, take off their name tags and not answer their phones. Then no one could have been pressured to withdraw their signature. "But we didn’t have dozens of paid whips on the floor to lobby and we didn’t have control of the gavel. We lost."  Here's the link to his piece: What was it like attending the 2016 GOP Convention 

Also read Not a Single Republican Delegate is Bound to Donald Trump at National Review