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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Have the Same Disposition as Zacchaeus

Sermon by Rev. John Paul Shea
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 30, 2016
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, Tucson, Arizona, USA

“Today salvation has come to this house because this man too is a descendant of Abraham.”

Today for this 31st Sunday of Ordinary Time we once again hear the story of Zacchaeus.
Those around him did not look kindly upon this man. He was a tax collector, and such were despised and viewed as criminals. Yet, a transformation takes place in the life of this so called criminal. 

Zacchaeus heard that Jesus would be passing through his town of Jericho, and he strongly desired to see Him. Something extraordinary moved his heart.

So, Zacchaeus does everything he can to see Our Lord. He was short and couldn't see over
the crowd, but Zacchaeus would not give up. He climbed a tree. 

And that caught Our Lord’s attention. Therefore through his perseverance, Zacchaeus  received the salvation he so deeply wanted.  

He understood  that his life needed to change. Therefore, Zacchaeus says to our Lord, “Behold, half of my possessions, Lord, I shall give to the poor, and if I have extorted anything from anyone I shall repay it four times over.”

Fr John Paul Shea
My brothers and sisters, the overall message of today’s Gospel is that if we want to experience the presence of the Lord in our lives, if we want Our Lord to come stay in  our hearts, then we must have the same disposition as Zacchaeus.
Reflect on your relationship to Our Lord Jesus Christ. Such a relationship takes effort on your part.  God sees our hearts. He knows our deepest desires. 
In Zacchaeus' story, there was a crowd of people. Yet, Jesus only dined in one home because Zacchaeus showed a deep desire for Christ, and demonstrated his willingness to give Our Lord whatever was required in order to receive eternal salvation!

My brothers and sisters, look at your intentions. Do you want an encounter with Christ? Then make an effort in your spiritual life. When you come to Mass, seriously seek to meet Our Lord. Have an open heart. Be willing to change.  

Don't become another person in the crowd of Catholics who does not connect with Jesus because you do not make the effort. Pray,
come to Mass every week, come to the Sacrament of Confession. 

We have over 1 billion Catholics today. Unlike  other Christian denominations, we have the True Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ right here in our midst. We have the opportunity to receive His Presence into our bodies and our souls every day! How much do we truly want to experience this great gift! How easy it is to take this gift for granted. 

We have the truth, yet many Catholics ignore our Church’s’ teachings on contraception. But, for those striving to follow Church teaching on chastity and contraception, Our Lord says, "Today salvation has come to your house.” Our Lord blesses these couples because they offer their love and intimacy in a way that pleases Him.

Many see Church teachings as nothing but rules and regulations. But in actuality they are blessings.  When individuals, couples, and families offers themselves to God according to His will and His plan, then salvation comes to their house.

The bottom line in the message of today’s Gospel is that God sees our faithfulness. He sees our holy desires, and He blesses those who truly seek Him with a contrite heart. 

We live in a world that is crowded with many people. Yet, among the sinners, Our Lord makes Himself available to those hearts who truly seek Him and try to conform their lives to His teachings.

Therefore, set yourselves apart from the rest of the crowd by coming to God with a sincere heart. It doesn’t matter where we have been or what we have done. What matters is that we truly want Our Lord's attention and we are willing to offer Him our lives. 

If we come to Our Lord this way -- without holding anything back -- we will hear the words He spoke to Zacchaeus, “Today salvation has come to this house because [you too] are a descendant of Abraham.”

May God bless us and help us. Amen.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

God Sees and Looks Kindly Upon Every Person

Zacchaeus! Come Down from There! 

Sermon by Fr. Joseph Mungai
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time, Oct. 30, 2016
St. John the Apostle Awasi Catholic Church, Kisumu Archdiocese, Kenya

Today’s gospel reading (Luke 19:1-10) presents us with the encounter Zacchaeus had with Jesus which led him to his radical conversion and transformation.

Jesus was passing through Jericho when Zacchaeus climbed a sycamore tree just to catch a glimpse of Him. Similarly, Jesus constantly passes through our lives in the experiences we have, places we visit and persons we meet. As  Zacchaeus did, do we go out to meet Him? 

Encountering Christ simply means giving Him
the attention He desires in order for our hearts to be softened and transformed. When we meet Him, we are but the recipients of His divine favour. It is actually Jesus who searches us out to encounter Him. Like the parables of the lost sheep and coin, He is the shepherd looking for his own. But there could be a number of things that prevent that wonderful encounter.

Ordinarily speaking, Zacchaeus -- who was short -- would have seen Jesus if there were no crowd surrounding him. His inability to see Christ did not depend on his short stature, which was no fault of his. 

Instead, it depended on the insurmountable obstacle of the crowd surrounding him.  He needed to get away from the crowd in other to
see and encounter Jesus. This crowd for us could mean a number of things. It could be a relationship, a sinful habit, an environment, an attitude of the mind, an association with a sect or group or even an unsound doctrine or belief that could prevent us from having a clear view of the presence of Christ around us. To encounter Christ therefore, we have to alienate ourselves from these obstacles by aiming to be higher than them as Zacchaeus did. By climbing the tree, Zacchaeus was able to leave the crowd and see Jesus.
Most often, the crowd tends to impose certain limitations on us. These limitations could be in the form of ideologies or the “popular mentality,” which includes the vain feeling of self-pride. Zacchaeus conquered this mentality by humbling himself to climb a tree. Even Jesus had to work against this mentality, which considered it unfit for Him to associate himself with supposed sinners. This merited Zacchaeus the favour of receiving a divine invitation from Jesus.

Biblical scholars have advanced two interpretations of the encounter Zacchaeus had with Jesus in his home based on how one understands the words he addressed to Jesus:
“Half of my goods Lord, I give to the poor and if I have cheated anyone, I pay him back four time as much.”

The first interpretation is that Zacchaeus, a sinner underwent a radical conversion and transformation that enabled him to do what the rich and devout Jew of Mathew 19:21 could not do (sharing his possessions with the poor and following Jesus). By implication, an encounter with God could transform us into better Christians. The second interpretation, so much conscious of the expression “if I have cheated …” considers Zacchaeus perhaps as a truly righteous man whom the crowd identifies as a sinner because of his profession as a tax collector. But Jesus truly judges who a man is and not who people thinks he is. Last Sunday, he praised a repentant tax collector against a proud and arrogant Pharisee. Today, he praises a tax collector whom he knows to be a good and generous person.

God truly sees in us unique individuals and not stereotypes. He is more interested in our positive potentialities than in our negative actualities. He wants the best in us because He loves us. The first reading (Wis. 11:22-12:2) reminds us of this fact that the Lord loves all that exist and would not have made anything if he hated it. Though we are sinners, He knows we can be saints if we cooperate with His grace. That is why we don’t have to judge people as stereotypes by condemning them as sinners on account of their profession, race or religion. 

Therefore beloved brethren, like St. Paul in the second reading (2 Thess. 1:11-2:2), let us pray that God may make us worthy of His calling as his children. So that each encounter we have with Him will bring about a radical conversion and transformation in us and qualify us to be with Him at the second coming. Happy Sunday for God loves you.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Sleeping Beauty: Wait for True Love

He Loves Me. He Loves Me Not. 

by Susan Fox 

“I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream
I know you, the gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
Yet I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem
But if I know you, I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream”
 (Once Upon a Dream from the 1959 Disney classic Sleeping Beauty) 

I was that little girl twirling and singing “Once Upon A Dream” at recess on the school grounds the weekend after the Disney movie Sleeping Beauty was released in 1959. 

Six years old, I closed my eyes, danced, and experienced the dream of love. I knew I wanted to be loved forever by one man in marriage. And no other. 

But can a six-year-old marry? Should she marry? No she must grow up. She must learn first to be a friend and how to discern real friendship and its counterfeit: some men will desire her outer beauty, not herself. They will pretend to care. They will try to use her. 
This is a critical choice. Allow your hormones to choose the wrong man and you condemn your children to a lifetime of misery. For the man you choose will help raise your children. He will be intimately responsible for your protection.

Sexuality becomes truly human when it is integrated into a relationship of one man to one woman in a complete and lifelong mutual gift. Chastity allows the successful integration of sexuality within the person and thus the inner unity of man in his bodily and spiritual being. (CCC 2337)

Either a human being governs his own passions or allows his lower powers to dominate his life, and then he becomes a slave. In fact, he becomes stupid. And because sexuality is a generative power, how you use it will affect the future of those you will come to love most intimately, your own family. 

I was painting stripes on a parking lot in one of my summer jobs during college, when I overheard a conversation in one of the apartments. It was a mother talking lovingly to her baby to try and protect it from the voice of its father — a harsh drunken voice, speaking to her in a derogatory manner, mocking her in front of the infant. It was a battle of sorts.

Clearly the child was in an unsafe condition and so was its mother. She had made a bad choice. No Prince Charming here. No dream of lifelong love. Not even friendship was possible in that conversation. You cannot love when the love is not reciprocated. The poor woman had fallen into the arms of lechery, and she conceived her child in that compost pile.

Oh but he was gorgeous! And in the beginning he paid attention to her. She was hungry for male attention. She wanted to be loved. Perhaps her father was absent or had
Pope Saint John Paul II
behaved in the same manner. The sexual urge is a force of nature, and the first thing aroused is our emotions. This is called
attraction by Pope Saint John Paul II in his book on Love and Responsibility. 

But he may have only reacted to her in a sensory manner. He did not look at her character, her humanity — just the pretty package. She failed to heed the warning signs, and imagined he had virtues and values that he didn’t possess. Or she might have hoped to change him. Their relationship probably reached the level of sympathy or co-passion. Such is purely affective love, in which the decision and will do not play a role. 

They undoubtedly experienced desire, each seeking the missing good in the other. She became his food, a means to satisfy his desire. She failed to recognise the shallowness of his regard. They never became friends. Benevolence is necessary
for true friendship to exist. Not only must you desire a person as a good for oneself (she’s gorgeous! I want her) but also you must above all desire her good. I want her to be happy. I will make sacrifices so that she may be happy. That’s true love. 

She seemed to benevolently desire good for him. She desperately wanted him to love their child and herself. But the problem was that there was no equal response on his side of the equation. So the attraction and desire fell into hatred in his heart.  Concupiscence perverted it. The first born daughter of unchastity is blindness of spirit. He was unhappy, enslaved by his lower powers. 

Did they have similar interests? A common purpose? People tend to bond with others with similar personalities. Gifted with the first woman, Adam’s happy response was "At last! This one is bone from my bone, and flesh from my flesh! She will be called 'woman,' because she was taken from ‘man.’" (Gen. 2:23) It’s hard to tell from the conversation I overheard. 

Love is by nature not one-sided. It is between persons. If both of them had contributed personal love, full of ethical value, to the relationship then their daughter would be raised in a stable and loving  environment. Cardinal Karol Wojtyla — the future Pope John Paul II — called this reciprocity. When only personal utility (the useful good) or pleasure determines reciprocity, he said, then the relationship is unstable. Trust is impossible in that situation. If she had trusted her spouse, she would not have been correcting him using her conversation with the child.

The future pope concluded that we must test love thoroughly before it is declared to each other, and especially before one starts building  one’s vocation and whole life on it.  

Every human being has the dream of reciprocal love. Only a lifelong committed relationship, full of ethical value, to a person of the opposite sex can create a  happy marriage. 

Today, I walked past the anxious spouse of one of our students. His wife is pregnant, and she was sick with the flu. He didn’t go to work. He was staying by her side all day to see to her care.  

That self-sacrificing love is the kind to engender trust. Their baby will be born to a happy family. 

Susan Fox is working on a master's degree in Marriage and Family at the International Theological Institute in Trumau, Austria. 
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