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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Skid Row Profiles 3: Betty the Alcoholic

by Susan Fox

You live in a fine house.
Your friends are as frequent as the stars,
and your lovers all desire you.
But your dog is lonely and neglected
like the person you used to be.

Now the beer flows freely
and it’s good times every night;
the party runs late,
then the jokes are put on ice.

In the early hours of the morning
when others go home laughing,
you are alone,
standing naked on the balcony,
wrapped in a blanket and weeping
into the dawn and melting snow.

The television is your closest friend.
It is the closet you hide in
and it talks to you
like nobody else can.

It tells you what you want to hear:
that your face is beautiful,
your lovers all require you,
and the years will never overwhelm you.

It substitutes for dreams,
buries old emotion
and turns reality into black and white.

I sometimes creep down the stairs
to watch you sleeping by the television.
You are always lying close to it,
and your face – a mirror of everything you see –
reflects nothing, but its flashing edge.

 Outside the world explodes in color,
the spring is celebrated in the song of birds,
and the air is chilled like fine wine.

But you do not feel it:
you are plugged in somewhere else

and refuse to disconnect the umbilical cord.

Friday, April 18, 2014

MURDER OF INNOCENTS: Out of Evil Comes a Greater Good

by Susan Fox

Bishop A.M. Blanchet watched in horror as members of his flock killed white settlers in Eastern Washington. It was how they did it that caused him the most anguish: “easily and with gaiety of heart,” he wrote, “whooping and hollering.” 

A white French Canadian, Bishop Blanchet has the distinction of being the first bishop of Nisqually – later known as the dioceses of Seattle and Spokane. He kept a journal in French; traveled the early American frontier cooking altar breads over an open fire; he was accosted and mistreated by prejudiced pastors of other denominations. And he witnessed the atrocities of the “red” men he loved and considered his own.  

In the mid-1800s, he wrote a letter addressed to these men using the term of address, “Mes pauvres sauvages.” (My poor savages or my poor wild men) It was an anguished and compassionate letter from a spiritual father. While he was obviously distressed by their actions, he never lost faith in the indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest “because it cannot be doubted that when the Indians will understand the seriousness of the crime of homicide, they will avoid committing it.”

In his letter, he explained that he merely felt he had a job to do as a missionary: “As they learn to know God – that will inspire their horror of all these terrible crimes that they commit now so easily.”

He was a successful evangelist. I’ve attended Mass side by side with descendants of those same Indians in Eastern Washington. Their liturgy was celebrated in Salish.
Twitter Wild Man

I kept his spiritual advice in mind as I met the same group of “wild men” on Twitter this week. They insisted that children in the womb are not human beings. They are simply cancer cells. A woman has the right to have her appendices out. A baby is no different than a cancer cell, they argued in 140 characters or less.

Humorously, I recalled having my appendices out in Grenoble, France, in 1974. It was the practice in France to give the patient the portion of the body removed after the surgery! I woke up in a French hospital with a test tube lying next to me. Yep, sure enough, it contained my appendices!

They did not look like a baby, I swear. They looked like long pink stringy things. How embarrassing that the inside of one’s body could be so very ugly.

I have the personal experience -- unfortunately -- to explain to you the difference between my ugly appendices and an unborn baby. I miscarried my son Raphael in 1985. He was about six to eight weeks from conception. 

As the Twitter atheists said, Raphael did drop into the toilet. They implied this made him something less than human. But we pulled him out and baptized him, and brought him into the hospital where I was to have a DNC.

And even the doctor agreed he was unmistakably a very small human being. I recognized my husband’s long face and legs. And while my stringy appendices had my DNA, Raphael didn’t. He had his own. Therefore, he is not my organ or my cancer. He is his own person, with his own personal right to life. If I have the right to “choose” what is done with my body, then Raphael should have an equal right, and that requires him to be born and raised.

Yet this week I was accused of lacking “science” by a science major in grad school, my dear atheist tweeter. In his mind women are ruled by “hormones,” must have uncontrolled sex, and then they are rudely occupied by infant invaders who must be firmly repelled medically in abortion. Under this scenario, the human race is actually an alien band of parasites!

“Abortion is not murder because it deals with a part of a woman's body, not a life,” he said. Another atheist argued, “If you need an organ, should your mother be forced by law to donate?” He referred to the womb.

One of my new pro-life twitter friends, responded, “A ridiculous argument that has NOTHING to do with the subject.”  But the second atheist responded, “It does actually. Why do fetuses have the right to use a body without consent?”

I responded, “The mother practicing self-mastery gives consent when she has sexual relations.”

“No, she doesn’t. Consent to sex isn’t consent to pregnancy!” the atheist shot back. This led to an argument on the ineffectiveness of birth control. “Only abstinence works,” I said. And it doesn’t damage the health of either the mother or the father.  Birth control endangers women’s health, and vasectomies are associated with brain damage.

My son did not choose to come into existence. He didn’t -- with his life -- occupy my womb without my consent. My husband and I were waiting in love for our child, and we actually watched for the best time to conceive. There was nothing involuntary about my womb being occupied by another human being, nothing requiring us to expel the “little invader.” And when we lost him, there was no greater suffering. I simply can’t describe it.
Atheist View of Women

To suggest that women are helpless rag dolls who can’t keep their legs together is to suggest that women are incapable of self-mastery – that, in fact, they are as wild and savage as the atheist barbarians arguing on Twitter.

So I started asking questions. And the first atheist tweeter admitted that his mother had an abortion, and his “girlfriends” had abortions.

Here we are all upset and shocked because a 39-year-old woman in Utah kept seven dead infants in her garage, children she bore at home while her three teenage daughters lived in the house. She is charged with six counts of murder (the seventh baby was still born).  No one doubts that it was infant murder – right after birth. What is the difference between infanticide and abortion? Five minutes.

So how would a man deal with the knowledge that his mother murdered one of his siblings? And he was spared? Loving his mother, wouldn’t he decide that what she had done was to simply remove unwanted tissue? He says that’s not the case. “I support abortion not out of loyalty (to my mother), but because it's the right thing to do.  Women shouldn't be forced to be pregnant.” 

Behind those words, however, I sense a story of great fear on his mother’s part. And his family is not alone. Fifty-seven million abortions in the U.S. since 1973, but how many brothers and sisters survived and were affected by those 57 million decisions? We could have hundreds of millions of walking wounded in the United States.
Baby Oven: A Woman Willing to Bear Children
According to An Atheist 

I asked my tweeter atheist how he felt about the “decision” his girlfriend made to have an abortion. He answered, “I respected it. My girl is not my baby oven. She is her own person.” But his child is not.

Patience is required. In 150 years, our country has come full circle. The wild Indians are now law-abiding Catholics, and the population is infiltrated with wild men, who think nothing of murdering their own children. The time of Moloch has emerged. Child sacrifice is the new norm, but this time the false god’s name is FEAR. Maybe that’s what Moloch meant the first time around too. But today the New Barbarians wear suits, carry iPads and have college degrees.
the god of child sacrifice

Atheists are bitter when they see bad things happen in the world. Stories like Noah’s Ark and the Exodus make them think, "If God exists, He is mean."

My husband has been trying to explain to them that God takes responsibility for evil. Even though He does not directly cause it, He promises to handle it – to bring good out of evil.

God tried to show us how He would repair our “mistake” in the Garden by sending His Son to become man and die for us. God so loved the world that He gave His only Son.

Early Christians seemed to get this message that is ignored and buried today. In an Easter homily, the second century bishop of Sardis, St. Melito, said, “For the sake of suffering humanity he came down from heaven to earth, clothed himself in that humanity in the Virgin’s womb, and was born a man. Having then a body capable of suffering, he took the pain of fallen man upon himself ... and by his Spirit, which was incapable of dying, he dealt man’s destroyer, death, a fatal blow.” Death entered the world through man’s fall. God came to earth to fix our “mistakes,” not His. Everything God made was good. 
Behold the Lamb of God Who Takes Away the Sins of the World
The good bishop goes on to explain: “He is the mute lamb, the slain lamb, the lamb born of Mary, the fair ewe. He was seized from the flock, dragged off to be slaughtered, sacrificed in the evening, and buried at night. On the tree no bone of his was broken; in the earth his body knew no decay. He is the One who rose from the dead, and who raised man from the depths of the tomb.”

Death where is thy sting?

This Easter Sunday is the 15th anniversary of the massacre at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado near where I live. This story is perfect atheist fodder. Two students entered the school on April 20, 1999, and sprayed the library with bullets, killing 12 students, one teacher and injuring 26 more before taking their own lives.

The Denver Catholic Register this week wrote about the Columbine tragedy with the headline, “Out of evil comes A GREATER GOOD.”

Students who survived spoke of the joy they had in their lives despite their injuries. Patrick Ireland was shot in the head, arm, leg and foot that day. He spent three hours in and out of consciousness pushing himself slowly toward a shot-out window. When he reached it, he hurled himself out to rescuers.

He had to relearn how to walk, talk and retrain his memory. But he finished high school on schedule, went on to college, married his college sweetheart, had a daughter and manages an insurance office. Forgiveness was an important part of his recovery.

“We have a choice of how we live our lives, choosing to be a victor or a victim on a daily basis... Being a victor is a conscious decision,” Ireland said, adding that “God has a plan. If that was my purpose to be used as a tool for greater things, then I’m happy to be able to serve that way.”

Sean Graves has had 47 surgeries since he was shot in the back six times 15 years ago. “I don’t think the pain is something that will ever change,” he said. “But it’s a blessing and a gift to still be here and do all the things I can do.”

A member of St. Frances Cabrini Church in Littleton, he and his wife, Kara, serve as peer mentors with the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation for people living with paralysis. Mr. Graves spent four years in a wheel chair, and was originally told he’d never walk again.  “I’m stubborn,” he said, “when they told me that, I took it as a personal challenge.” Today he walks.

God showed great tenderness and respect for the Blessed Virgin Mary in the manner he used to gain her consent to become the Mother of His Son. 

St. Luke reported Our Lady’s response to the Lord’s invitation through the Angel Gabriel: “Behold the Handmaid of the Lord. Be it done to me according to your word.” Doesn’t her answer remind you of Patrick Ireland’s response?  “If that was my purpose to be used as a tool for greater things, then I’m happy to be able to serve that way.”

I don’t think a God like that would create men and women who are “invaded” by “cancer cells” that magically turn into human beings. No, that sounds like a fairy tale created by someone in a red suit with horns on his head.

Neither would I expect the Blessed Mother to call herself a “baby oven.” Let us pray that the people, who think of pregnant women as “baby ovens,” have their stony hearts removed. May God give them hearts made of real flesh.

Watch this fascinating video of the human being developing  from seven weeks from conception. It jumps to the next video for the whole development automatically. Share with your atheist friends!
The Development of the Human Embryo from Seven Weeks.

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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

THAT'S GOD'S AMORE: Sangre de Christo Mountains at Sunset and Moonrise

Moonrise over the Sangre de Christo Mountains, Santa Fe, NM
April 14, 2014
While you read, PLAY!  Dean Martin's "That's Amore" 

by Susan and Lawrence Fox
Lawrence Fox 

Susan Fox

Last night -- Tuesday of Holy Week -- we were driving along the Sangre de Christo Mountains in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I knew the name meant Blood of Christ, but I never knew why the Spanish had named the mountains for Christ's Blood. 

 Phoebe Wise -- fount of wisdom on all things Santa Fe
My friend, Phoebe Wise, was with us, and she explained that the mountains turn red or rose colored when the sun sets or rises especially when they have snow on them! 

Alpenglow is an optical phenomenon in which a horizontal red glowing band is observed on the horizon opposite to the sun when it is just below the horizon.

Sangre de Christo Mountain just after sunset on April 14, 2014

We saw the alpenglow on the Sangre de Christos at just the right moment. The sun  set. I shot the picture and planned to shoot another, but by the time I turned back the mountain had turned blue grey.  

That quick! 

But Nature wasn't done with us yet. Because we then witnessed an incredible moon rise over the same mountains. 

How fascinating that after years of visiting Santa Fe, the Lord chose to show us the alpenglow during Holy Week. 

That's God's Amore!

(In Napoli where love is king, When boy meets girl, here's what they say) 

When the moon hits you eye like a big pizza pie
That's amore
When the world seems to shine like you've had too much wine
That's amore
Bells will ring ting-a-ling-a-ling, ting-a-ling-a-ling
And you'll sing "Vita bella"
Hearts will play tippy-tippy-tay, tippy-tippy-tay
Like a gay tarantella

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool
That's amore
When you dance down the street with a cloud at your feet
You're in love
When you walk down in a dream but you know you're not
Dreaming signore
Scuzza me, but you see, back in old Napoli
That's amore

(When the moon hits you eye like a big pizza pie
That's amore
When the world seems to shine like you've had too much wine
That's amore
Bells will ring ting-a-ling-a-ling, ting-a-ling-a-ling
And you'll sing "Vita bella"
Hearts will play tippy-tippy-tay, tippy-tippy-tay
Like a gay tarantella

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool)
That's amore
(When you dance down the street with a cloud at your feet
You're in love
When you walk down in a dream but you know you're not
Dreaming signore
Scuzza me, but you see, back in old Napoli)
That's amore
Lucky fella

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool)
That's amore
(When you dance down the street with a cloud at your feet
You're in love
When you walk down in a dream but you know you're not
Dreaming signore
Scuzza me, but you see, back in old Napoli)
That's amore, (amore)
That's amore