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Monday, November 3, 2008

Come Lord Jesus Come Nov. 4

Dear Heavenly Father,
I ask You now, will you continue to protect this nation from its own stupidity and folly? Will You guard your Church through this crisis? Or will you allow our nation to expire, lose its creativity and fail economically. This is after all what we deserve. For 35 years, we have allowed the slaughter of our own innocents. How many women have suffered after making that fatal mistake? How many children have been denied their Baptisms, First Communions, their graduation, their weddings, the chance to have children and grow old with their spouse.
I had two miscarriages 18 and 22 years ago, and I still grieve the loss of those children. At times I almost saw them running in the door with my son James, age 20, the only one to make it out of the womb alive. This past week my friends and I in the Eucharistic Apostles of the Divine Mercy went and prayed outside an abortion clinic in Tempe, AZ. One of our members was inspired to go back on Friday morning at 8 a.m. when the women line up for the abortions. She witnessed one young woman running sobbing from the clinic at 9 a.m. How long Father will you allow us to suffer from our own stupidity? You are a God of Mercy, please, please do not allow us to continue to sin in this manner. Do not leave us blind, deaf and dumb. Put people in the media who truly want to seek the truth and report it. Give us the gift of self-knowledge and the courage to do something about it. Let Americans live in reality and not on TV.
Don't get me wrong, Father, I am so pleased that at least half our Catholic bishops have spoken out, and told the American Catholics to vote pro-life. I thank you for this. I ask you to continue to give us holy, courageous bishops and priests, ones who will speak the truth from the pulpit regardless of whether it will jeopardize our tax exempt status or not. If we become so fearful of losing money that we can't defend the most helpless among us, then I fear we will become like the salt that has fallen on the ground and become spoiled. Do not allow us to hide our light under a bushel basket. Bring all quaking Christians out from under that basket on Nov. 4 and help them to put their light on a lamp stand, so that Your Son Jesus Christ, the Light of the World, will not be ashamed of His servants. Come Lord Jesus. The Spirit and the Bride say, "Come."
Susan Fox

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods, nor his life.

The upcoming election is a battle for the soul of the American people.

How many commandments of God do we break if we vote for Barach Obama? At least three.

I realize that may sound harsh to some people and I fully admit that John McCain is not perfect.
Nobody is perfect. Only God is Perfect.
However when I listen to the people on the radio explaining why they will vote for Barach Obama, I recognize a certain temptation.
Joe the Plumber tripped up Barach Obama this week when he got him to admit that he wanted to take money from some Americans and give it to others. Thou shalt not steal.
Some Americans think that they will be the recipient of that money because they feel poor. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods. The irony is that during the Clinton years, those people making $40,000 a year, who feel poor, paid much higher taxes than under President Bush. Those who try to steal from their friends and neighbors in this election will ultimately find Barach Obama has his hand in their own pocket. That's the way the sin of greed works. And really when Joe the Plumber can't afford to buy his plumbing business because of new taxes, neither can any waitress, seamstress, car salesman or school teacher in America.

The American dream is inaccessible to all Americans when taxes are raised. And no one has any incentive to make over $250,000 a year if they are not going to get to keep it. Therefore, there are tons of people Joe the Plumber won't hire if he is not able to acquire his plumbing business because of taxes.

But this is not the main commandment one breaks if he votes for Barach Obama. Barach Obama supports murder. That's right murder. Thou shalt not kill. And if you are hoping for money from the sky in an Obama presidency and you support Barach Obama, who favors abortion, infanticide and euthanasia, someday yours may be the life that is cut down before its time. For when the innocent do not have the right to life, no one does.

In Holland, a woman needed surgery, but didn't want to go to the hospital for the surgery for fear that she would be killed against her will in the hospital. Her doctor promised her, he would stay in her room all night to make sure she was not put to death. Everything worked as promised, but in the morning the doctor went to shower and shave, and when he returned someone else was in the woman's bed. He asked the nurse where she was, and the nurse replied that they needed the bed for someone else, so they had killed the woman.

In England, there is a well publicized case of a man who has a disease that will result in his becoming incapacitated before he dies. He fears they they will not supply him with fluids and a feeding tube at the end of his life, so he went to court to try and get the right to live when he was unable to speak for himself. The courts in England determined that he could not have that right. In fact, neither could his family. The courts said the doctors would make that determination. And recognize here that they have socialized medicine in England, so the state will save money if the state-hired doctors and state-run hospital decide to starve the poor sick man to death, a painful and horrible death, I may add.

What kind of monstrous culture has England and America bred in the last four decades? It's called the culture of death, and it is the fruit of abortion. When I was a young girl in the 1960s my mother argued passionately that if our country made abortion legal, euthanasia was not far behind. At the time, such an idea was ludicrous. No one could imagine it. But my mother died in 2001 of natural causes, but not before several doctors tried to hurry her out of this world. In fact, two weeks before her death, the doctors presented her with the option of just letting herself die. They used me and my stepfather to go into her room and say, "Mom, you can die of kidney failure now, and it's supposed to be a fairly comfortable way to go." My mother was 82, and had only one leg, and had come in to amputate the second one. But death was not on her schedule. She had miles to go and places to see, and things to accomplish. So she responded, "That is the most ridculous thing I have ever heard!" We had the hospital do everything they could to save her life, but in the end her heart failed. My mother's name was Tora, which is Norweigian for "tear drop." She enjoyed the last two weeks of her life immensely, believing that she would get better. When my son James and I prayed the Rosary over her, one eye was able to tear up and spill over. When we played religious music in her room (Simonetta on the Real Presence) , I walked back into her room while it was playing and one eye was watering excessively. At this point, she could not speak. And before that I brought in herbs from my garden, lush scents of basil, mint, oregano, lavendar, and this when she was more alert, she held them and breathed in the scents and appreciated them more than perhaps she had in her lifetime. At this point she had just recently become blind. Many people do not realized that we are not supposed to suppress, numb or cancel out our senses in order to grow in the spiritual life. In fact, our senses are to be sanctified, and used for God's glory. A tear spilled out of my mother's one eye for the last time on the afternoon she died when she realized she could not breathe anymore and on her face was a look I recognized. Years before whenever it rained in Washington State -- as it often did -- she would say, "Isn't God good?" She had appreciated life to such a degree that now -- at the end -- she truly regretted leaving it. That is a proper human response to death even when one believes passionately in eternal life, and has done everything possible to live one's life righteously.

The 10 commandments were summarized by Jesus into two. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with your whole heart, your whole strength and your whole being. And love your neighbor as yourself. Friends, keep Jesus Christ as your Messiah, and love your neighbor. Don't kill him, don't take his money. Vote for John McCain.

If you would like a good laugh see John McCain at the Al Smith dinner with the bishops last night:http://beltwayblips.com/video/mccain_at_the_al_smith_dinner/

If you want to witness the evil of abortion first hand, watch this video.
While this is very hard to watch, no one should go to the voting booth without seeing it.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Eucharist Desecrated, Sarah Palin impaled

Recently it was reported that a biology professor at the Morris campus of the University of Minnesota (Hint: don't send your kids there) made good on his announced plans to desecrate the Holy Eucharist. This was reported by Bill Donohue of the Catholics League (www.catholicleague.org), who protested strongly to the University, but to no avail. The poor misguided soul (the biology professor) on July 24, 2008, drove a rusty nail through a consecrated Host, and posted a picture of it on his blog.

I was horrified, since this is the deliberate mishandling of the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. The professor believed that the "cracker" had no power, but the reason he was so easily able to desecrate the Host is the same reason that Our Lord allowed Himself to be led like a Lamb to the slaughter, the same reason that He allowed Judas to betray Him to the Sanhedrin of his time, and the same reason that countless Christian martyrs have given their lives to witness to the reality of God's presence in the Holy Eucharist. When Pontius Pilate boasted that he had power over Jesus Christ, Our Lord's response was that he would not have it except that it was given to him from above.
Yet my husband’s response to this desecration was, “Ho Hum, more of the same.” He said calling the Host a “cracker” was common in anti-Catholic sources. I never came across this stuff before. But recently, I have been reading “The Devotion to the Sacred Heart” by Fr. John Croiset, S.J., a book published in 1691 and written during the lifetime of the visionary St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, published by Tan Books. Fr. Croiset is angry about the desecration the Holy Eucharist in his time, and before. “The first distribution of Holy Communion at the Last Supper was dishonored by the most horrible of all sacrileges (Judas reception of Communion and subsequent betrayal of Jesus Christ, which is deicide.), and this horrible sacrilege has been followed during the ages by all the outrages and profanations that Hell could invent. Not only have people lost all respect for Jesus Christ on our altars, not only have they treated Him as a mock king and ridiculed His divinity (Crowning of Thorns), not only have they pillaged, demolished and burned the churches where He had condescended to remain constantly for the love of men, and the altars on which He immolated Himself every day for them; not only have they broken, melted down, and profaned the sacred vessels which have a thousand times served for the dread Sacrifice of the Mass; but they have even dragged on the ground and trampled under foot His adorable Body in the Consecrated Hosts and -- what should horrify devils, and even monsters worse than devils – they have pierced these Consecrated Hosts with knives thousands of times.”
Do you remember the story in the Old Testament of King Belshazzar, who ordered the vessels of gold and silver which his father, King Nebuchadnezzar, had pillaged from the Temple in Jerusalem to be brought into the king so he, his wives, his servants and his entertainers might drink from them? They were praising their gods while drinking from the vessels, which was a sacrilege, and suddenly the fingers of a human hand appeared and wrote on the wall. This terrified the king, and no one could read the message until they called for the Jewish prophet Daniel. Daniel gave him the message, “Mene, Tekel, and Peres.” Sorry king, you have not humbled yourself before God, and you have profaned the sacred vessels of God’s Holy Temple. “Mene: God has numbered your kingdom and put an end to it. Tekel: you have been weighed on the scales and found wanting. Peres: Your kingdom has been divided and given to the Medes and Persians.” (Daniel 5: 26-28) And that very night Belshazzar, the Chaldean king, was slain.
Let us pray for our biology professor. However, less we become complacent, Fr. Croiset goes on concerning the outrages against the Holy Eucharist, “O my Savior, how many Catholics there are who treat Thee scarcely less insultingly! Abomination penetrates even into the Holy of Holies. It is difficult to say which of the two treats Jesus Christ with greater impiety and ingratitude, the heretic who profanes our churches in which he believes that Jesus Christ is not really present, or the Catholic who, while making profession of believing, presents himself before Jesus Christ with so little respect.” “People discuss news and business matters even at the foot of the altar, and must we confess, O my God, to the shame of our age, that there are even Catholics who are guilty of abominable and impious conversation in the church? Some people assist at Mass as they would at a profane show . . . After a perfunctory genuflection, they sit down and often talk. Behold the homage, the gratitude, the return of love which Jesus Christ receives from a large number of Christians!” He goes on at great length, but you get the idea. And all this happened in 1691. Déjà Vue.
Now we have the matter of the hatred that has been shown to Republican Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin. People wonder why the media is so mean to her. They have said she should stay home with her five kids and not work. One man called into a talk show and made this point. The host asked if he wanted Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate Sen. Biden to have stayed home with his small children after his wife died. The answer was, “No” because Sen. Biden didn’t have a Down’s syndrome baby." Ah, the root of the problem with Sarah is that she didn’t kill her handicapped son, Trig Paxson Van Palin, when he was completely helpless in the womb and could not defend himself. So Trig is much like that “cracker” stabbed with a rusty knife by a biology professor from the University of Minnesota (don’t send your kids there.) Except that he was given to a family who made the decision to cherish and love him. Catholics, let us cherish and love Our Lord Jesus Christ in the same manner, and seek to see and serve Him in our children, friends, family and enemies. Susan Fox