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Saturday, September 5, 2015

Worldwide Abortion Protest Reignites Ancient Battle

by Susan Fox

Decades ago, I had a dream.  I walked into a very special “grocery store.” The case of refrigerated milk was illuminated with red tinted lights that looked like burning candles in a church, and inside the refrigerator case was row after row of Blessed Virgin 
Mary milk! The ordinary milk cartons were labeled with sweet pictures of Our Lady holding the Infant Christ. Not only that, but there was churned butter with the same drawing on the label. Unknown to me, I was just introduced to the "Milk of the Apostles!" (Interesting Stories from Susan Fox)

It is a question of milk.

People are intrigued.

What has a pro-life protest got to do with satanists dumping milk over the heads of enslaved women at a Planned Parenthood protest in downtown Detroit?

On Aug. 22, 2015, more than 78,590 people demonstrated against Planned Parenthood at 354 locations in the U.S. and in six foreign countries -- the single largest protest day in the history of the pro-life movement. But in some places, the peaceful pro-life challenge was interrupted by some, who favored child murder instead of adoption. Thirty-six couples wait for every one baby who is adopted. 

There is no shortage of adoptive families; no reason to imagine that anyone is forced into motherhood because they can’t get an abortion. I write this now while Kentucky clerk Kim Davis is in jail for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples. Satan’s thinking has taken over the U.S. courts, medical establishments as well as many of our citizens.

In Detroit, the pro-abortion protestors were satanists. The Satanic Temple unveiled a one-ton bronze statue of goat-headed Baphomet on July 25 as a means of fund-raising for abortion. On Aug. 22, in front of the downtown Detroit Planned Parenthood, the same group – dressed as Catholic priests ---
Satanic pro-abortion protestors on Aug. 22 in front of the
 PlannedParenthood Clinic in downtown Detroit
dumped gallon after gallon of milk over two struggling women, while shouting “Hail satan!” It was a curse, but the intended message was that people who do not support abortion force women to give birth, and produce milk for the child (i.e. breast feed.) Nonsense, consider the number of people waiting to adopt a baby.

Unwittingly, the satanists resurrected an ancient struggle. Just when the Serpent in the Garden of Eden gloated, thinking he had destroyed God’s creation by causing Adam and Eve to sin, God snatches victory from his hands:  
“I will put enmity between you and the woman,
 your offspring and her offspring,
She will crush your head
and you will strike her heel.” 
(Gen 3:15)

Woman crushing the head of the Serpent
God tells us there is war between children, and a war about children. Some are children of the Serpent who tempted Adam and Eve, leading to the first original sin. Some are children of the Woman...and her Seed. And some are victims of abortion – these last are the child sacrifice demanded by the evil god Moloch, another face of the devil. For as Christ said, satan is a liar and a murderer from the beginning (John 8:44)

Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Ah, let us unpack these images. The Seed is Christ. The Woman is His Mother, Mary. She is a human being, a creature like you or I. He is True God and True Man.  He was not born out of “urge of the flesh, nor will of man, but of God himself.” (John 1:13) The power comes from the Seed, but the humble Virgin Mary shares Her Son’s battle with the snake that demands child sacrifice.  That’s why the pregnant Lady of Guadalupe was so immediately effective at ending Aztec human sacrifice by converting the Mexican people to her Son, Jesus, in 1531.

Some people have told me they think Catholics worship Mary. They went to a Catholic wedding and watched the bride and groom kneel at the feet of a statue of Mary, and they assumed the young couple was worshipping a goddess.

I always say, “How dare you judge us? If I went into your house and saw you kiss a picture of your grandmother, I would never assume that you were worshipping your grandmother!” In fact, the young couple was consecrating their marriage to Jesus through Mary. The Catholic Church teaches that all true devotion has Christ as its end. And anyone who makes Mary a goddess is an idolater.

Now comes the same person and asks how can we pray to Mary since she is not God, and Christ is the only Mediator. Well, my friend, if I ask you to pray for me, are you not participating in the One Mediation of Christ? Is He not permitting you to participate in His One Mediation? And if you can do it, why can’t His Mother?

But it is Big Intercession when it involves the Mother of God. For from the throne of the instrument of torture itself – the holy cross, Jesus said, “Behold your Mother!”  (John 19:27) And if you are so myopic as to think, “He was speaking to John! Not me,” ask yourself, do you not want to be Jesus’ beloved disciple? Are we all not Jesus’ beloved disciples, who love Him, stay near to Him, and witness to His Love?

Yes, Genesis prophesized that a cosmic struggle would ensue throughout history between the devil and his children, and Mary and her children – with the Firstborn among those children being Jesus Christ Himself!

Who are the children of Mary? They are those who live like good brothers and sisters to Christ. They keep His commandments and bear witness to His Life, according to Rev. 12:17 “And the
Revelation  12 
dragon was angry against the woman: and went to make war with the rest of her seed, who keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.”

A woman in the crowd cried out "Happy the womb that bore you and the breasts you sucked!” She spoke truly! But Jesus replied “Still happier those who hear the word of God and keep it.” (Luke 11:27-28) But both statements described the Mother of God. For at the Wedding Feast of Cana, she reminded us, “Do whatever He tells you.” I always respond, “Mother, help me to do just that.”

So the satanists threw down a gauntlet to the Christian pro-lifers in Detroit, and reminded them of the cosmic battle of Genesis 3:15. They used milk -- an image they perverted, an image they stole, for that image rightfully belongs to Christ and His Church. "Milk is a metaphor for the love that flows from one Person of the Trinity to the next, for the love that created the universe and maintains it in being.  And even as God created the universe from nothing, just so was He able to become incarnate of a Virgin and receive nourishment from her virginal breast," according to Medieval scholar Phoebe Wise. 

"As I mentioned  in my piece on Knock, the ancient and medieval Christians loved to meditate on the Virgin’s womb.  They saw it as the literal Gate of Heaven.  If Mary is the Mother of God, her womb is the portal through which God entered the world.  We must take her as our mother so that we may be born into heaven. Likewise, the ancient and Medieval Christians loved to meditate on the breasts of the Virgin, which nourished God-made-man.  Since they were steeped in scripture, all the passages about milk and breasts and nursing sprang to their minds and helped further their understanding of salvation history, and helped foster their love of the Holy Family," Wise added. 

On speaking of the vocation of virginity, fourth century bishop St. Ambrose identified Christ as the Virgin who was married to the Church. Mary’s Son is a Virgin! It was He who bore us, who fed us with the Virgin’s milk, and He of Whom we read, How great things has the virgin of Jerusalem done! The teats shall not fail from the rock, nor snow from Lebanon, nor the water which is borne by the strong wind.”

Ambrose comments, “Who is this virgin that is watered with the streams of the Trinity, from whose rock waters flow, whose teats fail not, and whose honey is poured forth? Now, according to the Apostle (St. Paul), the rock is Christ. (1Corinthians 10:4) Therefore, from Christ the teats fail not, nor brightness from God, nor the river from the Spirit. This is the Trinity, which waters their Church, the Father, Christ, and the Spirit.” St. Ambrose is using the image of the rock that followed the Israelites through the desert in the Exodus and provided them with water.

That is the Source of Mary’s milk, God Himself. Nuestra Señora de la Leche is
Shrine of Our Lady de la Leche in St. Augustine, Florida 
actually the first shrine dedicated to Our Blessed Mother in the United States. And it’s located in St. Augustine, Florida. It’s a devotion to Christ through the simple love of His Nursing Mother, a 4th Century tradition in the Church.

It is a devotion to the first nourishment that Our Lord Jesus Christ received in this world. We should all be grateful for that nourishment.  For we read “He came to his own domain and his own people did not accept him.” (John 1:11)

But on behalf of the whole human race, the Woman received Him. The Woman wrapped Him in swaddling clothes. The Woman kissed Him. And then she gave Him His first nourishment on this earth. Oh yes, disparage her role if you wish by misunderstanding Christ’s words “Still happier those who hear the word of God and keep it.”

But think on this. She heard the Word of God. She kept the Word of God. She kept it to such a degree that she conceived the Word of God in her womb! Has anyone else ever done that?

“She saw her Son in the crib of Bethlehem, and believed Him the Creator of the world...She heard Him weep, and believed Him the joy of Paradise. In fine, she saw, Him in death, despised and crucified, and, although faith wavered in others, Mary remained firm in the belief that He was God.” (Glories of Mary by Saint Alphonsus Liguori)

She stayed faithful even to the foot of the cross, the one place where all the apostles but John were afraid to stand.  And so Mary is rightly called the Terror of Demons. “Who is she who comes forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, and terrible (to satan and his followers) as an army in battle array?” (Legion of Mary prayers) Satan and his hoards are afraid of a little Jewish virgin who lived 2,000 years ago because they know the prophecy – She will crush your head! Mary wears army boots!

What is the means she uses for the Serpent’s destruction? Her humility. Does that seem odd to you? Think of St. Michael battling God’s Light Bearer Lucifer. We think in terms of armor and swords, but Michael -- a lowly archangel up against the greatest Seraphim God created -- won the battle with a simple question, “Who is like God?” That is what Michael’s name means.  And so satan and his hoards fell into the pits of hell through one angel’s humility.

How much more fearful to the demons is the humble Virgin Mother of Christ?

And so Mary’s heel has the power to crush all resistance to God. With her powerful intercession – her army boots -- every man is able to overcome his own stubborn intransigence. That’s why the Catholic Church teaches true (Christ-centered) devotion to Mary is a sure, easy and firm approach to Jesus Christ Himself.  

The “Milk of the Apostles” -- that is what St. Ambrose called the virgin’s milk. Like the Virgin Mary, Holy Mother Church is “ignorant of wedlock, a virgin, yet a mother of offspring. The Church bears

her children not by a human father but by the Holy Spirit. She bears us not with pain, but with the rejoicings of the angels. The Church, a virgin, feeds us, not with the milk of her body, but with the milk of the Apostles.” 

And that milk makes apostles, disciples, evangelists, catechists and martyrs strong. And so the Woman was also present at the Birth of the Church on Pentecost. Her powerful intercession brought her Holy Spouse on the Infant Church. Mary was an evangelist, being the only source from which the apostles could have learned of Christ’s Incarnation, Birth and Infancy. After the death of Christ, she was the only living witness to those details that appear in the Gospel of Luke.

Of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Ambrose says, “The first thing that inspires enthusiasm in learning is the greatness of the teacher. Who is greater than the Mother of God? Who is more glorious than the one whom Glory itself chose? Who is more chaste than the one who bore a body without contact with another body?”

“But how can this come about, since I am a virgin?” Mary asks the angel Gabriel, who brought the news that she would conceive and bear a Son, and name Him Jesus. (Luke 1:35) 

“‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you,’ the angel answered ‘and the power of the Most High will cover you with its shadow. And so the child will be holy and will be called Son of God.’” (Luke 1:35-36)

What is the Virgin’s response to God?  “Yes, yes, yes!”  “I am the handmaid of the Lord. Let it be done to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38) With those words, she ushered in the salvation of the world.

Would that today men and women would respond with the same courage when they find themselves facing an unplanned pregnancy. The devil is a lying-thief stealing the lives of our very children from our nation’s arms.

"Human beings are meant to be a perfect union of body and soul, but the Fall caused us to feel alienated from Creation -- even and especially alienated from our own bodies. People, who are male, “identify” as female, and vice-versa, despite the evidence of their own bodies. I can remember being horrified by the changes of puberty in my body, and wishing to return to my child’s body. My grandmother was disgusted by the thought of breast feeding my mother, and she refused to do it, so my mother had nothing to eat for a few days, until my grandmother finally gave into my grandfather’s wishes and reluctantly nourished her child with the milk God had provided. When I was born, in 1951, most mothers in America had been convinced by heartless and ignorant doctors that breast feeding was hopelessly old-fashioned and primitive; they gave women shots to stop the flow of milk. I never tasted a drop of mother’s milk. When my daughter was born and I had difficulty nursing, my grandmother and mother both hounded me to give up on nursing and go to the "good old bottle.". They never understood why I wanted to breastfeed my children," Wise said, adding, "If even mothers can be so alienated from the raison d’être of their own body parts, namely their breasts, it is no wonder that women experience pregnancy as the growth of a parasite or invader inside them, and want that “alien” to be removed, i.e., aborted. The Fall, and its warping of the intellect and the will, have alienated us from our bodies, our sexuality, and our children. The unity of the family was Satan’s target in the Garden, because it is the image of the Holy Trinity." 

So many good families are waiting for a child to welcome into their home. No one need be forced into an abortion, nor forced into parenthood that they are not ready to accept. Every abortion clinic I’ve encountered had a pregnancy crisis center nearby where willing people stand ready to provide access to medical care, housing and help in finding a job.

Ultimately, the satanists pouring milk outside a Planned Parenthood facility on Aug. 22 remind us that Christ and His Church will triumph. The serpent will lie in wait for her heel, knowing in the end all his resistance will be crushed. The Virgin Christ, Son of a Virgin Mother, nourishes his people with the River of Life that proceeds from the throne of God and the Lamb (Rev. 22:1) God has the teat that never fails in whatever distress we find ourselves. And He gave us a Virgin Mother, who will feed us the same nourishment Her Son enjoyed. She will help us live the life of virtue so necessary for our own happiness.

And we must ask then, who are we? Who are we that the Mother of the Virgin Christ should come to us?

“But is Mary the Mother of Christ only? Nay, what is most joyful, she is not only the Mother of Christ, but also the Mother of all the faithful. St. Ambrose saith: ‘If Christ is the brother of all
believers, is not she, who brought forth Christ, the mother of all believers?’" (Mirror Of The Blessed Virgin Mary by Saint Bonaventure, 13th century) She is Mother of all the Faithful. She is Our Mother.

From Phoebe Wise: "I am sending you a link to a famous painting called the Virgin and Child before a fire screen.  The focal point of the  painting is Mary’s exposed nipple, which she is offering to the Child, but also to everyone who views the painting, since the nipple is pointing straight out, not toward the Child.  Little Jesus is also facing out to the world and almost waving, as if to say, 'Come, all of you, nurse with delight at her abundant breasts.  Drink the milk of my mother, and become my adopted brothers and sisters.'  Modern people probably find this notion shocking, or silly.  We have sexualized and objectified women’s breasts to the point that they no longer have any connotation of nourishment.  Few people nowadays can understand an exposed nipple as a metaphorical invitation to grow in holiness."

"There are so many things going on in this painting which a Medieval person would have understood instantly, but which are invisible to moderns.  I’ll mention just a few.  The Blessed Virgin Mary is seated before a roaring fire in the fireplace, but she is being shielded from its heat by a fire screen made of woven rushes.  The firescreen is behind her head and looks like a halo.  Just one bit of flame from the fire appears at the top, and it reminds one of the tongue of fire that rested on her head on the day of Pentecost.  The fire screen is a metaphor for the Blessed Virgin Mary.  The human flesh she gave to Jesus shields us from the heat of the infinite flame of love that is the Trinity, and gives us the ability to look upon it with human eyes.  Charity has always been depicted as a nursing mother, and Mary is the embodiment of this virtue -- Charity -- the greatest of virtues.  She gave Jesus flesh in her womb, and now she sustains Him with her milk.  What greater image of love exists on earth than the nursing mother?  But there is an even greater mystery here.  After raising her Child to maturity, Mary will witness His sacrifice on the cross, and then He will give us His Flesh to eat and Blood to drink.  We see all of this in the painting.   Mary is not only offering us her milk, her spiritual wisdom; she is offering us the Eucharist, the Flesh and Blood of her Son.  The book on her right reminds us of the Word made Flesh, and the chalice on her left reminds us of His Blood."  

"People have always understood milk as analogous to blood and somehow linked to it.  Scientists tell us the truth of this:  they call milk "white blood."  The breast miraculously takes in blood, strains out corpuscles and other components, and transforms it to milk.  Milk is a powerful metaphor, and more than a metaphor:  it is self-sacrifice, true charity, the gift of the self to the other.  The child whose mother lovingly pours out her milk for him experiences the irreplaceable gift of security and well-being; he feels himself at home in the heaven of his mother’s breasts," Wise continued.

"Our society has lost the ability to value the child in the womb, and to honor motherhood; no wonder it has also lost all respect for the breast and the mystery and beauty of a mother’s gift of milk to her child," she concluded.

Enjoy this piece? Maybe you'd like to read Confessions of a Scrupulous Devotee to Mary

Monday, August 31, 2015

Called to Authentic Worship!

Sermon by Rev. John Paul Shea
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Aug. 30, 2015
Saints Peter and Paul Parish, Tucson, AZ

Today’s readings for this 22nd Sunday of
Jesus and the Pharisees 
Ordinary Time call us to authentic worship. 

In today’s Gospel (Mark 7:1-8; 14-15, 21-23), we hear of our Lord’s encounter with the Pharisees along with some scribes.

In the time of Jesus, the Pharisees were one of the three major Jewish sects. They had arisen about 165 B.C. During this period, there was a strong tendency for the Jewish people to accept the Greek  pagan religious customs, and the Pharisees rose up as a sort of protest against this tendency of tolerance among the Jewish people. Their aim was to protect Jewish law, but as time went on, they began to develop a self-righteous attitude.

They made up a whole lot of traditions that were not part of God’s laws with the intention of helping people keep God’s commandments. For example, God told the Israelites to keep the Sabbath Day holy. So, they defined 39 categories of actions which would be forbidden on the Sabbath.

In today’s Gospel we hear about some of the traditions of purification. We hear that
“the Pharisees and, in fact, all Jews would not eat without carefully washing their hands… Not only that, but there were many other things that they had traditionally observed, such as the purification of cups and jugs and kettles and beds…" We then hear that our Lord condemns them. Our Lord says, “You disregard God’s commandment but cling to human tradition!”

Now, as we reflect on this scene of Our Lord and the Pharisees in today’s Gospel, let us first be reminded that Our Lord was not complaining that the Pharisees were too rigid in following God’s laws. 

In fact, Our Lord  demanded not a lesser following of the law, but a more rigorous application of the law and the prophets. For example, Our Lord said that Moses allowed for divorce because of the Israelites' hardness of heart, but anyone who even looks at another with lust commits adultery in his heart. Not only those who murder will be liable for judgment, but whoever is angry with his brother. Do not simply love those who are good, but love your enemy and turn the other cheek. 

So Our Lord was not condemning the Pharisees for their rigidity in following God’s laws. He was condemning them because they were not allowing God’s laws to take root in

their souls. They clung to a bunch of rituals but their intentions were not pure. They did not allow God’s commandments to transform their hearts.

Overall, the Pharisees brought about a less  careful observance of the natural and divine laws of God through their emphasis on man-made rituals which distanced the people from the truth.

Moreover, the Pharisees had allowed their regulations not only to lead them away from true worship of God, but their many traditions had led them to an outward pride. … And so Our Lord recites the words of the prophet Isaiah:“This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.”

My brothers and sisters, today’s Gospel passage of our Lord’s encounter with the Pharisees calls us to examine our relationship 
Fr. John Paul Shea 
with God. God wants our hearts. He wants our true devotion. He wants our faith to be real. He wants authentic worship!

Our Lord tells the people in today’s Gospel that “Nothing that enters one from outside can defile that person; but the things that come out from within are what defile." 

Our Lord says that it is “from within people, from their hearts,” that come evil thoughts such as, unchastity, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, licentiousness, envy, blasphemy, arrogance and folly -- "All these evils come from within and they defile.”

My brothers and sisters, each one of us struggles with sin, and sin defiles us. Yet, God wants us to renew our inner beings. He wants to purify our intentions. But we must allow Him to do so. We must give Him our hearts.

Today’s second reading from Saint James (1:17-18, 21b-22, 27) says, “Humbly welcome the word that has been planted in you and is able to save your souls.” It is God’s Word alone that will save our souls.

God has planted His Word in our hearts at our Baptism. But Baptism is only the beginning. We must strive each day to allow the Word of God to take root in our daily lives. We do this by reading God’s Word in the Holy Scriptures
and by following His teachings. We do this by humbling ourselves and going to confession. We do this through daily prayer. We do this by receiving Our Lord worthily in the Holy Eucharist.

Saint James further says in today’s second reading that we are to keep ourselves “unstained by the world.”

Although Our Lord teaches us in today’s Gospel that evil comes from within our hearts, we are reminded also that the spirit of evil grows in our hearts through the bad influences of the world. Therefore, we must always be on guard. For the devil is prowling  like a lion looking for souls to devour. He is
the deceiver, and He loves to disguise evil as good in order to lead us astray from God’s true purpose. In fact, the Pharisees had thought they were doing good by following all their man-made rules. Yet, Our Lord reminds them that they were actually deceiving themselves. Their hearts were far from God.

Today’s readings call us to examine our motivations and desires in our relationship with God. God calls us to authentic worship. He wants our hearts. He wants our true devotion. He wants our faith to be real.

As we come to receive our Lord in the Holy Eucharist, let us ask the Lord to purify our hearts of all that is not of God so that we can live by His truth and become All who He calls us to be.

Authentic Worship in Spirit & Truth!

Did you enjoy this sermon? Maybe you'd like to read How Desperate Are We for God? 


Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Voyage of the Damned Begins at Conception

by Susan Fox

The devil is a liar and a murderer from the beginning. (John 8:44)

Pro-life Protestors in Denver on Aug. 22, 2015
 In what is often termed “The Voyage of the Damned,” 937 Jewish refugees – whole families – joyously and hopefully set sail for the United States from Hamburg, Germany, on May 13, 1939, seeking asylum from the increasing horrors of Nazi Germany. They were refused entry.  After the return voyage to Europe, some were accepted in other countries, but it is estimated that fully one-third of the 937 Jewish refuges lost their lives in a Nazi death camp.

Today in the United States, the Voyage of the Damned begins at conception.

Despite the fact that there has been a steady decline in abortions since 1980, it is estimated that 21 percent of all U.S. pregnancies end in abortion, according to Operation Rescue

Hardest hit by the abortion debacle is the U.S. Black Population. Blacks comprise only 13 percent of the U.S. population, but they account for 37 percent of all abortions. In New York City in 2012, the number of abortions in the black population exceeded the number of live births. #BlackLivesMatter, but many in the black community are trying to convince their own people of that reality.  

However, since the radically pro-death Barack Obama was elected president in 2008, there has been a strong shift in American opinion on the issue of abortion. A recent Gallup poll found that a majority of Americans identify themselves as pro-life, fully 51 percent, while those self-identifying as “pro-choice” were 42 percent. This is the first time since 1995 that a majority of U.S. adults have called themselves pro-life.

The ordinarily Silent Majority showed up in force at abortion clinics nationwide on Aug. 22 in the largest coordinated protest against abortion in history -- with signs saying “Planned Parenthood Sells Baby Parts.”  At least 73,813 Americans demonstrated at 356 Planned Parenthood facilities in 49 states and Washington,D.C. on Saturday, according to protest organizers ProtestPP.com, (Only 306 sites have reported their numbers so far.)

Pro-lifers also enjoyed a successful Twiterstorm on Sunday Aug 23 blasting the hashtag #UnbornLivesMatter 60,000 times.   These movements came in response to eight undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood illegally harvesting and selling baby parts. A ninth video has been released since the protest. 

I called her the most cold-hearted woman in the universe when I watched the first undercover Planned Parenthood video filmed by the non-profit Center for Medical Progress. Planned Parenthood chief medical officer Dr. Deborah Nucatola was casually drinking wine and eating her salad at a restaurant while she discussed manipulating abortion procedures to procure better quality human brains from the tiny persons being removed from the womb.

But on the 7th video, I found out some of the children pulled from the womb were still alive. Technician Holly O’Donnell, who unsuspectingly took a job at the fetal tissue company Stem Express in late 2012, reported she was required to cut open the face and extract the brain of a boy while he was still alive. 

The video showed a tiny man no bigger than forceps -- perfect in every detail -- clearly just a miniature version of my husband and son. As I watched the video, the tiny man moved his legs. He was still alive. I held my breath. 
I held my breath: He moved his legs in the video. Clearly some children are alive after an abortion 
Clearly, all he wanted out of life was to be loved. It’s what we all want. His little figure cried out to me, “Hug me! I’m scared. I’m cold in this bowl.” But he was met with rejection and then carved open and sold for his parts. So was Christ sold for 30 pieces of silver – not a lot of money really, it was the price of a slave. (Matt. 26:15)

World Renowned Stem cell Researcher Dr. Theresa Deisher said the investigative videos confirmed what she had suspected for a long time -- Planned Parenthood is keeping some babies alive after the abortion to collect better quality organs for harvesting. “I have always suspected that the babies in some of these cases were alive until their hearts were cut out,” Dr. Deisher said.

Such horror recalls the barbaric practices of the Aztecs, who were involved in assembly-line ritual murder on a massive scale, sometimes 20,000 people at a time. When Spanish Conquistador Hernan Cortez arrived in Mexico in the 1500s, he and his men were forced to watch the living hearts ripped out of their own men – Aztec captives -- in just seconds, sacrificed to the bloodthirsty sun god Huitzilopochtli. Aztecs apparently could perform the murderous act just as casually and efficiently as Dr. Nucatola could speak about doing eight abortions in a day to maximize the type and quality of organs demanded by Planned Parenthood’s clients. “A lot of people want intact hearts these days,” Nucatola said, “because they are looking for specific nodes”

A fetus extracted intact and alive during an abortion is a born alive infant under federal law and any further actions taken to kill him or her is homicide. Yet Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper has refused to investigate Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, which appeared in the 4th undercover video with an excited doctor exclaiming, “Another Boy!” during dissection of the child’s parts.

In the first video, abortionist Dr. Nucatola described how she was able to recover intact human brains during an abortion by changing the way the child comes out of the birth canal -- feet first instead of head. Such a procedure is used in partial birth abortion, which is illegal. “The federal (partial birth)
Planned Parenthood nurse reacts with dismay
upon seeing pro-life protestors in Orlando, Florida
on Aug. 22, 2015 during nationwide protests
Abortion Ban is a law,” said abortionist Dr. Nucatola on the undercover video, stabbing her salad and explaining how she diabolically justifies what she is doing, “and laws are up to interpretation. So if I say on day one, I do not intend to do this, what ultimately happens doesn’t matter.” Then she goes on cold-heartedly to describe how she plans her abortion procedures based on the needs of Planned Parenthood’s clients for certain parts – hearts, livers, lungs, brains even legs, muscle.

What is surprising is how many Americans aren’t aware of the undercover videos, or don’t believe they are real. Surveys showed early on that 70 percent of Americans were unaware of the undercover videos. Many refused to believe them because Planned Parenthood has claimed the videos are heavily edited. But no, you can see the full-unedited videos online. The story doesn’t change. Ironically, I went to the Planned Parenthood site where they had initially laid out their defense, but Planned Parenthood had removed it. The site was blank. Now they have nothing to say.

Pro-lifer Linda Maria Carrillo – who couldn’t find the list of Planned Parenthood locations for the Saturday protest from 9 to 11 a.m., went to the closest Planned Parenthood near her home – the one in Santa Monica, California. She took the bus. She didn’t have a sign because she thought other people would be there. She began witnessing to everyone, starting on the bus and then four hours at the abortion clinic. She was the only witness in Santa Monica. But what she discovered is that most people she talked to didn’t know about the undercover videos. “Their jaw was dropping,” she said, adding they were shocked, and one said: “That’s Frankenstein behavior!”
Phoebe Wise in red, happy at the size of the crowd at Planned
Parenthood in Mountainview, Calif.
Phoebe Wise demonstrated at the abortion clinic in Mountain View, California.  “Bob (my co-organizer) and I were staggered at how many people came.  I thought we might have 5, at most 15.  That’s why I made 15 signs.  I felt like a disciple at the multiplication of the loaves.   Bob counted 60 adults at the peak, and there were about 10 children, who certainly count, so that’s 70 people -- with almost no publicity. People kept asking me when the next rally would be.  I was flabbergasted.  I am not a protest organizer!  I am just someone who prays once a week at the abortatorium.  Good grief!”

Susan Sutherland, vice president for
Colorado Right to Life collects
signatures for a petition to
Colorado Attorney General Cynthia
Coffman to investigate Planned
Parenthood. Coffman is Republican
& pro-life. But less than a 

week later, Coffman announced
 her office would not investigate 
Planned Parenthood. 
Lawrence and I attended the protest at the Denver Stapleton Planned Parenthood, and the official tally for the number of people present was 570, according to ProtestPP.com. We did have a camera crew from one of the local television stations show up, and when he was shown the signs of mutilated baby parts, he responded, “We can’t put that cr_p on television!” A courageous soul, pointing at the abortion clinic, responded, “This is not cr_p. This is reality. That’s what they are doing in there!”

In Denver, the security guard was nervous about anyone crossing the yellow line. There was a drive-in entrance to the facility. A huge fence blocked out with black sheeting covered the rest.  It was impossible to talk to anyone going into the facility unless they stopped their car. Most went in the back way. One lady drove very fast to the entrance, almost hitting protestors.

“Don’t go past the yellow line,” the guard shouted at some of the protestors, who responded, “Your job is to make sure they can do the abortions safely!” The guard denied it. “No my job is to make sure no one crosses the yellow line.”

Linda Carrillo, of course, had a long cozy chat with the Planned Parenthood guard in Santa Monica. Carrillo said the guard was also unaware of the eight undercover videos. “So many people are unaware of what Planned Parenthood is doing.” 

The black sheeting did not deter the Denver-based American Right to Life. They had brought an extremely tall ladder. That’s where I met Leslie Hanks, the group's president. She was shouting over the fence at some potential
Leslie Hanks, president, American 
Right to Life. The black "wall of
shame" around the abortion clinic
is in the background.
mothers-to-be and the person she called their “deathscort.” “Please Mom, don’t hurt your baby. It’s a terrible place to be where they murder innocent babies and call it health care!” Squinting through the trees surrounding the plant, she added in a loud voice, “They sell the children’s organs. God hates the shedding of innocent blood.”

While standing vigilant and very matter-of-factly on her ladder, Leslie told me they started American Right to Life because the National Right to Life never “says anything like ‘Stop killing kids!’” Instead they support 24-hour waiting periods and other measures to restrict abortion, but not stop it. “We at American Right to Life are pro-life from conception to natural death,” she said, pausing to shout over the fence, “Folks, don’t do business here. They kill babies.” 

View from the top of the ladder set up outside Denver
abortion clinic. The blue is a "deathscort" walking away
She and Jo Scott were up and down the ladder while I was there, loudly sharing their pro-life message. Both of them had spent decades witnessing outside abortion clinics. Jo had been in jail at least 20 times, and helped countless women avoid abortion. I asked her how she knew that, and she said, “We talk them out of it, and then take them to the crisis pregnancy center (which was across the street).” The ladies said the mothers are helped to find a job, medical care and housing. One time a heavily pregnant woman threw herself at Jo and started weeping. Jo didn’t recognize her, but she had apparently talked her out of an abortion, and she was grateful. “You saved my baby!” she wailed.  More than one girl comes out of the abortion clinic angry because they feel the Planned Parenthood staff tired to force them to get an abortion, according to Jo and Leslie.  

The man behind the ladies on the ladder was Pastor Bob
Pastor Bob Enyart of
Denver Bible Church
Enyart of the Denver Bible Church. “You have to be pro-life to be a member of my church,” he boasted, looking at Catholic me. “Yeah we want them out of the Catholic Church too, Bob,” I responded thinking of outspoken pro-abortionist Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco), who still calls herself Catholic. 

In 1988, Enyart and his congregation decided to keep vigil every day abortions are performed at Denver’s main Planned Parenthood clinic, basically Tuesday through Saturday. And they have faithfully kept watch for 27 years, saving thousands of lives. “We are the last voice their baby will ever hear,” Leslie said, pausing to shout over the fence, “Choose life and you won’t regret it.” Enyart also has a radio show with 4,000 listeners. On Aug. 9, his church sent 50 people to a residential protest of abortionist Dr. Savita Ginde, who appears in the 4th undercover video saying, “I’ve seen livers, I’ve seen stomachs, I’ve seen plenty of neural tissue. Usually you can see the whole brain come out.”  She is the one who excitedly tells the investigators, “We’ve got another boy!” during his dissection. 
Denver Bible Church protest Aug. 9 outside the home of abortionist Savita Ginde
 All I can say is that Colorado seems to have very tolerant abortionists as it appears she did not call the police about the protest despite the fact that they held up a huge sign outside her house, saying, “Savita, turn state’s evidence!” The Denver Bible Church leafleted her neighbors informing them that their neighbor, Savita Ginde “murders children." 

PROUD: Denver Planned Parenthood informing protestors
that they are "PROUD"
On Saturday during our Denver protest there were no police visible at all. The only response from Planned Parenthood – besides fussing over a yellow line -- was the word, "PROUD," pasted in their window. 

Catholics, of course, were very present in Denver. They had a huge rally with speakers sponsored by the Archdiocese of Denver. I was struck deeply, watching two young men passionately praying the Rosary, and then we saw a large
HUMBLE: Young Catholics praying the Rosary
 outside Planned Parenthood in Denver on Aug. 22
group of Catholics marching around the clinic praying the Rosary, circling it seven times just as the Israelites did to the city of Jericho before its walls came tumbling down.

The author of the pro-death movement – the one identified by Christ as a liar and murderer from the beginning -- surprisingly revealed himself publicly at Detroit’s downtown Planned Parenthood on Saturday morning about 10 a.m. On July 25, a devil- worshipping cult calling itself the Satanic Temple unveiled a one-ton bronze statue of a goat-headed Baphomet in Detroit, charging $25 a ticket as part of its fund raising effort to support abortion. On Aug. 22, the same group dressed as Catholic priests dumped gallon after gallon of milk over two struggling women, who had their hands tied, while shouting, “Hail, satan!”
Members of the Satanic Temple pouring milk over women tied up, screaming "Hail satan!" at the
downtown Detroit Planned Parenthood. See article and video here.
This event had meaning on three levels. It is a form of pagan worship to the Earth Mother, a sort of satanic baptism. It is also considered lower level occult magic.

On a practical level, the message was clear to pro-lifers, who are often called “forced birthers” by the opposition. The satanists were saying if you take away the right to abortion, you are forcing women to give birth against their will – you are drowning them in breast milk. That is a very satanic message, and a very ugly view of women. We are not helpless rag dolls with no self-mastery. We can practice self-control and wait to consummate a relationship when we are married and want children.

The third meaning of the event would not even occur to most people. In two places in Exodus (23:19b, 34:26b)  and once in Deuteronomy 14:21b, God warns the Israelites against boiling a young kid in its mother’s milk.  There is some evidence, the Israelites sprinkled milk cooked this way on their fields to make them fruitful, which is idolatry. But it is also a form of lust and greed.

“For a mother goat or sheep to give birth, and then have its kid cooked in the same milk used to nourish it and give it life shows no reverence for life!” said Lawrence Fox, describing how cruel it is to milk the mother when she is missing her baby in order to make the meal taste better (lust and greed.) “People kill their children out of fear and greed,” he added, “They say, ‘I won’t graduate. My life is ruined.’ Yet none of that mattered before they got pregnant.”

Church Militant videotaped the satanic protest, and it is quite hair-raising. A young Christian man responds by saying, he loves the satanists: “I pray you come to saving faith.” At that point a dark-haired man on the left began to laugh demonically. I kid you not. But as the Christian continued to urge them to “run to King Jesus,” warning them that on the day of judgment they would beg for mercy and no mercy would be given to them, the satanists got a little quieter. He got into an intense discussion face to face with one of the satanists, who was obviously distraught by his message, and he calmed him down by saying repeatedly, “I care about you.”  I think the score at the end was God 1, satan 0, except that satan’s previous score is 57 million unborn Americans murdered at the altar of lust, greed and convenience, that is abortion.

Of course, who better to defeat the father of lies than St. Michael himself? Lucifer said, “I will not serve! I will be God.”
St. Michael = "Who is like God?"

But St. Michael’s name means, “Who is Like God?” It was this humble question that allowed a mere archangel to defeat the powerful seraphim Lucifer, and send him and his followers to hell.

So a new group formed called #StMichaelFastforLife. Beginning Aug. 21, you are invited to join them fasting for life in honor of St. Michael for 40 days. For the apostles also found some demons difficult to expel on their missionary journeys, and they asked Jesus, “Why could we not drive it out?” (Mark 9:28)

Jesus answered them, “This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting.” 

Now comes the  Egyptian Pharaoh in fury, repenting of the fact that he let the Israelites leave, “What have we done?” (Exodus 14:5)  Pharaoh had plotted to wipe out the Israelites by having all their male infants killed by the mid-wives: “Pharaoh therefore charged all his people, saying: Whatsoever shall be born of the male sex, ye shall cast into the river: whatsoever of the female, ye shall save alive.” (Exodus 1:22) Ironically, in the undercover videos, what we remember is they are constantly finding and dissecting human boys. The words, “Another boy!”  plays like a funeral dirge in our memories.  

God brought down 10 plagues on Egypt to win the freedom of the Israelites, but the Egyptian Pharaoh still chased them down to the Red Sea where they seemed to be trapped.   

Saying nothing about looking into whether Planned Parenthood is engaging in illicit sale of baby body parts, the U.S. Department of Justice has announced it is looking into whether Center for Medical Progress obtained its videos legally, a move that should freeze the blood of every self-respecting journalist in this country. Barack Obama’s pet organization Planned Parenthood was disturbed, so he is riding to the rescue, ignoring the plight of the innocent victims of abortion. 

Both the National Abortion Federation in San Francisco and Stem Express in Los Angeles are suing the non-profit Center for Medical Progress and Roman Catholic David Daleiden, the lead on the project, bringing racketeering charges against them, according to Tom Brejcha, founder of the St. Thomas More Society, a not for profit, national public interest law firm.  Such charges normally are a means of catching mobsters, but David is an investigative journalist performing a public service. Brejcha is asking his donors for contributions to help them defend David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress against these charges. You can donate here.

Now when Moses and the Israelites looked up and saw the horses and chariots of the Egyptian army riding down towards their encampment on the Red Sea, they cried out to God in fear. “Were there no burial places in Egypt that you had to bring us out here to die in the desert? Why did you bring us out of Egypt?” (Exodus 14:11)

Moses turned to God, Who said, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to go forward!”  And they did. They walked right into the Red Sea. And God parted the waters, safely leading the people to the other side. But when Egypt’s army followed, the sea closed, and they all drowned.

“As the water flowed back, it covered the chariots and the charioteers of Pharaoh’s whole army, which had followed the Israelites into the sea. Not a single one of them escaped.” (Exodus 14:28)
Susan Fox reporting from the Planned Parenthood protest in
Denver on Aug. 22. 
There is more to read on this issue: