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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

NON-CHRISTIAN ROOTS: The Sadness of Socialism

By Christopher Ziegler

Find Christopher Ziegler
@CZWriting on Twitter
Socialism is the most likely political position of the man who takes Darwin’s theory of evolution seriously; whereas belief in free enterprise is the most likely political position of the Gospel-believing Christian. This is my thesis.

Now, the reader has probably already raised an objection along these lines: “Isn’t it the capitalist who believes in what is called ‘Social Darwinism’?” The short answer to this objection is—No. Anyone remotely familiar with the reigning political coalitions in the United States knows that my thesis is a roughly accurate description of the situation. 

Nevertheless, I understand the nature of the objection, and I understand that the logical connections contained in my thesis are less than obvious. This essay will endeavor to explain those connections.

Government appeals to liberals because they honestly believe that it is the only available means of escaping the cruelties of the Darwinian state of nature. By “Darwinian” I mean any way of interpreting the world where natural selection (survival of the fittest) is the dominant theme. Darwin premised his theory of natural selection on the pessimistic ideas of English Cleric Thomas Malthus (1766-1834).  

Malthus believed that the growth of populations of organisms is constantly outpacing the growth of available natural resources. Consequently, there is constant competition between living beings over scare resources where some live and others die. This non-stop competition is the engine that drives natural selection. 

Darwinism is a disease of the mind. 

Liberal View of Capitalism
Once it is seriously entertained it inevitably winds up coloring all areas of a person’s belief system, damaging the brain. Liberals have a dog-eat-dog understanding of how capitalism works 
(in fact, Dog Eat Dog Films is the name of Michael Moore’s movie production company). This is the thinking behind the demonization of the rich. According to the Darwinian/Malthusian view, one man’s gain can only come at another man’s loss. If one man is very rich he must be
"It has appeared that from the
inevitable laws of our nature,
some human beings must suffer
from want. These are the unhappy
persons who, in the great lottery
of life, have drawn a blank."
(Thomas Malthus)

responsible, albeit indirectly, for making another man very poor. 

This is not how liberals want things to be but how they honestly believe things to be. Hence they embrace socialism as a remedy to spread the wealth around and to manage these Darwinian forces. This is why Socialist Author Jack London (1876-1916) said the cardinal tenet of socialism is “the materialistic conception of history.”

But this interpretation of the economy, like Darwinism itself, is complete bunk. 

Darwinism has absolutely nothing to do with classical economic theory. In fact, these ideas are antithetical to each other. But the term “Social Darwinism”  has proven a useful tool in the hands of enemies of free enterprise. 
The reigning classic of the genre is The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. Published in 1904, it describes capitalism as a “war of each against all, and the devil take the hindmost.” Liberals have used this mischaracterization as a cudgel against conservatives ever since. In the 2012 presidential election campaign, for example, the Obama campaign consistently smeared Mitt Romney as a man who, if elected, would “put ya’ll back in chains.”

For the liberal, to intervene in the free market in such a way that decreases individual freedom in the narrow sense of the term is to actually increase individual freedom in the broader sense. This is because he sees these actions as being undertaken to protect people from Darwinian predation by the capitalist class. He believes the rich must be restrained lest they gobble up the little fish. This is why
Liberal View: Rich gobbling up little fish 
liberals cannot escape their 
naiveté about the great things government can accomplish. They have to believe in it because they see no other option. The liberal does not usually regard his own opinions as pessimistic, he just thinks they are an honest assessment of the way things are.

But that is not the way things are—at least not according to the theories of capitalism. Capitalism is based on the idea that nature and human society clearly show evidence of being designed by a benevolent Creator. God has designed man, programmed him if you will, to pursue his natural good, which is most often found in marriage and family life. 

His pursuit of happiness redounds to the benefit of all even if the greater good never enters into his thinking. It simply works because this is how God has preordained things to work. The “invisible hand” of the market place gives rise to organized complexity without the need of outside interference. Our first responsibility is personal responsibility

According to Malthus/Darwin, life is a zero-sum game like chess, where one player can only improve his position by weakening the position of the other player. But this is not true. Just because my neighbor achieves success does not rob me of anything. In fact, his gain is my gain as well, even if only to a lesser extent. 

Capitalism works more like a game of Scrabble, where when one player spells out a word they not only benefit themselves but they might also create an opportunity for another player that did not exist before. This is how human relations work when people are free to make transactions with only enough outside interference to ensure transparency and fairness. So long as the transactions are not coerced, all parties will partake in some degree of mutual benefit. This is part of God’s providential design for human society.

The free market theories of Scottish Moral Philosopher Adam Smith (1723-1790) are well expressed by a line from Robert Frost: 

             Men work together, I told him from the heart,
Whether they work together or apart

Men have already been designed to work together for each other’s mutual benefit in spite of themselves because this is God’s plan. This process of symbiosis is at work in the natural world no less than in human
society. The bee does not know it is helping to pollinate the flower, nor do the bacteria inside of us know they are helping to digest our food. Things cooperate despite themselves.

The conscious intention of living beings has nothing to do with these symbiotic designs in nature. Nor can these designs be explained by anything resembling natural selection. It is the providence of a wise and loving God. If the world were not governed by this providence, and if life were in fact a Darwinian war of each against all, the human race would have already destroyed itself a long time ago.

American businessman and economist Edward Atkinson castigated the materialistic theories of Malthus and Darwin as being based on a false law of diminishing returns. Materialism is ignorant because it upholds the primacy of matter over mind. But capitalism gives us the ability to leverage the power of human minds to bring forth ever more abundance from nature. There is no theoretical limit on this process because mind is stronger than matter. That is why Malthusian doomsday predictions have always failed to materialize, and why capitalist societies have lifted more and more people out of poverty over the centuries. As Atkinson explains:

"Through competition among capitalists, capital itself is every year more effective in production, and tends ever to increasing abundance. Under its working the commodities that have been the luxury of one generation become the comforts of the next and the necessities of the third…The plane of what constitutes a comfortable subsistence is constantly rising, and as the years go by greater and greater numbers attain this plane."

But if you believe in Darwin’s theory then you do not believe that there is any intelligent design in nature. The loss of faith in a benevolent design will necessarily entail a loss of confidence that the market will naturally produce beneficial results, and you will no longer have any basis for assuming that an individual’s pursuit of happiness will automatically redound to the general good. If individual pursuits are insufficient to produce the general welfare, then there is a necessity for central planning to provide for the general welfare. The only collective instrument through which to execute central planning is the government. Hence the specter of socialism arises and, with it, the justification for some degree of economic coercion (ranging from income taxes to forced collectivization).

But everywhere socialism has been seriously tried it has failed spectacularly. The cases of North and South Korea and East and West Germany are most telling. In each of these cases we had nations with the same history, culture and language which were split in half and subjected to competing economic visions. Hence, circumstantial factors cannot be blamed for the separate results. And those results were unambiguous. It is not just that the socialist policies did less well than the capitalist policies—it’s that they failed spectacularly.

I see no need here to retell the horror story which is the history of twentieth century socialism, although that story must be told and retold so that we never forget.  Forced collectivization of agriculture in the Soviet Union caused a  famine 1932-33 that  killed six million people. That it was covered up for years by liberal Western journalists, should serve as a chilling case in point. Man cannot improve on God’s design. He can, however, screw it up royally. And never does he screw up worse than when he thinks he knows more than his neighbor about what is best for his neighbor.

By living a virtuous life and following my pursuit of happiness, I do in fact indirectly benefit my neighbor. If we as a society want to help the poor, we have to let people keep more of the money they earn and not steal it from them through income taxes. The idea that someone else knows how to spend my money better than me is unjust. The idea that someone else will be more responsible than me with my money is ludicrous. Governments cannot be more rational than individuals, because they are only mere collections of (usually idiotic) individuals. And whereas when an individual screws up the damage is limited, when governments screw up the results can be catastrophic. 

Sometimes liberals will even quote Jesus to justify their demonization of the rich. This is hypocritical of them since, as a group, liberals are either outright hostile to Christianity or lukewarm and skeptical about its claims. It is curiously selective to quote Jesus in this regard while ignoring the rest of his teachings—on marriage, for example. Sometimes they even try to claim that Jesus was a Marxist, which is laughable. If they actually read the Gospel with the intention of understanding it on its own terms they might realize why the vast majority of Christians are conservative. In fact, this is what happened to me and why I  am now proud to call myself an ex-liberal.

The gospel does not present a pessimistic view of nature, and certainly not a materialistic one. It  does presents a pessimistic view of man. This is why government, or any other body where power is concentrated, should always be regarded as untrustworthy.  But the natural world is good, being the creation of a loving God. Consider the lilies if the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin

Hunger and poverty are the result of man’s greed and ignorance, not the inevitable result of the ways things are. This same God who made nature good also set up human society to allow for the possibility for human flourishing. Capitalism is a product of the Christian West. It could only have arisen in a Christian society because it is predicated on the peculiar Christian worldview of a God who is good and who, in his goodness, gave people the ability to flourish by following their best judgement.

There is no valid reason for me to despise or resent the rich just for being rich. That attitude would be sinful on my part as well as counter-productive to my own interests. Jesus never called on us to hate the rich. He called on us to sacrifice our love of riches and status for the sake of the Kingdom of God. But this renunciation is predicated on the recognition of the generosity of God which Jesus revealed to us. Hence, it is a renunciation which can be possible for us only through faith in Him. On the other hand, the materialist outlook which is apt to find evidence of scarcity and impending disaster everywhere becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy. 

What many liberals simply lack is hope and faith. It was a struggle for me to finally come to accept the words of the Gospel, and to see that to have heaven, all you have to do is hope for it; and that to have faith, all you have to do is ask. Ask and ye shall receive.

To expect great things from the Lord is to receive greater things. It is painful to see how much hopelessness there is today in our secular society. Despair is the norm. The world is constantly trying to drag us down to its level.

To accept the goodness of God does 
at times require a leap of faith. But it is a leap we must make. As Christ says to Nicodemus in the Gospel of John: If you do not believe me when I tell you about the things of this world, how will you ever believe me when I tell you about the things of heaven?

Did you enjoy this piece? Mr. Ziegler has written also

Liberals Argue Abortion Homicide is Justified

The Battle for the Identity of Man: A House Divided 

To Be Human or Not to Be: That is the Question About Abortion 

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Wake Up! Repent and Turn Back to God

Sermon by Rev. John Paul Shea
Fourth Sunday in Lent, March 15, 2015
Saints Peter and Paul Parish, Tucson, AZ

Fr. John Paul

Repent and turn your heart back to God. That is the message of today’s first Mass reading from 2 Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23.

The stage is set before the Babylonians invaded Israel and took the Jews captive about 600 years before the birth of Christ. The Jews had turned away from the laws of God, rejected His Word and followed the vanity and pagan practices of the people around them.

"They mocked the messengers of God, despised his warnings, and scoffed at his prophets, until the anger of the LORD against his people was so inflamed that there was no remedy." (2 Chron 36:16)

In their sinfulness, the Jews had forgotten to keep the Sabbath sacred and devoted to God. They were adding “infidelity to infidelity.

God "early and often" sent prophets to the Jews to warn them that they needed to turn their hearts back to God or face the consequences, but they would not listen. 

So, God allowed Jerusalem to be desecrated, using Babylon as His agent of judgment against the Jews for their sins of idolatry. The king of Babylonia swarmed into Judah. There was slaughter and looting. Jerusalem was taken and the temple was burned down. The city walls were pulled down, and many of the Jews were forced to leave their homeland and were taken captive and deported to Babylon. Captivity meant they were denied temple worship in Jerusalem. 

My brothers and sisters, today’s reading should be a wakeup call for each one of us. The Jewish people experienced this huge tragedy because they had turned away from the laws of God. 

Whenever we turn away from God in our individual lives, things do not go right. Whenever societies turn away from the ways of God, the society experiences unfortunate repercussions. Yet, what angers our Lord the most is when the members of His Church do not follow His ways. To whom much is given, much will be expected. (Luke 12:48)

The Jews and their leaders were
“practicing all the abominations of the nations and polluting the LORD’s temple which he had consecrated in Jerusalem.” (2Chron 36:14)

So we are reminded that the sins of the world and society at large are one thing, but what angers the Lord most is when we allow His temple to become polluted. 

As Catholics, it is essential that we strive to keep our Lord’s Church and our hearts holy. This is why our Church emphasizes the importance of receiving Communion worthily. When we enter our Lord’s Church, we should have a spirit of reverence. We should enter God’s house knowing that our Lord is present in the tabernacle! 

In last week’s Gospel (John 2:13-25), we heard the story of the cleansing of the temple. Our Lord Jesus went into the temple with whips because there were those exchanging necessary coin at a profit  in His Father’s house, causing an impediment to worship for the people.
So we can see that Our Lord Jesus clearly understood the importance of keeping his Father’s house free from the ways of the world.

While today’s first reading relates the struggles that the Jewish people encountered because they had abandoned God, this reading also gives us hope. 

The suffering of the Babylonian exile caused the Jewish people to turn back to God. The chosen people collectively did penance for  70 years, until they made up for their disobedience to the covenant. 

"By the streams of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered Zion." (Psalm 137)

Then God allowed the Jewish people to return  to Jerusalem. And the temple of God and temple worship would be restored. 

Yet, this restoration would not end with the building of the Jewish temple. The fullness of this restoration would come nearly 600 years later through the Life, Death and Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ when true worshipers would worship in Spirit and in Truth. 

This restoration will be complete at the end of time when Our Lord comes again to judge the living and the dead. 

Until that time, Our Lord calls us to be faithful. He has given us His Church, which is His temple, and He calls His members of His Church to follow His ways. 

As the Jews in today’s first reading were influenced by the sins of the peoples around them, so our Church is being attacked by the influences of the sins of society today. Our relativistic society is seeking to pollute our Church with its infidelities and its abominations. Our society today even defines marriage in ungodly ways, even though marriage is already defined by God and was created by God!

Our Church is the voice of God in a troubled world. Yet, many today do not want to listen to our Church.

I don't want to wake up!
Even many Catholics are not following our Church’s teachings. Many disdain the Word of God in order to follow their own pursuits.

As God's messengers  were mocked for speaking the word of God, so it is today. We Catholics who stand up for the truth of our faith are mocked by the world.

Yet, if we do not want to be half-hearted Catholics, that is what we are called to do --live in the Truth. We are called to be a light to the world. As our Lord says in today’s Gospel (John 3:14-21), “Whoever lives the truth comes to the light, so that his works may be clearly seen as done in God.” 

My brothers and sisters, let us Catholics individually heed the Lord's wake-up call.
As a country, as a world, as a people, we are turning away from God. If we continue to defy God’s word, there will be serious repercussions for us and our children. 

God is warning us through the great prophets of our day: the voices of our recent popes, the lives of our recently canonized saints, the witness of lay evangelists, through the apparitions of our Blessed Mother, and through Scripture itself! God is calling us to repentance. Let us heed this call. Let us come back to God before it is too late!

Who is Fr. John Paul Shea? From Mormon to Catholic priest. 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Pro-Life Coffee: A Lifeboat Tendered to Those Drowning in the Great Sea of the Culture of Death

by Susan Fox

It’s come down to this.

What kind of coffee you drink may mean the difference between life and death.

Many pro-life and pro-marriage individuals thoughtlessly walk into Starbucks. But a portion of every cup of coffee you buy at Starbucks goes to fund a corporate assault on marriage and its fruit – human life.

I faced this reality in 2012. Though I loved their coffee, I stopped drinking it. I wrote them a letter: Dear Starbucks, My gold level card became a green level card, you say? (That means I hadn’t been using my rechargeable Starbucks card that earns rewards.)  While I was once a happy customer of Starbucks, I am no longer.

I will not stop in any of your stores for a Frappuccino. I will no longer buy your Via Ready Brew at Wal-Mart for my son in college. Anything manufactured by you -- I will not touch. I will not pay for it and I will not consume it in another's home. I have found out that you have legally challenged the Defense of Marriage Act. You have committed economic suicide. Where do you think your future customers are coming from???

At the time I was ignorant of the fact that Starbucks was also a major donor to Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the United States. Not only were they bent on destroying Marriage, the cradle of human civilization, but also the baby in the cradle – human life itself. Ug, that coffee doesn’t taste so good anymore.

But once you throw that deadly coffee out the window, where do you get your daily fix?  I wandered aimlessly through malls, sighed in frustration at coffee kiosks, stared glumly at the options at Wal-Mart. I tried alternatives at Catholic bookstores, but the beans were frankly old. I never found a good source of delicious fresh whole beans. We went for three years with no fragrant coffee in the house! A kindly priest came to visit, asked for coffee, and he got tea! It was Lent 365 days of the year.

Then a wonderful pro-life family man offered me a lifeboat!

His name was John Lillis. He and his family (wife, seven children and in-laws) started the Lifeboat Coffee Co. in 2013 out of his home in Omaha, Nebraska.  

Every one-pound bag of coffee purchased at Lifeboat goes to fund pro-life causes and parishes -- whichever one the customer wants! My pound of coffee from Lifeboat netted about $1.25 for Students for Life of America, and unbelievably you can get up to two pounds of reasonably-priced fresh coffee with shipping that costs only  $2.99. It arrives in three days. And it is really good coffee.

This Lent, I am not fasting from coffee. But as always I am fasting from Starbucks.

So who is the man who started the nation’s first pro-life coffee company?
Lifeboat Founder
John Lillis 
John Lillis is a survivor of the abortion holocaust that began in March 1967 in the state of California. John was born only five months after the abortion law was put into effect, and then he was abandoned in a hospital in San Francisco. Things started looking up then because pro-life Catholics George and Rita Lillis adopted John. 

Being pro-life was “kinda in my genes,” John said in an interview with me. Rita, John’s 81-year-old mother, worked as the director of the Respect Life Commission in the Archdiocese of San Francisco. She was a volunteer at Birthright International, a grassroots response to the insecurity faced by many unwed mothers.  “I can’t say (count) the number of women that came through our house that had a newborn or were about to have a child, so it was just imbued upon us that was the proper thing to do (support life).”
Rosary Prayer Walk to End Abortion 
Then growing up in a Catholic family, there were Rosary prayer walks through San Francisco – “As a young kid that always left a permanent mark on my heart,” Lillis said.

While Lillis never abandoned his pro-life beliefs, he did take a detour out of Catholicism at the age of 16.  I decided I no longer needed to participate in the faith even though I was a product of Catholic schools. We’re talking 1970s, early 80s –- we sang songs about Jesus and had poetry, colored pictures. I’m not sure what else I might have learned so I kinda quit for a while.”
The Joyful San Francisco Archbishop
Salvatore Cordileone
Fascinating to both Lillis and I is the Cross that San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone has embraced: he is trying to get Catholic School teachers to support the Church’s position that homosexual acts, masturbation and pornography are “gravely evil.”

Fully 80 percent of the faculty and staff at the four archdiocesan high schools have rejected his amended teacher’s handbook, and they have signed a petition to that effect. If Cordileone is successful in his reforms, life stories like those of John Lillis may become a thing of the past. People may actually receive a Catholic education at a Catholic school.

Ironically, it was the Rosary in the context of the staunchly Catholic Franciscan University of Steubenville that brought John back to the Catholic Church in 1993 at the age of 26. After having worked for a while, John wanted to go back to college, but none in the San Francisco area would accept him.

His mother lured him into applying for Steubenville, and amazingly he was accepted. John went and took a peek at the campus before he accepted.  I had not participated in the faith for some time – the only thing that crossed my mind was  ‘Wow look at all the beautiful Catholic women that are on this campus. It’s going to be a great place to go!’” As he learned later, grace works through nature.

So he packed up his truck and drove from San Francisco to Steubenville, Ohio. He planned to live in the dorm and immerse himself in campus life and prepare for a Master’s Degree in Counseling. But when he got there, there was no room in the dorm for an older student, so he was given a “$2 hotel” for three days, so he could look for an apartment.

A guy from New York named David shared the hotel with him, and of course, they shared their life stories. Out of the blue David asked John, “Do you want to pray a Rosary?”

Lillis responded, “Don’t you do that when somebody dies and you go to the wake?” “No,” David said, “You pray it all the time,” and then added, “What harm could it do?”

Put like that John Lillis, age 26, couldn’t say no, and David threw him “one of those powder blue plastic Rosaries that are so famous in Catholic homes.”

He got to the second decade of the Rosary. “It wasn’t quite a Pauline Christophany, but I was zapped by a moment of grace, and I realized everything I'd been doing on my own for the last 10 years was really displeasing to Our Blessed Lord,” John said. “And I started to cry like a little baby.”

“That was just a sign to this guy to say, ‘Okay now you need to go to confession.’”

So John tried, though he honestly believed alarms would go off when the priest heard his confession. He had to go back several times, as the lines were so long. Finally, he got in after waiting 90 minutes.

To his shock, there no longer was a nice little screen to hide behind. “The confessional opens and there’s the priest sitting right there,” John recalls.  “‘Hey, come in and sit right down!’  I was like, ‘Whoa!’  So after ten plus years away, I had this wonderful face-to-face confession with a priest who is now gone to the Lord. But all he said to me was, ‘Welcome home.’”

John found within himself a passion to learn “what the Church actually teaches (and) why she teaches what she teaches.” No more songs and coloring books. He wanted the real thing.

So began the life of a passionate pro-life Catholic who attends Mass almost daily. He became a Catholic radio journalist – not a counselor, and joined the Board of Directors for Nebraskans United for Life, the largest pro-life group in the state. He also became a paid lobbyist for the pro-life cause and helped shape several laws in the state of Nebraska.

“I worked on creating alliances between pro-life groups and being able to help find funding for pro-life groups,” Lillis said, adding, “I think the funding issue has always been a big battle.”

That’s when the idea for the Lifeboat Coffee Co. came into being.

“We are still in the start-up mode so we are not yet in the black, but it takes two to three years to get a start-up running efficiently,” Lillis said, adding that they hope to be making a profit by 2016.

Still with the intention to donate 10 percent of receipts less shipping to pro-life charities, Lifeboat Coffee is already fulfilling its mission – to provide funding to groups that will work to save lives. They donated approximately $3,000 to pro-life groups in their first year of operation, 2014. “We just need to increase traffic (sales),” Lillis said, and if they do that,  pro-life charities will benefit further.

Parishes or Right-to-Life groups can get in on the charity bonus by putting a passive link for Lifeboat Coffee on their web pages. Coffee purchased from that link will automatically earn the 10 percent reward for the charity that sponsored the link. 
lifeboatcoffee.com or
1-855-88-4-LIFE (5433)
Where did the name, Lifeboat Coffee, come from? It grew out of John's life experience. For nothing happens accidentally. God gifts everything providentially. Like St. Don Bosco, who shepherded sheep in his youth, and then became a priest who shepherded boys, Lillis was carefully prepared for his role in life: husband, father, pro-life radio journalist and the mission of selling the pro-life message in the great sea of the culture of death.  Growing up, he was a member of the Sea Scouts of America – part of the Boy Scouts, but on the water. Then he worked as an adult in the U.S. Coast Guard.

“One day when thinking about the name, I thought we want to help save lives, what about a life boat?” Lillis said, “It’s just that easy.”

Besides saving the lives of unborn people, he is also saving the souls of us, who must make a discerning choice about where to spend our dollars.

Almost every year, Lillis and his family attend the March for Life in Washington, D.C. So he was there again this year, but the hotel he was staying in did not permit him to serve coffee to the pro-lifers staying there. So nobody could taste Lifeboat, although they got free coffee samples to take home.

“The point is everybody from the director of the March for Life to almost every pro-lifer that had a booth (drank) Starbucks Coffee,” Lillis said, “And I said to them, ‘Do you understand what you just did? You took two steps forward and one step backward.”

I feel great sympathy for the squirming pro-lifers who had to look the founder of Lifeboat Coffee in the face, while holding their Starbucks latte.  Their excuses were “there’s no other coffee.” And when he reminded them of McDonald’s, they said, “If you dig deep enough everybody is bad.”

“It was a disappointment,” Lillis said, adding, “You don't have to dig with Starbucks. They are just bad from the get-go.” 

But Lillis and those boycotting Starbucks for their pro-gay and pro-abortion stances are making a difference. Planned Parenthood – as recently as 2014 – proudly listed its major corporate donors on its web page, including Starbucks. But that link was removed sometime since last year, and now they only sport a partial list of corporate donors, and Starbucks isn’t on it. Apparently bowing to pro-life pressure, Starbucks decided to hide their involvement with the nation’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood *

However, on the issue of same sex “marriage,” Starbucks has simply become more strident.  Starbucks was among the 379 companies who just  filed a friend-of-the-court brief with the U.S. Supreme Court, pressing it to overturn a lower court ruling that upheld bans on same-sex marriage in four states.

“They (Starbucks) are technically our nemesis. I don’t really think about them per se. Obviously they are the 800-pound gorilla so it’s hard to beat them," Lillis said. "But someday -- God willing – there will be Lifeboat coffee shops in cities around the country.” 

And that’s the good news. The pro-life, pro-family Lifeboat chain will grow. John is exploring all types of options for selling coffee on the street. On one hand, he could begin a chain of stationary coffee cafés similar to what Starbucks has nationwide. Who knows there may be some Starbucks cafés coming up for sale soon?  Or he has looked at partnering with Newman Centers and Catholic groups on campus to put pro-life coffee in the hands of every collegian.  One of his most exciting ideas is that of a mobile café.
My Pound of Lifeboat Coffee
With a mobile café, Lifeboat Coffee could be at every major pro-life, parish and civic event and “just be there rather than having people trying to find us in one spot,” Lillis said. People could enjoy fresh homemade coffee to drink, buy Lifeboat’s one-pound bags, and take home its pro-life honey. “We might get really radical and put a small 5-pound coffee roaster on the truck, so people can get fresh roasted coffee.”

At one point in his life, Lillis was interested in becoming a priest in a religious order. But another young man made a pass during his last year of summer camp, sponsored by the order, and he never went back.

Perhaps that was for the best because the alternative suits John to a T. I asked him what was the most defining experience of his life, and the staunch pro-lifer answered: Marriage and Fatherhood.

“I’m a command-and-control kind of guy.  I’m 6 foot, 2 inches, big broad football kind of guy. I don’t really have a lot of fears. I understand what the Church teaches. I talk about It unabashedly sometimes to my detriment -- people get offended ... But being a better spouse and father is really my biggest challenge and the thing that's changed me the most,” Lillis said, admitting that he was still growing in that vocation.

“Trying to understand another human being in the way that spouses have to, that has been the biggest dimension in my walk with the Lord,” John humbly admitted.
It's a Family Affair:
Lifeboat Coffee Advertising Model,
six-year-old Maura Lillis 

*Bowing to pro-life pressure, Starbucks apparently decided to hide their involvement with Planned Parenthood.  This link of the Family Council, “Starbucks, and OtherCompanies, in Partnership with Planned Parenthood” sports a link to a list of corporate donors to America’s largest abortion provider, but when you click the link that says, “Click here to see the list,” Planned Parenthood has removed the list. 
Life Site News in this article, “Starbucks, American Express Still Support Planned Parenthood,” also sports an Error 404 message when you try to view the list of corporate donors to Planned Parenthood.

Also please click on the comments below for further listings of companies supporting same sex "marriage" and abortion.