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Showing posts with label John Hickenlooper and State Democrats are involved in Political Pimpery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Hickenlooper and State Democrats are involved in Political Pimpery. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


by Lawrence Fox

Editor's Note on Aug. 19, 2015: A Denver-based Planned Parenthood abortion clinic was caught on undercover video (released July 30) dissecting aborted babies to sell their body parts for research. But despite requests from Alliance Defending Freedom, Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper refuses to investigate the baby death camp. Colorado's "pro-life" "Republican" Attorney General Cynthia Coffman also refused to investigate. Further Rocky Mountain Planned Parenthood is involved in a lawsuit for failing to report the abortion of a 13-year-old Colorado girl who had been sexually abused by her step-father from the age of six. Planned Parenthood also allowed her sexual abuse to continue when they did not contact the girl's mother, informing her of the abortion. In a deposition in connection with the lawsuit, a Planned Parenthood employee admitted that
“being 13 and pregnant alone is not a red flag” for the abortion provider.  How to Contact Gov. Hickenlooper here. The reason why Gov. Hickenlooper is reluctant to look into the abuses by Planned Parenthood is described below.)

In high school, I had a classmate named Oliver. He carried with him a wallet which contained photos of black girls who were available for the right price.

Black male classmates would get excited when he showed them the photos. Oliver’s task was to convince the girls (so it seems) that hooking up for money was a form of empowerment and a means to material gain. Oliver promised the girls (so it seems) that he would find boys for them to hook up with who were "safe" while they continued their life's adventure into empowerment and material wellbeing.

Oliver got paid for this exchange. Oliver was a Pimp.

Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper along with members of the Democrat State
Democrat Colorado Governor
John Hickenlooper
Legislature fund the distribution of contraception to high school girls in Colorado. Their task (so it seems) is to convince young girls and their parents that hooking up is a civil right, an expression of female empowerment. The use of state-funded contraception enables young girls to  experience pleasure without the risk of material loss (i.e. becoming an unwed mother or having to pay for an abortion).

Hickenlooper along with members of the Democrat State Legislature use taxpayer money to fund Planned Parenthood. This is the organization in Colorado which distributes contraception to young girls and performs abortions to whitewash abuse from their rapists. I wonder if Oliver knew this organization was started by Margaret Sanger, who said, 
"Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race.”  She also boasted she accepted an invitation to talk to the women's branch of the Ku Klux Klan. "I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses...I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak...In the end, through simple illustrations, I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered.”
Margaret Sanger at her best 

But what Oliver never told his "girls" is that contraception does not prevent the spread of HIV, Herpes, Syphilis, and the Human Papilloma Virus (leading cause for Cervical Cancer). Contraception does not prevent the loss of virginity, depression and suicide among teenage girls resulting from sexual promiscuity. Contraception brings awful consequences, not freedom. 

Planned Parenthood receives tax payer 
money to distribute contraception to young girls, and kill their offspring when contraception inevitably fails. In turn, it takes a percentage of profits and contributes to the political campaigns of John Hickenlooper, the Governor of Colorado, and members of the Democrat State Legislature.

Hickenlooper and members of the Democrat State Legislature get money for promoting hooking up among young women in Colorado, and whitewashing the actions of their rapists. The Governor of Colorado and members of the Democrat State Legislature are fundamentally no different from my classmate Oliver.

Oliver was a Pimp.

Colorado Politicians are also violating their state constitution by funding Planned Parenthood's abortion activities with state taxpayer dollars. Their illegal actions guarantee that residents of Colorado are directly paying for abortions. Colorado Taxpayers Forced to Send $14 Million to Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz

Lawrence Fox has other sarcastic humor pieces about the culture of death. If you liked this you may enjoy U.S. President Creates Bureau of Vital Fetal Organs

This is the Fourth Undercover Planned Parenthood Video released July 30, 2015 by the Center for Medical Progress.