(Editor's Note) My homeschooled godson Ben, age 16, is studying history, and
from that experience he took a great dislike to the British as they behaved in
history especially toward the Irish. Ben is mostly Irish. I answered his
questions regarding the pope and who killed Jesus Christ in this blog post “Questions
from a Godson: Who Crucified Jesus Anyway? Is the Pope Really as Pure as He said?”
But I really couldn’t address the British-Irish
question for him, so I called in my faithful British friend Christopher
Woodford, Twitter Handle @Crimbo51, who describes himself as a “former atheist
who has abandoned the arrogance of certainty.” He is so recently “former
atheist” that we were just arguing about the existence of God two weeks ago! He
lives in Southampton, England. Ben lives in Washington State, U.S.A. On Saturday they began their dialogue with History Recalls Its Tragedies, Our Job is to Forgive They stalled on the Irish Question. Ben wants a whole Ireland, North and South. Chris thinks it would cause new violence to break out. Susan Fox remembers the bombings in Dublin in 1974.
British Family Man
Christopher Woodford
with granddaughter Jess |
Thanks for your reply Ben. In considering your
position on Ireland you have caused me to research and fill in some gaps. I'm
63. This hammers home to me that we only cease to learn when our last breath
leaves us. Maybe you and Susan would disagree with me here and say we continue
to learn after our last breath. We'll see.... or maybe not. I'm open-minded and
rule nothing out.
So here goes: I quote your reply.
''I did not hear explicitly 'the British want to
re-enslave the Irish', I'm basing such a suspicion on the fact they still haven't
just let go of Ireland.”
British people are like American people, German people, Russian people, and
any people. We want peace, we want to have homes, go to work, come home, enjoy
our families. So let's put “people” aside and talk governments.
Why should the Westminster government wish to “re-enslave” Ireland
(referring here to Eire,) when all it's actions over the last seven decades have
been to try to ensure the transition of former colonies to independent
sovereign states? Ireland was, I think, the first to achieve this status before
World War II.
OK. We can be cynical about this and say the dismantling of the British
Empire was necessary on the grounds of Britain running out of cash after two
world wars. But surely you notice around you, both in the US and when you watch
world news, the attitudes of people everywhere toward freedom. It's a small
world now. I'm talking to you across 6000 miles. It would take me longer to
drive to my city's airport and park my car than the flight I could get from
there to Dublin would take. The desperate attempts of governments like China
and North Korea to stifle the World Wide Web can never succeed. Ordinary people
communicate and this reduces the chance of them being fed propaganda.
Northern Ireland: After the government of Margaret Thatcher (she was an
odd one!), I'm sure that nothing would have pleased any Westminster Prime
Minister more than to be able to “wash their hands” of Ireland and say, “Give
the Six Counties back and that will be the end of it.”
But it wouldn't be an end of it. The population of Northern Ireland was,
last census, 1.8 million. That's about 40% the size of Eire's population of 4.5
million. Of the 1.8 million, around 48% describe themselves as Protestants. The
vast majority of these would be incensed for their nationality to be
arbitrarily changed to Irish. I bet a few of the Catholics would like to stay
British too. I believe you live in Washington State. Would you happily accept
the folks in Washington, D.C., telling you that starting June 1, 2015, you, Ben,
will be a citizen of Canada, like it or not?
A conversation at the Whitehouse:
”Mr. President. Many people in Washington State don't want to be
(The President replies) “If they don't like being part of Canada, they
can and should move to Oregon.”
“But Mr. President, many of them have business interests, family
commitments, or just can't afford to move!”
“Well, it's not too bad being Canadian. They'll have to get used to it.”
“This will never happen,” you'll say, but in reading up I found that
Mexico has a claim on Texas!
Back to Ireland: It wouldn't be an end to it. It would be the beginning
of much more trouble. I'm sure you know about the militant Irish Republican
Army and the Irish National Liberation Army movements. What about the list of
Loyalist Protestant paramilitaries? All these groups are made up of people
every bit as dangerous as the IRA. Some of these groups have been disbanded or ended
their campaigns after the recent peace agreement. This is true progress.
But they would all come out of retirement if your plan was to be
implemented, and no doubt would take their violent response to, not only the
mainland British who “sold them out,” but also into the streets of the now
peaceful Republic of Ireland.
“Out of the frying pan, into the fire,” the saying goes.
I quote you again:
“I'm basing such a suspicion on the fact they still
haven't just let go of Ireland.”
Rev. Ian Paisley |
Have you ever seen the recently deceased Reverend Ian Paisley speak? I
checked YouTube for videos of him. Have a look. He's the sort of person we are
dealing with here.
I recommend you at least watch the one where Paisley says he was told by
both the Dublin and Westminster of what was called “Plan B.” If he refused to
sit down with the Irish political party Sinn
Féin “Britain would pull the plug” on Northern Ireland and return it to Dublin’s
rule. He would then have no chance of any compromise.
Does this sound like a government, which is determined to enslave
Ireland? It sounds to me like an exasperated government trying to get the best
result for the most people out of an impossible situation.
I urge you again to read up on Scotland. I repeat what I said about
their 2014 independence referendum. They could have freely gone their own way
last year, with all the upheaval that would have caused. They had the freedom.
A simple referendum would not work for Northern Ireland. The vast
majority of citizens wish to stay in the UK. Peter Robinson, First Minister at
the Stormont (Northern Ireland) government, described such a referendum as “asking
turkeys to vote for Christmas.” This is fact. All would be lost in a single
day. The way forward is to let time take its healing course.
I quote you again:
“they could just start by backing out.”
The peace process IS “backing out.”
Let's go back 70 years and look at what happened when Britain did to
India exactly what you propose it should do with Ireland.
The partition of India in 1947 was an example of a plan cobbled together
and implemented without care or consideration over a few months.
A letter to a newspaper about 20 years ago by an officer in the Punjab
Railway Police:
at the partition of India
1947 Partition of British Empire in India, creating Pakistan and Bangladesh caused the largest mass migration in human history. 17 million fled across newly created borders. Only 14.5 million arrived. At the lowest estimate half a million people perished and 12 million became homeless |
“Sir: There have been several estimates mentioned recently
of the number of deaths caused by the partition of India 50 years ago --
figures of 250,000 to half a million have been put forward.
As a former officer of the Indian Police who was in the very
thick of the disturbances in Lahore and Amritsar before the partition, and as
Assistant Inspector General in charge of the Indian Punjab railway police, I
was interested to hear on the Channel 4 program "Stones of the Raj"
the higher estimate of one million cited.
The pendulum of death and destruction swung, over a period
of many months both before and after 15 August 1947, across the whole of
northern India from Calcutta to Kabul, and back again. During those months
death was everywhere: in the towns and cities, in the thousands of villages, on
the trains, on the roads. One of my duties in the railway police was to meet
refugee trains, usually at Amritsar, coming in from newly created Pakistan.
The carnage on these trains was beyond belief -- men, women
and down to the smallest infants. The trains were packed with thousands upon
thousands of dead bodies, and many more were strewn along the track. The same
thing was happening in the opposite direction, where trains taking refugees out
of India were, with the connivance of the railway staff, being deliberately
derailed so that the passengers could easily be massacred. There was madness in
the air that was almost tangible.
In addition, nature took a hand that dreadful summer. During
the monsoon there were flash floods in some places, which swept away untold
thousands of refugees along with their bullock carts and all their possessions.
An old Indian Civil Service friend (who stayed on in
Pakistan) and I were recently discussing the question of the number of deaths,
and he agreed with me that it must have been anything between one and two
million, probably closer to two than to one.
It will be many years yet, on both sides of the border,
before the bitterness of partition is forgotten.
Richmond, Surrey.”
Ireland is not India. But fast track solutions cause chaos.
I think the peace process as we have it at the moment is the best way
forward, and as the older generation passes and people of your age take over
with the pain of the past healed, then anything can happen.
I'm not sure how much you know about Ireland and world history by your
own research and how much is hearsay. I urge
you to read and research for yourself. Form your own opinions. It's all there
at the click of a mouse.
Other peoples opinions are just that.... other peoples opinions
(including mine.) Form your own. They are the only ones you can trust.
Best wishes, Chris.
Susan Fox visited Dublin in 1974, when Ireland was going through The Troubles.
Dear Ben, I thought his answer was interesting because he said
they have come to some accommodation in Northern Ireland. The violence has
stopped. In 1974, when I was in
Dublin, a girlfriend took me to a dance hall in Dublin. I was 20 years old and
had no idea where we were going. But when the dance started the guy running the
show announced that we were such a “brave” crowd as we were the first ones back
into downtown Dublin after the bombing which killed a certain number of people.
Now I was not in Northern Ireland, but somebody from Northern Ireland bombed
Dublin because they were mad at the Irish. I remember not
feeling brave at all, but terrified that we were in Dublin where they bombed
innocent civilians! If Chris is saying that activity would start again if they
disturbed the situation up there, I can see how nobody would want that.
However, I think about Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation
Proclamation, which technically freed 3 million slaves in the South without
compensation to their owners. The results were bloody, the most deadly war in
U.S. History. Southern resentment manifested itself against the North and the
Negro population for decades afterwards. Maybe we could have ended slavery as
the British did by reform of their laws, but it seems like that was the only
way we were going to get rid of slavery. I pray we don’t have to go through
something similar to end abortion, but it seems for right now the mainstream
pro-life movement keeps chugging away with pro-life solutions (peacefully closing abortion
Bones lined up in the crypt at Nyamata Genocide
Memorial in Rwanda |
But then I think about the Rwandan Genocide in 1994 where an
estimated 1 million Rwandans were killed in three short months. Two tribes
lived together for generations until members of the Hutu Tribe achieved a majority
leadership. What amazed me about
that conflict is that members of the Hutu and Tutsi Tribes looked the same, and
many of them worshiped together in the same Catholic parish before the
genocide! Their distinction developed because one group farmed the land and the other herded cattle. Thank God Northern Ireland didn’t devolve into a similar genocide.
Ben your godfather, Lawrence Fox, has a solution to the whole
matter in Northern Ireland. He said the Catholic Church in Northern Ireland
must faithfully practice their faith. If they do that, they can peacefully
convert the Protestants. As Chris said, the Anglican Church is fading in Britain,
but the Catholic Church is growing. Ironically, this is the same solution Our Lady offered the Rwandans in 1981 when she appeared to several children in Kibeho, Rwanda, warning that a "River of Blood" would flow unless people put aside their hatred and loved one another.
BEN: Wasn't Reverend Ian Paisley Protestant? He despised
Catholicism, and called Pope John II, "the Antichrist"? Let's not
forget the Protestants wouldn't be in Northern Ireland if not for King Henry
VIII. So why should Protestants (like the deceased Ian Paisley) get a say in
what happens in Northern Ireland? While I like your peace speech I think we're
going to have to agree to disagree. It sounds like you are saying making a
hasty decision and letting go could lead to disaster, giving an example of what
happened to India.
Sure, the Protestant resistance groups in Northern Ireland
may start up again, but there are a lot of other groups, who support a united
Ireland. They outnumber the Protestants. And the Garda (national police of the
Republic of Ireland) would keep the peace (or try). The Protestants are so
toxic -- they shouldn't be there anyway. They are not going to get along with
the rest of the Catholic population -- that much is obvious. The British should
let go of Northern Ireland, uproot and move the Protestants out in the process.
Maybe they don't want to move, but they should.
Your comparison of Washington becoming Canadian doesn't
enthuse me. Unlike the Protestants, I didn't go somewhere I was unwelcome to
be. I would definitely move if Washington became Canadian because that would
just mean England is probably going for a land-grab through Canada (I do
realize England doesn't own Canada anymore, but they still recognize the
British Queen, no?)
Such a move – turning Washington over to Canada -- would
confirm all suspicion that the U.S. government is composed of selfish dimwits.
But it would never happen because everyone in Washington
would vote against it, everyone would be in an uproar, and the government would
lose the revenue of an entire state.
Mexican Invasion of Texas? |
Mexico is tiny, there's no way the U.S. is going to let
them walk in and take Texas. The government likes to own everything. That's
like saying “the Native Americans have a legitimate claim to the entire U.S.,
let's hand it on over.” That wouldn't happen in a million years. But I digress.
It sounds like you think if everyone buries his or her head in the sand that everyone
will simply forget. Ireland will be whole or people will not care any more. And
the problem goes away. We're obviously both biased, and both have a different
stance. I don't think everyone burying his or her head in the sand is the right
thing to do. I think they should pull the plug on Northern Ireland.
It’s pointless to let Northern Ireland vote to leave
because that’s where the Protestants are, so they’d be voting for themselves.
The whole of Ireland should get a vote on the matter. If the whole of Ireland
voted on whether Northern Ireland should stay apart or not, Northern Ireland
would be voted to merge back. Sure, it might make a select few mad but that's
not their problem. Stay or go.
Woodford’s Final Thoughts
Hello again Ben
All of history is full of “ifs.” If Henry
VIII hadn’t wanted a divorce... If Hitler had declared war on Japan and not the
United States after Pearl Harbor...
It’s endless.
But we are the ones left to deal with the fallout
of these “ifs” long after the perpetrators of them are in their graves.
We are in the holes they made and we either stay in them or get out of
them as best we can.
The European Union will swallow Ireland (Eire
already happily immersed) and it will swallow Britain too in the end. I
bet in 50 years even Russia will be in the Super State of Europe.
Indian Rulers North and South America? |
Native Americans DO have the right to be returned
to full control of the whole of the continents of both North and South America.
I’m using your standard here. They have as many “ifs” as anyone else.
As a Postscript: I misunderstood Ben's suggestion
about a referendum. Yes, a “whole
Ireland” referendum would be a good idea.
A “whole British Isles” referendum would, I feel, return Northern
Ireland to the Republic of Ireland as most English, Scots and Welsh are tired
of the trouble caused over the years.
But let's not forget the people of Northern
Ireland, who were not simply “put there by Henry VIII,” but have been born to
families who have lived there, in some cases, longer than Ben's family have
lived in he USA.
Henry VIII was 500 years ago. That's twice the age
of the USA.
Susan Fox: Unbelievable. We have reached almost an
agreement – a whole Ireland referendum. Now we simply must tell Westminster.