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Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Convergence of Gnosticism and Feminism

 A Modern Tale:

Women Converted into Toxic Male Machines

by Lawrence Fox

At the end of the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, there is a dialogue between Jesus and his disciples.

The disciples said to Jesus, “When will the Kingdom come?” Jesus said to His disciples, “It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying, ‘Here it is’ or ‘There it is.’ Rather the Kingdom of the Father is spread out upon the earth and men do not see it.”

Then Simon Peter said to them, “Let Mary (Mary Magdalene) leave us for woman are not worthy of life.” Jesus said, “I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” (Gospel of Thomas, Nag Hammadi Library II, 2, 113-115)

So it seems that when women are spread out (replicated) all over the earth as males, then there will exist a Father’s Kingdom in visible form. But what father would that be?

Imagine what would happen to the human family and society if Christian and Secular Institutions adopted this form of Gnostic ideology. But why even wonder; it is all around us.

The root of misogyny is not biblical patriarchy but in movements dripping with the spirit of Gnosticism seeking to transform women into men. Amazing how the Progressive Left eschew Patriarchy while legislating it upon women.

Marxism set out to create a utopia in which men functioned as machines and the Progessive Left now wants women to join the ranks of men living as machines. Machines do not pro-create; they replicate and terminate. And so modern society is transforming women into replicators and terminators while disparaging women who seek to live as virgins, wives, and mothers.

The Progressive Left rejoice when couples do not procreate, but jump for joy when couples replicate children using such methods as IVF and surrogacy. They also rejoice when women terminate life like "efficient machines."

On another controversial topic. 

I recently came across several pictures of young women in combat uniforms also identified as war casualties. And for what? The Progressive Left eschews citizens with weapons while rejoicing over targeted women in war zones carrying weapons; zipped up warriors for the cause. Strange is it not that while the Progressive Left seeks to turn woman into born killers; they also seek to turn men into something less toxic.
The root of misogyny is not biblical patriarchy but in movements dripping with the spirit of Gnosticism; seeking to transform women into men.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

St. Stephen's Feast Uncovers the New Dwelling Place for God

by Lawrence Fox 

Today on Dec 26, 2019, the Universal Church commemorates the martyrdom of St. Stephen the Deacon.
It may seem a little strange that on the first day after the Nativity of the Lord, we would celebrate a martyr's death. 

There is a real connection between the birth of Jesus Christ and the death of Stephen.

With the life and death of Stephen (Acts 6-8), the Church reflects upon first, the life of the infant Church; second, the beginning of the diaconate -- the calling and anointing of deacons (diakonoi) within the life of the Universal Church; thirdly, the human and divine desire to build a dwelling for God among His people; and fourth, the Divine Birthday of the Saints.

Stephen is identified in the Acts of the Apostles as one of seven adult males  chosen by the apostles to serve officially within the life of the Church (cf. Act 6:1-7). One can safely say that the Infant Church at this stage after Pentecost was primarily composed of Jewish disciples from Jerusalem, Judea, and various territories from within the Roman Empire (cf Acts 2:7-12). 

Those converted to “The Way” were identified as “devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching (didachē) and to participation in the divine life of the grace of God (koinōnia), to the breaking (klasei) of bread and to the prayers (proseuchais).” (cf. Lk 24:30, 35; Act 2:42)

Stephen was baptized into this infant Church. In faith, he lived as a servant and dwelling place for God by grace.

Stephen was identified as a man full of God’s grace and power working great wonders and miraculous signs among the people. (Acts 6:8) This language is the same language used by St. Paul to identify the apostles. As such, seven men (and subsequently deacons)
did not only “wait upon tables” but they intimately participated in the ministry of the apostles: "the signs of a true apostle were performed among you with all perseverance, by signs and wonders and miracles.” (2 Cor 12:12)

Deacons were a ministerial succession to the apostles in the life of the Church along with bishops (episkopoi), and presbyters (presbyteroi). (cf. Act 14:23; 1 Pt. 5:1; 2Jn 1:1, Titus 1:5; 1 Timothy 3:2,12) This pattern continues to this day in every movement historically rooted in the apostolic foundations.

Stephen was a profound witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ. Luke notes that many people attempted to contradict the words of Stephan but could not. Eventually he was arrested and paraded before the Sanhedrin (Act 6:14). Stephen gives a defence of his calling by outlining Salvation History beginning with Abraham’s calling followed by the history of the Patriarchs, Moses, King David, King Solomon, the Prophets and finally ending with the birth of Jesus Christ. 

Stephen identifies the manner in which God willed to intimately dwell among His people
and the manner in which some people of God willed God to dwell among them.

God commanded the building of the Ark and the Tent of meeting (cf. Ex 25-31). David wanted to build God a dwelling place (cf. 2 Sa 7:2). Solomon for 20 years built a Temple (1 Kings 9:10) which was later destroyed and rebuilt (cf. Ezra 3:7-13; Neh 2:11-20). Note: The temple was rebuilt by the horrid King Herod, the Edomite. But God does not dwell in a house made by men. This house would have to be prepared by God.

What is most important are Stephen's words, "David found favour in God’s sight, and asked that he might build a dwelling place for the God of Jacob.” (Acts 7: 45-46) Luke uses these same words in the Gospel. Stephen then goes to explain that God does not dwell in a house made by human hands. God already predestined a dwelling for His Son among men within the womb of a Virgin.

In the Gospel, Luke records the angel Gabriel saying to the Virgin Mary, “Do not be afraid, Mary; for you have found favour with God. And behold, you will conceive (syllēmpsē) in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name Him Jesus,” (Lk 1:30,31)

Between the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles, the reader is able to observe the manner in which grace moved David to desire a dwelling place for God and the manner in which grace enabled Mary to desire and become a dwelling place for God, “Behold, the handmaiden (doulē) of the Lord; may it happen (genoito) to me according to your word.”

The word genoito is Optative in Koine Greek; a word which expresses “desire.” Once Mary understood “the who, the how, and the why” she expressed this desire to be the Mother of the Son of God; the Mother of the Messiah; the Mother of the Redeemer; the Mother of the King of David's House forever. She desired to give the Eternal Word of God the most intimate dwelling place within human nature. In fact Mary’s words, “Behold, the handmaiden (doulē) of the Lord” fulfil several Messianic images within the Old Testament." (Cf. Ps 86:16; 116:16). 

One last point. Stephen is dragged outside the city walls and the members of the Sanhedrin began to stone him. Jesus -- it should be remembered -- was also put to death outside the city walls of Jerusalem (cf. Heb 13:12). Jesus -- being the perfect lamb of God and being taken outside the walls of the city to die -- marks the end of the earthly Jerusalem as the centre of divine worship, “Woman, believe Me, an hour is coming when neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father.” (Jn 4: 21)

Stephen -- while being stoned -- saw heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God. (Acts 7: 57) Stephen reminds the leaders of the Sanhedrin of the words of Jesus Christ, “But from now on the Son of Man will be seated at the right hand of the power of God.” (Lk 22:69) Stephen then called on the Lord and said, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit!” (Lk 7:59) Within one more prayer imitating his Master he asks Jesus to forgive his persecutors and then dies. This is his birthday in heaven.

Two points, Stephen asks Jesus to "receive his Spirit." Jesus said the same words on the Cross, "Father into your hands I commend my Spirit." (Lk 23:46) He also said to the Good thief, "Today you will be with me in paradise." (Lk 23:43). The saints don't sit around in the ground waiting for paradise. They go straight to heaven.

Paul says, "to be absent from the body is to be home with the Lord." (2 Cor 5:8) And finally the disciple John sees on the Island Patmos the souls of men beheaded for their testimony of Jesus Christ. (cf. Rev 20:4) Those who die in Christ Jesus are home with the Lord; awaiting the resurrection of their body at the end of time. This is the Communion of Saints.

On the day after Christmas, the Universal Church commemorates the Church's infancy, desire for God, becoming a dwelling place for God, the role of servants, and our destined eternal birthday -- all compacted together.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Politics of Optical Cross Connection (OCC)

A Parody of What the Homosexual Lobby did to Psychiatry in America in the 1970s

by Lawrence Fox 

Not too long ago, the American Optical Association (AOA) -- a team of experts on the operation of human eyes and the role of human vision as one critical perception of reality -- identified Optical Cross-Connection (OCC for short) as an inordinate condition; something which required examination, medical attention, and counselling.

Persons who were diagnosed with OCC could not distinguish between real "left" and real "right." In extreme cases, "left" and "right" blurred their perception of "‘centre." Obviously the condition known as OCC prevented a small percentage of persons from various forms of activities where optical left had to be absolutely left and optical right had to be absolutely right, while centre had to be absolutely centre.  

In many cases people with OCC were misunderstood and marginalised. Be that as it
may, movements were started within society to remove the stigma associated with OCC; along with other forms of diagnosed stigmas.

Pressure from such movements became so great that the AOA eventually voted (six to four) to remove language which identified, Optical Cross-Connection as an inordinate condition; something which required examination and medical attention.” This decision was not accepted by all opticians and so the debate continued.

This ruling was very perplexing to people who sensed and reasoned that optical left was indeed left, optical right was right. And centre was dead centre.

Some resistance emerged in society over the AOA decision. To overcome this resistance, rallies, sit-ins, and very vocal marches were held. It was not long before “scientific” journals and articles by AOA members were generated stating, “left is right and right is left when viewed in a mirror and therefore the notions of left and right are completely subjective in nature.” It was also argued that, “the eyes of insects -- cousins to humans -- optically collate scenery with no reference to left or right.

Given the greater number of insects in nature -- compared to other two eyed creatures -- research dictates that OCC should be considered not only normal but more than normal when compared with the number of two-eyed creatures possessing Direct Correlating Vision or DCV for short.

A growing number of OCC persons became members of the AOA; in fact, the ratio of OCC membership swelled within the ranks of the American Optical Association.

With this change in the quantitative ratio between OCC and normal persons, the AOA began to consult with various government agencies guiding them to make laws removing all forms of restrictions placed on OCC persons and to remove all perceived stigmas. 

In the mean time, AOA continued to hire people specifically sympathetic to the normalisation of OCC throughout the whole of human society.

As time moved on, state and federal governments passed laws restricting the publication of research journals which identified the origins of OCC, the difficulties associated with OCC and/or identified OCC as something treatable (able to be corrected). 

Opticians who specialised in the treatment of
OCC patients were categorised in a very negative light and even barred from AOA-sponsored events. OCC members of the AOA generated commentaries to support laws  directed against opticians who said OCC was treatable. 

Sometimes the persecuted opticians pushed back by saying these commentaries-- identifying OCC as normal -- were simply a form of circular polemics and not science. 

The battle continued. Within one generation, governments ended up installing mirrors on streets, buildings, and in libraries to help persons with “direct correlating vision” (or DCV for short) to view “reality” in the same manner as OCC persons. Signs were also installed stating, “Please watch were your step, your path may be crossed.”

This is a spoof of the American Psychological Association, which in the 1970s made the resolution that being gay was not a mental illness, that it was characterological, that is, it is related to personality and character. See 

A Child's Right to Mom and Dad: Why Kids of Gays Oppose Gay Adoption