Wednesday, February 19, 2014

THE HANDS OF THE HANDMAID: God Rocking in The Cradle

Legion of Mary

Dedicated to Mary Untier of Knots 

by Susan Fox
(The chief charism of the Legion of Mary is evangelization, and her members regard themselves as the mystical presence of Our Lady in the world. This was written during Peregrinatio Pro Christo, an adventure for Christ, in which legionaries traveled from all over the United States to do door-to-door evangelization for a full week in Anacortes, Wash.)

My Lady's hands are sewing
beauty in embroidered light,
quickly moving to the rhythm
that the cricket chirps tonight.

A life is slowly mended,
   a heart now turns to Christ;
another reaches as a child
for that Great Love so mild
that made us out of nothing,
good and perfect in His sight.

Through circumstances jumbled,
barking dogs and dreary rain,
Our Lady Untier of Knots,
Marian Image Beloved by Pope Francis
the evangelists stumbled, pressed on and
listened to a clear and simple refrain,
it was the living story, a thread
pulled from Our Lady’s brocade, 
her perfect witness
to the resurrection of the dead:
those caught in awful bondage,
scruples, sin and slavery --
now see their knots unwound!
Their lives a perfect melody!

Rejoice, oh Blessed Lady!
Touch our weary brow.
Put your hands on all the knotted hearts of Anacortes.
(Tell the angels to untie them.)

Take us home to heal,
reap the harvest,
reconcile and reveal
the thoughts of many houses,
the music of the Father,
God rocking in the cradle,
the Great Symphony.

My Lady's hands are gloried,
sewing beauty in the Light,
swiftly moving to the rumba
that the Father hums tonight.

Read more about Mary at:

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